I Can Handle The Truth

I think the perfect car for you is a Z06 for many reasons and most girls dont know the difference between a corvette and an Nsx anyway.

Also most girls don't know the difference between an NSX and Ferrari/Lambo/oth exotic. Or at least in the midwest they don't. The front Acura symbol gives it away but most cars wind up behind you. :)

And the beer the redneck is drinking looks a lot like Fat Tire.
Also most girls don't know the difference between an NSX and Ferrari/Lambo/oth exotic. Or at least in the midwest they don't. The front Acura symbol gives it away but most cars wind up behind you. :)


here in Indy almost nobody know what the NSX is. 20 to 1 everyone thinks its a Vette or Lambo (cause its yellow) Ive only had a few people even talk to me about it in my 3 years of having it, and aside from younger guys nobody has a clue about it. The Acura tech says when he drives it he gets alotta looks though, wouldnt know I watch the road when I drive.....and only a tool looks around to see whos looking at him.

Its a lil different with the Diablo. From my passengers apparently everyone in cars or sidewalks gazes at it as I go by, but only younger guys ever talk to me about it. And thats limited to "nice car" so fare.

Here in Indy no girls have ever really expressed any interest in eighter, which is great for me since I have no interest in those kinds of "ladys".......I get more attention in my Dodge Ram lol
Whats a Contach? :tongue:

Also how would that female who jumps into the "Contach" feel when the guy tells her it was a Fiero replica.

Same as the guy in the "Contach" feels when he finds out it's a female replica?:biggrin:
Thanks everyone for your replies to my post --I didn't think it would even be at the top 5 for this long---Anyway, NO Cane Corsos are not violent by any means I think the dogs that attacked that lady were presas. any who, I have no problem selling my pups---anyone can come out to my place, touch pet, and play with my dogs no problem. I think any rare breed--will get the bad rap---it's just because the general public will not have any info on the dog's temperment so they just make some stuff up..I think that is dead wrong. Just because a dog is large doesn't mean he is crazy:eek: ----I didn't want to turn this post into a dog decussion, I get all the attention in the world when I go to pet smart----I am deciding on my NSX!! that's it...lol But since we are talking about pups---this is the best dog for kids bar-none. And just like the NSX you'll never know until you own one:biggrin: So all the opinions in the world about this breed will render false unless you have had personal experience with the breed...Just like I don't know which car I want NSX or Supra... eventhough I am leaning toward NSX....check out my site and sign my guest book---www.freewebs.com/bluexl--- show a future NSX owner some love----and quit bashing my pups....lol

And once again I thank everyone for the replies and the feedback ---I truely appreicate it---we made it threw the post without anyone throwing rocks at eachother....Happy motoring----and it doesn't matter what you ride.....it's all about the rider.

Oh yea boobage wasn't that important.....lol I have a motorcycle for that...:cool:

Train, get the NSX, be passionate to the NSX has you are with your pups, Study about the NSX, learn why it is a very special car in the auto industry, how it effected every single sports car maker after it was built in 1990............then learn how to drive it well...but on a track event..where you can hit that Vtec and to the redline..and where you can take the corners and feel why they built the NSX.....learn it well, you will find yourself one of the closes thing to a race car, it has race like car view, race like car stance, race car like redline, race car like handling....race care like scream to redline.

once you do this, like your pups, you have something that is that special....and to those that say, NSX aren't fast, only wish they had and NSX

and if anyone that does beat you on the straights, just wait for that corner, or twist and wave good bye to them has they spin off the road with all their HP with them....
...and you will be at the end of the road before they do...and they will ask you...hey, what do you have in that thing? you will laugh that he has some 100 more HP then you, but you kicked his butt anyways...with good skill that is.

get the NSX, take pictures with your pups sitting in the seats :smile: and post it back to us.
Dayyumm! If you need car to get 'laid'.... that's flippin' sad!! I'd run from anyone who'd give it up due to the car a man drove... pfft!

