Why take a NSX over a SupraTT?

Not everyone wants a dyno queen or needs massive HP to impress themselves. Some of us actually like to get out and drive.

Why not buy a '68 camaro with a 454 stuffed in it...much more potential for power....etc etc...apples and oranges my friend.

People do drive Supras.... just look at the kills that they conduct on delicate NSX preys ;)

68 Camaros handling attributes are shy Shamu the Supdawg
pic the supra if you like straightline speed and drag racing. NSX if you love corners. rx7's are really fast out of the box but a modded NSX is tough to beat.

Big part in your decision should rest on whether you like MR cars or FR.
I think you guys are really selling the Supra short in handling. I've been an avid follower of Doug Hayashi's NSXfiles.com site for years, and many years back one car that was regularly beating his CT supercharged NSX in wheel to wheel was Jovo's (inventor of the GTECH) Supra.

drove a supra before I bought my NSX. I wasn't a fan of the supra, mainly because I really like road-racing. I and most people tend to think supra = japanese muscle car, you buy one for power not handling. But I was really surprised when I drove my friend's car, yes it is bulky but you don't feel that when driving the car on turns, it feels balanced tnough ofcourse not as balanced as the NSX right-out of the box. I have no doubt that with little bolt-ons in the suspension, it can be really competitive in the track. And besides, I've seen supra's in the track and can really be fast.

I just prefer the NSX, exclusive, timeless design, a sports-car. Yes it is slow, a civic can whoop our cars in the freeway and yes it will be embarassing. But we didn't buy one for speed did we??!?

There is a place in Baltimore where everyone used to go to race, it is a park and ride ramp (no cars at night). I pulled in with my NSX and immediately a guy in a Supra started talking trash about my NSX. I ignored it for awhile and finally asked him if he wanted to race. He laughed and said sure, he said his car runs in the high 9's and said he will show everyone what a piece of shit my car was. I heated up the nitrous for a few minutes without him knowing and said lets go. I beat him by a car and a half (BTW, my car runs mid 10's on turbos and nitrous).

My point is that anything can be made to go fast in a straight line, it comes down to looks for me and the Supra doesn't really do anything for me. I guess that is why they make so many different cars.

The question of why take a NSX over a Supra is a dumb question on a NSX forum. We have all bought NSX's because we love the looks and handling of the car.
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Supras handle quite well.
I have to disagree with you there. Many Supra owners road race their cars.

I think 'many' might be an over-statement. 'Some' would be more accurate. I recall pictures from Andi's at One Lap - and I have no doubt there are a handful of owners - particularly down in Cali - that make a grand appearance here and there. If you dig through the "Road Racing & Autocross" section on the Supra Forums (which BTW, seems to be the only section that is discernible as English) you will learn that even those that do- stick to long tracks that favor high hp cars so they can 'blast down the straight'. Again, owners simply gravitating towards their platform's strengths.

My direct experience in my PNW region... as unless there is another race track around here that I don't know about.. I don't know where they are taking them. Their aren't that many to begin with in the hands of enthusiasts, and I have never once heard of the Supra Club of America renting out a facility or arranging so much as a DE day, that's for sure. If I want to spot a modified Supra I know to go to 711 Friday nights at 11PM, the weekend late night drags, or a car show.

The Supra is heavy, but handles very well on the track.

It is all relative. AMG and Audi sedan owners feel the same way. The MKIV actually came in on the 'lighter' side during this era of grand touring sports cars having employed magnesium, aluminum, and sported about 200lbs of weight reduction measures to help offset the heavy iron block, luxury amenities, and added complexity of the sequential turbos and other electronics. It is quoted as being 3478lbs, an advantage over the VR4 which was 3760lbs for the coupe and 3995lbs for the spyder in large part due to the RWD layout over an AWD system. To a slightly lesser extent with the re-badged Stealth due to the active aero, 4 wheel steering, and other needless shit being removed. The target demographic were retired owners over 55 making over 70K a year at the time- that is in the marketing brochure by the way.

