Do the local police Hate on your NSX?

8 March 2006
Manhattan Beach, CA
I just wanted to see how the local police treat everyone out there driving their NSX's, tricked out or not... I just had to pull my NSX out of the police impound yard... I had a cop drink too much HATERADE that morning and he decided to mess with me when I was doing nothing illegal... How is this BS holding up in your town????:mad:
Nope, the police around here seem to be happy hassling young punks in Civics & the like for their fartcan exhausts, annoying sound systems, excessive tint, etc.

Fine with me. All I get from the sheriffs are the occasional wave but mostly ignored.
I just wanted to see how the local police treat everyone out there driving their NSX's, tricked out or not... I just had to pull my NSX out of the police impound yard... I had a cop drink too much HATERADE that morning and he decided to mess with me when I was doing nothing illegal... How is this BS holding up in your town????:mad:

There's gotta be more to the story. Care to give us some details on why your car was impounded? I dont get harassed by the local PD, Sherriffs , or CHP. Even with tinted windows and no front plate.
I have been followed and stopped on several occasions. No reason given, I have just been pulled aside and asked for documents and then they check the registration. Thats all! :mad:
I have been driving for almost 30 years and I did not even experience this much attention when I was young and streetracing my motorbike.

I have NEVER been stopped when cruising in my family-car (CR-V)

PS. I choose to believe that the real reason is to have a closer look on a really rare car.... :tongue: :biggrin:
I just wanted to see how the local police treat everyone out there driving their NSX's, tricked out or not... I just had to pull my NSX out of the police impound yard...that morning and he decided to mess with me when I was doing nothing illegal... How is this BS holding up in your town????:mad:

Been pulled over three times since since my landing here in Michigan :rolleyes:
The car sticks out like a sore thumb, has tints, and Florida plates.... But I think once they pulled me over, they realized I wasn't a drug dealer smuggling from Miami or whatnot.... so they've been pretty nice to me after the initial red-blue lights turned off. So guess they're not too bad here just that the car is like a spaceship to people o'er here yonder. ;) :tongue:
I had a cop drink too much HATERADE
That's hilarious!!
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I just wanted to see how the local police treat everyone out there driving their NSX's, tricked out or not... I just had to pull my NSX out of the police impound yard... I had a cop drink too much HATERADE that morning and he decided to mess with me when I was doing nothing illegal... How is this BS holding up in your town????:mad:

I am curious what reason he gave for impounding your car though. He could not just say, 'Hey...get out. I am taking this'. :confused:

I do have a friend who made some wisea$$ remarks to a police officer recently while being pulled over in his Lamborghini. As a consequence of smarting off the officer called the local police where he lives and said to pull him over and impound his car for anything he does....including his rear license plate not being mounted perfectly upright (which is impossible to do on a Diablo anyway). It all depends on the officer and the situation.

Personally, I have been pulled over TWICE on the highway for going 5 mph over, while being PASSED by cars going 10-15 mph faster than I was. Both times resulted in a ticket. Both times it was pretty obvious that the NSX was the reason I got pinched.
I am curious what reason he gave for impounding your car though. He could not just say, 'Hey...get out. I am taking this'. :confused:

I do have a friend who made some wisea$$ remarks to a police officer recently while being pulled over in his Lamborghini. As a consequence of smarting off the officer called the local police where he lives and said to pull him over and impound his car for anything he does....including his rear license plate not being mounted perfectly upright (which is impossible to do on a Diablo anyway). It all depends on the officer and the situation.

Personally, I have been pulled over TWICE on the highway for going 5 mph over, while being PASSED by cars going 10-15 mph faster than I was. Both times resulted in a ticket. Both times it was pretty obvious that the NSX was the reason I got pinched.

Dan's car ?!? Did they impound it? That's ridiculous! :rolleyes:
I think it probably has to do more with you being an attractive female driving a nice car. The word is out on you Mermi-you'll continue to get pulled over as the word spreads amoung the cops. :cool: But if its a female officer you WILL get a ticket for something.

I have yet to be pulled over in the NSX.