At first glance, you know nothing about a man... a woman will usually make certain assumptions based on how a guy looks, dresses, walks, and... what he drives. I am almost certain Mermi, that you would have two different initial impresions of a guy driving an F430 versus a Dodge Caravan.

Not every girl is knowledgable like you... and the NSX's exotic looks provides an initial illusion of financial success to someone who does not know one can be had for 20K. This is why many guys covet its ownership.

Problem occurs when the owner thinks that will substitute for real attributes, but there are always enough dumb girls to keep him swimming in his delusion for a while.

As long as the second impression is better than the first, it's always advantageous to make a good first impression... because with many women, that is all you'll get.

Perhaps this is what the O.P. meant to say, but instead he said "Boobage"... lol..
At first glance, you know nothing about a man... a woman will usually make certain assumptions based on how a guy looks, dresses, walks, and... what he drives. I am almost certain Mermi, that you would have two different initial impresions of a guy driving an F430 versus a Dodge Caravan.

Not every girl is knowledgable like you... and the NSX's exotic looks provides an initial illusion of financial success to someone who does not know one can be had for 20K. This is why many guys covet its ownership.

Problem occurs when the owner thinks that will substitute for real attributes, but there are always enough dumb girls to keep him swimming in his delusion for a while.

As long as the second impression is better than the first, it's always advantageous to make a good first impression... because with many women, that is all you'll get.

Perhaps this is what the O.P. meant to say, but instead he said "Boobage"... lol..

Basically this is a good example from up-market branding for those that have had a marketing class. Even if people know the NSX isn't a Ferrari/Lambo/other exotic, it has styling like those exotics did at the time, so aesthetically, it gets associated with them in some sense. As those are products targetted to a much higher income segment of the market, this is a positive association.

Nothing wrong with up-market brand associations, that and the limited production of the car are likely what keeps the resale values up. This is also why every luxury car maker has an entry-level model that is similar in function to their lower brand's high level model but costs a few k more: you get the brand association of the luxury brand attached to your car.
A stock 97+ NSX can run low 13's (I *think* some even broke 12's), how much faster do you have to be in stock form? That's on par with Evo's, STI's, M3's, Supras etc in stock form.

Plus keep in mind, the NSX is NOT a drag racing car like a Mustang or Camaro would be.
I know a lot of Cars can beat the NSX, and while I don't own one, I still love one. I'll admit I have wavered from time to time, but the moment I see a NSX I fall in love with the car all over again. I don't want this car for Straightline speed. I have seen what this car can do on a track. I got to ride in a 91 Comptech SCed NSX at Road Atlanta during the Peachtree BMW Driving School. That just made me want the car even more. I agree with everyone here, If you want the car for 1/4 mile drag racing or street racing Maybe you should look elsewhere.
At first glance, you know nothing about a man... a woman will usually make certain assumptions based on how a guy looks, dresses, walks, and... what he drives. I am almost certain Mermi, that you would have two different initial impresions of a guy driving an F430 versus a Dodge Caravan.

Not every girl is knowledgable like you... and the NSX's exotic looks provides an initial illusion of financial success to someone who does not know one can be had for 20K. This is why many guys covet its ownership.

Problem occurs when the owner thinks that will substitute for real attributes, but there are always enough dumb girls to keep him swimming in his delusion for a while.

As long as the second impression is better than the first, it's always advantageous to make a good first impression... because with many women, that is all you'll get.

Perhaps this is what the O.P. meant to say, but instead he said "Boobage"... lol..