The most significant problem for the current crop of road race enthusiasts tracking them isn't as much handling, as heat management and reliability of that Getrag drive train. In Japan they are often considered to be close rivals with the R34's. However, do keep the discussion contrained. The BMI video is comparing a modified one with A048's and healthy re-working in the hands of a JGTC driver.

During your ownership, have you had a chance to take your Supra to the road course?

Like most of us in our teens, I had zero knowledge of road courses or track days or driving schools when I had mine. Engine tuning parts were just starting to even become available at that time. Luckily all these years later, ride alongs and more recently instructing have given me a broader perspective in motor sports.

I know that a 800rwhp tuner Supra isn't going to do a lot for me aside from giving me a lot of maintenance headaches. Prize it for what it is good for, then pick your poison. As Eric mentioned, personally if I wanted to kill something in the straights I would use a classic American Big Block, which would arrive on my door step fully built with a blower, for far less than the cost of a used MKIV with a body kit.
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Both cars are similar in reliability and build quality, but they are different in other areas.


Really, I really didn't notice it.... What makes you say that?
That's surprising. I get about 4-5 mpg more on my S2000 than NSX. I guess that's another AP1 vs. AP2 difference.
That is my fault. My driving style:smile:. I like to get up and go. With S2K that means WOT and VTEC a lot. In NSX I rarely use anything past 5k rpm. I am going to try to shift at 3k rpm and see how many miles I can get out of 1tank.
People do drive Supras.... just look at the kills that they conduct on delicate NSX preys ;)

Kills? I didn't realized people driving supra's were killing people. I'm not up to snuff on my drag racing lingo, I sold my Mustangs when I was a teenager.

I guess my NSX kills supra's daily on looks alone...doesn't that count, or do I have to whip out my penis because my car isn't fast enough in a straight line? I don't get it...as John said, you don't see to many at the track (just as you won't see a ton of NSX's at the 1/4 mile track)

Bottom line, I don't think most of us care who's car is faster...and I would hardly let it get to me if someone tried to tell me otherwise.

So, if your argument continues to be "Well, the Supra is faster", then I hate to tell ya, it isn't going to make me want one...

Apples and Oranges...
I think 'many' might be an over-statement. 'Some' would be more accurate. I recall pictures from Andi's at One Lap - and I have no doubt there are a handful of owners - particularly down in Cali - that make a grand appearance here and there. If you dig through the "Road Racing & Autocross" section on the Supra Forums (which BTW, seems to be the only section that is discernible as English) you will learn that even those that do- stick to long tracks that favor high hp cars so they can 'blast down the straight'. Again, owners simply gravitating towards their platform's strengths.

My direct experience in my PNW region... as unless there is another race track around here that I don't know about.. I don't know where they are taking them. Their aren't that many to begin with in the hands of enthusiasts, and I have never once heard of the Supra Club of America renting out a facility or arranging so much as a DE day, that's for sure. If I want to spot a modified Supra I know to go to 711 Friday nights at 11PM, the weekend late night drags, or a car show.

It used to be a bit different around here. Unfortunately, the Supra became a favorite among the younger crowd who enjoy drag racing on a local highway as opposed to road racing at a nearby course. The Supra crowd in my area (northeast) used to participate together at track days in the Poconos. It wasn't unusual to have 10-12 Supras at the road course. Times have changed and many of these Supra owners have sold their cars and moved on with their lives. By many, I don't mean the majority. However, given the small number of Supra Turbo owners in this area, I would say a good proportion of them are involved in road racing to some degree.

Look up a guy by the username "quick" on Supraforums. He's from the Seattle area and hasn't seen many NSXs on the roadcourse. As I have no direct experience road racing, he might be able to provide more insight as to road racing events, etc.

As for those people who modify their Supras with huge turbos for big power, I don't understand them. My car is basically untouched as far as modifications go.