Been pulled over three times since since my landing here in Michigan :rolleyes:
The car sticks out like a sore thumb, has tints, and Florida plates.... But I think once they pulled me over, they realized I wasn't a drug dealer smuggling from Miami or whatnot.... so they've been pretty nice to me after the initial red-blue lights turned off. So guess they're not too bad here just that the car is like a spaceship to people o'er here yonder. ;) :tongue:

That's hilarious!!
I have out of state tags, and in 10 months and 4500 miles of driving the NSX, I haven't had a problem with the local police either, and I don't baby the car, although I stay within 5 mph of limit, come to complete stops, and don't do stupid stuff in the car. In fact, I tend to get more attention/trouble with my modified Subarus:rolleyes:

So far in the NSX I've been stopped twice. Once for talking on my cell while driving, and the officer let me go, saying, "If you're in a car like this, what's $50 for a bluetooth?":tongue:

Second time was last month when I got pointed at (to stop) by an officer directing traffic who asked what state my vehicle is registered in (NJ requires a front plate). When I informed him, he said, "Nice car!" and sent me on my merry way.:smile:

Overall, I'm pleasantly surprised about the lack of police attention I get around here. I'm sure it helps that this is an affluent area where nice cars are relatively common (not necessarily NSXs), but I think the most important factor is the obvious: responsible driving.
I just wanted to see how the local police treat everyone out there driving their NSX's, tricked out or not... I just had to pull my NSX out of the police impound yard... I had a cop drink too much HATERADE that morning and he decided to mess with me when I was doing nothing illegal... How is this BS holding up in your town????:mad:

Did this happen in Manhattan Beach (within the 3 square mile city limit)? They are usually VERY tolerant of nice cars....... It's such a small city, too many people know the mayor...... I live in Beverly Hills near the main shopping district and I usually never leave this area (only because everything is nearby, kinda like manhattan beach). If I go anywhere it might be as far as West Hollywood to the east, or a cut through Bel Air, Brentwood, Pacific Palisades and Malibu to the west. I find that as long as I am driving NORMAL and not doing anything STUPID (excessive speeding, quick lane switcing, etc..) the local police will NEVER, EVER (so far at least) mess with me for no reason, EVER. I've literally had BH motorcycle cops drive right next to me in traffic, no problem. Mind you I have a red NSX, NSX-R wing, JGTC exhaust with test pipes and headers. This is a loud setup, and the car draws a LOT of attention and i'm only 22, yet they don't pick me out. I think it may be due to the fact that there are soooooooooooo many nice cars around here. So many that I don't even take a second look at cars that I used to go nuts over when I saw. Also it's hard to "profile" young kids in nice cars since there are so many and often times they know it's pointless because a lot of these kids live in the area and don't really care if they get a ticket. Basicly if you get pulled over you did something to deserve it. This has taught me to drive more responsibly, go figure........

On the other hand... The only time I get pulled over is when I leave my "safety zone." Garden Grove police are very good at pulling me over for no reason..... Also CHP officers, especially motorcycle cops, seem to get a power trip when they pull me over on the freeway, which also happens quite frequently... Let me remind you I drive like a freaking grandpa 95% of the time, and haven't been pulled over during the other 5%. My last incident involved me driving 70, yes 70, in the left lane next to carpool and this asshole pulls up in the carpool lane, paces me for about a minute, looks into my car and stares at me, and finally pulls me over. The only thing he can think of is for having a modified exhaust. I know it's loud when I rev it but cruising at 3000 rpm? Come on.......... His motorcycle was louder. Go f**k yourself officer........

Point is, driving a car like this has it's pros and cons. One of those being that it draws a lot of attention and people get jealous, including police officers.....
After that Bo Stefan Eriksson crashed his Enzo down the street from me: I started getting pulled over once a week for about three months after the crash.

Now I get pulled over once a month for a "courtesy check" for gawd knows what. "Yes, I live here, this is my car and no I don't own a stake in Tiger Telematics."

The Malibu city council has mandated that "all high performance cars" be slated for special scrutiny and enforcement. You literally cannot exceed the speed limit if you are in a real sports car or you will be drawn out of the pack.
Prior to "Ferrari Man" crashing his Ferrari, I was completely ignored.

I laugh in amazement as 9,000 pound SUV drive past me at 75 MPH, weaving in/out of lanes and the police just wave----not on their mandate.

Ahh, the pleasures of small town community policing....

After that Bo Stefan Eriksson crashed his Enzo down the street from me: I started getting pulled over once a week for about three months after the crash.

Now I get pulled over once a month for a "courtesy check" for gawd knows what. "Yes, I live here, this is my car and no I don't own a stake in Tiger Telematics."

The Malibu city council has mandated that "all high performance cars" be slated for special scrutiny and enforcement. You literally cannot exceed the speed limit if you are in a real sports car or you will be drawn out of the pack.
Prior to "Ferrari Man" crashing his Ferrari, I was completely ignored.

I laugh in amazement as 9,000 pound SUV drive past me at 75 MPH, weaving in/out of lanes and the police just wave----not on their mandate.

Ahh, the pleasures of small town community policing....


Wow, I didn't know Malibu had that problem. But then again I only go over there on Tuesdays for Taco Tuesday at Dukes :biggrin:
Caught on Video! MUST SEE!