.. but gotta add one thing: although indeed one will instinctively make an assessment of how one is dressed, driving, presenting themselves, etc. . . . . this (at least to me) makes me think no more or less of either. Yeesh.... I know many very wealthy people who clearly choose to drive economy cars and dress like an everyday worker... and I also know people who are financially pent up yet lease and spend paycheck to paycheck to project this 'wealthy' facade. You never really know!! :) But I hear exactly what you're saying above, and concur * ;)
HI --- THIS for all NSX Lovers---I have to be the biggest fan---I had my first NSX sighting in 1993---and I was hooked ever since---I knew I would get one sooner or later:::Which brings me here--I have been reading forums for months deciding on year/color/ etc. Now I have graduated form college, got my first "real" job, I also breed dogs (CANE CORSOS) let me know if you want a puppy--and I am READY!!! for my first NSX--The only problem I am having is I never hear anyone talk about how fast an NSX is...I haven't driven one before and I hear a lot of crap about them being slower than a lot of stock cars. ie ford mustang gt, camero z-28, corvette, bmw m-5, I don't mind paying to be different because I would rather have an NSX and be quick than a mustang and look like everyone else and be fast!!...BUT DAMN IT I wanna beat someone on the road----55k I need some tire burn'N, loud pipe'N, good corner'N, tight brake'N, make your friends jealous, Targa top'N, Fast and the Furious, every girl with big boobs wanna take a ride'N, NASTY ACCELERATION!!!!! NSX

I am also planning on the super charger and custom pipes for my NSX project---

BE honest if I want some scary speed and performance am I bark'N up the wrong tree---- should I get a turbo Supra instead..

Thank you in advanced :biggrin:

I'm looking at a Bull Mastif or French Mastiff....can you point me in the right direction? Also if you know of any reputable GSD breeders, near San Francisco.
The early cars can easily be made to be as fast or faster than the later cars and have more modification potential being OBD-I. Stock, the gearing difference is far more significant than the 20hp. The 20hp is largely eaten up by the extra weight of the NSX-T over the early coupe. The gearing is much more of an issue 0-60 than 60-160. I would love a 6spd/3.2, but the coupes are hard to find in other than the red Zanardis. Some day I may buy a Zanardi and paint it Sebring Silver.

The NSX and the M3 are surprisingly similar in their tight, direct steering feel, with the advantage going to the early NSXs unboosted steering at speed. The NSX gearbox is far superior in feel and throw to the BMW unit, even after a UUC SSK and DSSR. The S54 is my favorite I6 and the C30A/C32B is my favorite V6. Both love to rev, the NSX even more so, but with a little less low-end torque. It is nothing like an S2000, however. The NSX has decent torque.

My 1993 NSX was at least as reliable as my M3 over the same 30k mile period, with significantly more overall miles (40k). These are the ultimate Hondas and they were built to an incredible standard by the cream of their work force. These cars will be around for a long time. The NSX was a rare moment in automotive history.

Driving the two is more different than their performance statistics would suggest. I find them roughly equal at higher speeds, whether a modified early NSX coupe or a later 6spd/3.2 97+, with the M3 getting a slight nod in the 0-60. They are very competitive on a road course. I was a few MPH faster in the M3 vs. my NSX on the longer straights, but the NSX was a bit faster through the more technical portions.

The experience in the NSX is much more exotic. One is mistaken for driving a Ferrari or correctly identified as driving an NSX. Photos may be taken. People may come up to you and ask you questions about your 'new' car, whether it is a 2005 or a 1991.

The driving position is low. Your eyes are at the level of the rear license plate of the M3. Your roof line is below the side mirrors of larger vehicles. The intake is behind your head in addition to the exhaust. It is an exotic experience, but the car is so well engineered that it can do the daily driver duty that an M3 does. There are some folks that strap on the snow tires and drive them year round. But most people seem to feel compelled to limit where they drive it and where they park it. My former 1993 had 100k miles and no door dings.

People forget what an amazing race car the NSX makes. You would think the Real Time GT championships in the 1990s and the impressive GT-2 win and top 10 finish at Le Mans, to say nothing of the JGTC cars, would be enough.

If the NSX shift is like the S2000 than I agree. I used to own an S2000 along with y E46 M3 with UUC SSK and the shortshift kit sucks and pales in comparison