I'm not the best person to defend the Supra since I'm not very mechanically-inclined or have road-racing experience. I just felt that it was unfair that many of you were dismissing the Supra as junk without ever having the opportunity to drive one.
No one here is saying the Supra is junk. It is a very solid car. But the topic is why take nsx over supra?

Trust me I have look at buying rx7, supra, skyline and nsx. You can see I made the right choice. :wink:
No one here is saying the Supra is junk. It is a very solid car. But the topic is why take nsx over supra?

Trust me I have look at buying rx7, supra, skyline and nsx. You can see I made the right choice. :wink:

Not everyone, but a few people here have posted their opinions.

I get the same crap on other boards when they call the NSX a "hooked up Accord." I dont understand why car enthusiasts can't appreciate cars for what they were designed for.

I would pick the NSX because I like mid-engine cars. I like the way they drive, the way the engine sounds over my shoulder, the way they look, etc.
NSX can be modded too if we want power. But let's just compare stock vs stock other than similar hp.

Plus's for NSX

  • NSX is already low in height
  • Almost fully leather
  • Expensive material used as body constuction
  • Don't need big 4$$ wing to look nice
  • Don't need FI to achive 280bhp
  • Very good history of how it was made by Honda
  • Please add more
Yes it is slow, a civic can whoop our cars in the freeway and yes it will be embarassing.

Wow man, your NSX must not be running well, mine walks on new C6's.
Look up a guy by the username "quick" on Supraforums. He's from the Seattle area and hasn't seen many NSXs on the roadcourse. As I have no direct experience road racing, he might be able to provide more insight as to road racing events, etc.

I would say that is always accurate.

- Both import cars were expensive and are relatively rare to begin with.

- Out of all of the car clubs (Lotus, BMW, Porsche, Audi, etc...) there is only a fraction of the members with the desire and means to road race their vehicles on a regular basis. I'll water down 'regular' all the way down to even say '3 or greater' minor or '1 major' club event per year.

- Out of that small data subset, an even smaller portion might have significantly modified their vehicle in a positive way.

- Out of that small subset, you might find a guy that has a valid SCCA license, passed class tech, and spent his money on an AMB transponder instead of a shift light.

- Out of that data point, it is a tall order to then make it through an entire season and come out shining in some meaningful or comparative way.

Thus, my challenge would be... are there enough data points to even care in any traditional context? The thread pertains to the platform advantages of a Supra vs. the NSX. Inevitably, which is going to be faster on a road course - even assuming an equalized playing field using sanctioned rules -more than likely is going to come down more to driver, track, and car setup (tech skills/money) more than anything else. Too many variables, thus what remains to be proved? What is there really left to compare?

I tend to think that the ultimate issue is this. We tend to have an older audience on prime and thus can actually have good quality discussions here such as this one. One day the kids on the supra forums will grow up, read their posts they wrote from ten years before about quicky marts and cops, and say to themselves "wow, I really sounded stupid back then." :rolleyes:

Hopefully by which point are 401K's will be worth something, and we'll have the new the new 2017 Ferrari 799 Super Marshmallow to compensate for our dimished skills in old age. So, we'll still be faster. :biggrin:
This thread was trolling right from the start. No one buys a good looking, good running, well maintained NSX ,that wasn't improperly modded, and says " that was dumb, I should of bought a Supra, what did I do?"
This mentality is what we are going to see for a few years until they grow up and/or move on.
We own a car that is a timeless benchmark in design and execution. There is no need to ask the question posed by this thread. You don't own a NSX for any one part of it's incredible character, but for the sum of the parts. If you need to ask "why" you don't get it.
Why a 308 over a Corvette? Why a TR4A over a Z3? Why a NSX over a SupraTT?
Because it is a CLASSIC and it will always be recognized as such.

Buy your Colt 45. I'm buying Cognac.
You get more cans.
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