Cop pulls over former NSX owner.

Click HERE
There's gotta be more to the story. Care to give us some details on why your car was impounded? I dont get harassed by the local PD, Sherriffs , or CHP. Even with tinted windows and no front plate.

Please have your front plate on if you happen to drive through Minnesota. It is required by MN traffic law here. I got ticket for it once but luckily the lady Hearing Officer had dismissed my ticket.:smile:
I live in West Palm Beach FL and there are plenty of highend cars to harass... And my NSX gets no shortage of harassment. I drive it to work every day... you'd think the cops enroute would get used to seeing it. But they will change 4 lanes of traffic, almost cause an accident to get behind me... Then follow so close that I can't even see their head lights. Its a scene right out of "Super Troopers" on a regular basis all around PB county. Its crazy!!! I can tool along at 5mph under and officer Bob will pace me in my blind spot...
Got pulled over 4 times from May to September. Last 3 times were in less than 2 weeks in the same town!

1st time I was actually speeding. Was heading home from Houston to Colorado on her maiden voyage with me!

2nd time was in my home town in september. 1st week back since moving. Tried to say I was racing, when I was lined up at the light with semi trucks on both sides! Threatened to impound my car for "LOOKS LIKE you're taking off from the light too fast", because traffic just fell back quickly. They're slow semi's dummy!

3rd time 1 week later same town, I was pulling out of my driveway and just driving down the road. Speed limit was 40. My bestfriend watched as I pulled awaydown the road and saw the cop down the street round the corner than give chase. Cop pulls me over and asks "In a hurry? LOOKS LIKE you're going awefully fast. I WOULD give you a ticket for speeding but I'm in the middle of a search for a missing child." He never even got out of his car, just drove up along side me when I pulled over. Eventually jackass left. Bestfriend said from his view I wasn't speeding or taking off fast and I wasn't! He didn't even see how the cop could have judged my speed or acceleration from how far back the corner where he came from was.

4th time 3 days later same town, someone almost rear ends me at the bar in his big ass H2. So I got the hell outta there. I had 1 beer in 3 hours+ when I first got there. So dummy proceeds to try to chase me. I keep it cool and he follows me.... close. So at the next light, I manage to get behind him and keep my distance but we proceed at 5-10 mph down a major road. Cop pulls us both over. Cop goes up to SUV speaks to him, and lets him go (???) at the spot. Comes back and goes "That man claims to be the owner of the establishment you were both at. He says you were driving erratically and was worried about his patrons and thinks you're drunk." So I answer the usually BS questions, tell the truth about my one beer. "LOOKS LIKE you've had a bit too much." Proceeds to give me a FST which is nearly impossible even when sober because you're already shaking from being nervous you'll fail. I pass with flying colors even though he did make me do it TWICE and passed each time! Before he sends me off on my way, threatens AGAIN to impound my car if "I ever catch you driving like a jackass". F#cking douche! Think the H2 guy being white and older had ALOT to do with it too.

I was never ever disrespectful or short with them. I was just fed up so I didn't kiss the officer's ass or try any sort of buttering up.

That's why my car now only comes out once ever 2 weeks or so. And when I do, I head straight for the next county!

I think the cops like those wheels u have on your ride.. You should get rid of them and your car will never be impounded again..LOL

Was there any damage from towing?
Hey Davis,

Sorry to hear about what had happened...Why did they need to impound your car? Did you ever had problem getting pulled over with your Lambo? I live next door (redondo beach) to you but the cops haven't pulled me over yet. I have avery loud exhaust, no front plates... I have a Michigan License Plate though..


I just wanted to see how the local police treat everyone out there driving their NSX's, tricked out or not... I just had to pull my NSX out of the police impound yard... I had a cop drink too much HATERADE that morning and he decided to mess with me when I was doing nothing illegal... How is this BS holding up in your town????:mad:
Not a problem here in San Francisco...or LA where I picked the car. Just yesterday I was going around 80 in the fast line with a 911 behind me and all of a sudden he slows down to 65 - 60 and I immediatedly do the same. At that point I see a motorbike (CHP) speeding down the slow land and then changes lanes right next to me, paces me for a few seconds and then pulls over the SUV (HA HAA HAA) in front of him (about 1/4 away).

I believe the SUV was going 70.....
No problem here in Hawaii. Since I picked up the NSX in 2003, I haven't been stopped at all and never gotten any tickets. My car isn't exactly stock and legal either, but they don't bother me. Only once while on an NSX night cruise did a few NSX owners get stopped simply because they had after market exhausts and earlier that night a large bunch of ricers were making trouble and the locals called the Police. When we rolled through we were just in the wrong place at the right time.