Why are NSXs so slow to sell?

Anyone have any advice for me on shocks or clutch type?

Thanks guys

Congrats, Tim!

I like OEM clutch and I don't think you can go wrong with it. Stay away from Exedy which I hate with a strong passion.
I used Eibach springs and stock shocks on my 2001. I love this combo.
I have Bilsteins on low perch with stock springs on my black one. Love it too. Eibach looks better though.
I just bought my 91 about 2.5 months ago, and love it. It came with a fair number of mods, headers, exhaust, bbk, short shifter, sway bars, lower springs, shocks, wheels. All things that make the car fun to drive, and look good (maybe a bit loud for my taste but it's ok). I, like Tim, also took my car to an NSX Pro (Ben at Daisy Import in Woodbine MD) and dropped about 5k to replace all belts, hoses, gaskets, sensors, TB, WP, alternator, little, this and little that, all things to bring a 18 year old car back as close to new as possible, money well spent, in my opinion. The money spent on the mods from previous owners was never recouped (I spent about what I would have spent on any 91 in that condition mods or no), and mods were not a large factor in the decision to buy. I bought it because it had a very clean car fax, 80k miles, an almost perfect body except for some rock chips, inside 7-8 easily fixable to 9.5, it was local not 100's of miles away from me, and price. All the mods can be removed and replaced with stock, so I am now on a 5 year mission I call "Stock in a Box" and as I find the stock parts at good prices in good condition to replace the mods I will buy them and put them away for safe keeping or to be put on as the mods fail or not. I hope never to sell, but never say never, and if I don’t do it, then some one after me will have the option to return it to stock As far as an investment goes, "Not". Now seem to be a good time to buy as prices are low, but they could go lower. 91-94 seem to have most of the depreciation wrung out of them, but they are still a money-losing proposition. With maintenance cost, insurance and storage not to mention any depreciation you might as well just go dig a hole in the ground and put your money in. You will almost certainly never recover all the money you put in it, even if prices go up over time. There are many worse financial decisions, but it is not an investment. That said I much prefer driving, looking at, and showing my friends my NSX, and knowing I have something rare and truly special, as apposed to my hole in the ground.:smile:

To prove a point on springs - you have no point! I already have the stock OEM springs that came on my car which are going back on as we speak. I'll sell em to you for 250 or anyone else that might want them. If you don't need them why on earth would you make such a silly offer.

However, your point is actually well put - mods you make to your car will not be recouped unless they are necessary maintenance issues/upkeep unless you find some young guy that is convinced as you must be that your car needs help and more performance and a real nice stiffer ride so you can enjoy street driving and the looks of your own car.

Most onlookers wouldn't know the difference in a lowered car vs a stock ride height. Anyone that uses the NSX as a daily driver at all would most lilely after a while get tired of that "stiff" ride anyway. It takes someone that wants a "ride" for a purpose as in track performance. Unless all your roads are perfect where you live and none are really.

It's all for the individual. No cars really unless kept off the road would be candidates for collectors - with everything perfect - interior, paint, low miles, really low miles. Even then NSXs are for a particular group of folks. When the economy picks up these cars will find more buyers. Still the ones that will have the best chance of selling are those that are well maintained - no matter what's been done to them. Still OEM will rule as it always does unless you are lucky enough to find someone that really knows and likes the mods you have made, even then they'll want your car for OEM price! So when anyone takes on mods - do them for yourself , not resale.

The NSX will however one day if not already be regarded as an art form not merely an automobile. It is one of the most significant cars ever built for mass consumption - even at 8500 + cars imported here. We are the privledged few that own these cars that understand what others may be missing. In the end just having one is great and they're all good!

Why would I make such an offer? Because chances are my stock springs and struts are going to sit in my garage collecting dust until the end of days before eventually ending up in a landfill but I would have no problem selling a set of Eibach's locally and $100 buys a few tanks of gas. Sounds like a no brainer to me.

I drive my car daily as I am sure many others here with lowered cars do. I don't find the ride at all uncomfortable. Sure it's not 1970's Cadillac soft but definitely isn't spine jarring. The added benefit is that the car no longer rolls and wallows around corners.

I agree completely when you say to do the mods for yourself and not resale because, as I stated before, you will not recover more than a fraction of what you paid for the mods. But the mods WILL still add some value to the car - the more valuable the mod the more the increase in value to the car.

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