Why are COPS such little people?

just saw this little police car camera clip. i must say i am a little angered by it. :mad:

are we, as taxpaying citizens, helpless to let these "authorities" step all over people? does anyone deserve to be treated like this?! what makes these people think they have the right to attack/hurt people in a situation like that? seems to me that some officers, not all have the attitude that they are above people?! :mad:
randomharmony said:
just saw this little police car camera clip. i must say i am a little angered by it. :mad:

are we, as taxpaying citizens, helpless to let these "authorities" step all over people? does anyone deserve to be treated like this?! what makes these people think they have the right to attack/hurt people in a situation like that? seems to me that some officers, not all have the attitude that they are above people?! :mad:

Seems a little extreme to taser someone for having a suspended license.

On the other hand I sure would like to have the ability to taser people who don't do what I want them to do on my time table.
Me "what do you mean it will be two weeks to a month to get the lien release for this property so I can close it."
Bank, "sorry sir that is how long it will take to research it"
Me " well then I am going to ask one more time to get it today, if not, then you get tasered."

I can see how this could come in handy for me.

Mailman drops off a bill I don't like...tasered
Tennant doesn't pay rent on time....tasered(I could put this right in the lease)
Wife doesn't have supper done in time...tasered
Guy driving to slow in front of me... pass and taser on the way by.
People in line in front of me taser each one until I am at the front of the line

There must be a 1001 uses for the taser gun.
Geeeezzzzz, maybe next time she will get a valid drivers license and do what the nice officer tells her. I'm just glad another lousy, suspended (and undoubtedly uninsured) driver is off the road!
steveny said:
Mailman drops off a bill I don't like...tasered
Tennant doesn't pay rent on time....tasered(I could put this right in the lease)
Wife doesn't have supper done in time...tasered
Guy driving to slow in front of me... pass and taser on the way by.
People in line in front of me taser each one until I am at the front of the line

Half those examples don't merit tasering. In all seriousness, why not taser the deadbeat cops? They are afterall, criminals with a gun and a badge. Nothing more, nothing less.
MoreRPMs said:
Half those examples don't merit tasering. In all seriousness, why not taser the deadbeat cops? They are afterall, criminals with a gun and a badge. Nothing more, nothing less.
How silly......
The Bitch got what she asked for...if she was driving in my neighborhood at 50mph and had that sh1tty attitude.. I would want to taser her too.
From the minute the officer stopped her she started with the attitude, trying to prevent/intimidate the officer and tell him what he can/can't do. Officer was very patient and clear in his directions/requests to her. A suspended license is an arrestable offense in some states.

He warned her several times that if she did not get out of the car, etc., he was going to tazer her. Still it was not until she apparently swung at the back-up offcier that he hit her with the tazer.

So, the alternative would be for him to have to pull her from the car and possibly injure himself or her in a struggle on the side of the road. A taser is a less than lethal tool that seemed to work in this situation.

When are people going to learn that arguing on the side of the road when stopped is never the right move? Be polite, give the officer what ever they request, do not make any statements that can be used in court against you and then go to court and fight the ticket. Much better chance then than on the street where the officer is in 100% control.

I give this one to the officer - he remained calm and professional the whole time with the exception of a couple of gratuitious comments.

As an observation, based upon the stated violations by the officer, this is likely the exact type of driver none of us need on the road with us.
most people here know i am not at all a fan of law enforcement and the judiciary system, but in this particular incident, i have to agree with the majority... she was warned again and again and again and refused to obey the officer. the cop knows not to make threats unless he plans on following through.
I can agree that she did not handle the situation in the right manner, but it's a understandable reaction.

and let me understand the logic here, you did something "bad," acording to me which you don't agree with, and you maybe right, and i am going to shoot a 5 sec 60,000v shock at you, while i know fully that you are defenless to it.

how would you feel about that? or how would you feel if it's someone close to you? will you just let it go if someone did this to you?

I know the proper way is to fight it in court not at the scene. but is this the proper way to use power? i thought, IMHO, force should be used as a last resort of self-defense. . can 2 negative action somehow turn into something positive?
well, whats the alternative - they were arresting her, she was resisting by refusing to get out of the car. if they grabbed her and pulled, she probably would have swung at them and it just would have escalated anyway.
uh, how'bout a little more effort of reasoning and understanding? and this really comes back to the question that started this thread. if you have a solid ground to stand on, there's nothing to hide.

i have a lot of respect to most of the law enforcement officers, i really do, it's NOT an easy job, so please don't take it personally.
I have to disagree with you. Her behavior is totally inappropriate and hostile. Her reaction is not "understandable" but typically from someone that has no respect for the law nor people. Not only she broke the law, she turned around harrassing the cop and went as far as resisting arrest. Despite multiple warnings, she continued to refused to cooperate. The cop had all the reasons to subdue her since a person behaving this way can be dangerous with unpredictable moves. By reaching in to pull her out of the car, he would expose himself vulnerable to her attack. You never know people like that would pull a gun or knife on you. Force should be used in appropriate situations and not necessarily the last resort. If I had a relative like that, I would have NO sympathy for her and I would feel totally embarrassed. I would have done the same if I were that cop. The cop has a job to do and he needs to also watch out for his own safety.

randomharmony said:
I can agree that she did not handle the situation in the right manner, but it's a understandable reaction.

and let me understand the logic here, you did something "bad," acording to me which you don't agree with, and you maybe right, and i am going to shoot a 5 sec 60,000v shock at you, while i know fully that you are defenless to it.

how would you feel about that? or how would you feel if it's someone close to you? will you just let it go if someone did this to you?

I know the proper way is to fight it in court not at the scene. but is this the proper way to use power? i thought, IMHO, force should be used as a last resort of self-defense. . can 2 negative action somehow turn into something positive?
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i agree it was inappropriate reactions, not sure about who's the hostile one though. here you have a fully armored, well builded white male and a casually dresed slender black female, who's seems more hostile?
Hi, COP here,

to answer your thread title, we are so little because it is hard to compete with such an overly inflated ego as yourself. Nothing happens for 15 years, you finally get hit, and it's the cops fault.

Cops are given the power of discretion. As someone mentioned earlier, he saw you the first day, it wasn't fixed the second day, so he hooked you up. I really don't think it was hard for him to notice you... it's not like you drive a Toyota Camry...

To pick on the cop is out of line. To undermine the profession in whole is WAY out of line. What may I ask is your profession? Please say it is a doctor or something as noble...

BTW... sometimes cops pull people over for minor violations and wind up capturing rapists and murderers... and even stolen cars!! Guess you're not a murder... so you got that going for you... which is nice! :biggrin:
man, after reading the posts here, that was a difficult video to watch... kinda like the jfk shooting, you knew what was gonna happen.

i'm not sure if i was the cop how i would have handled it, but based on the driver's actions up to that point (and given the various infractions + suspended license), this guy knows there's not a snowball's chance in hell it's actually going to improve if he takes no action and if he's following his dept's tazer guidelines, he's likely "ok" in his actions. in any event, likely a lawsuit to follow.

(btw, her howling reminded me of a business trip to chicago years ago. about 11 pm at night, i'm in bed sleeping like a baby and a female voice from the next room starts yellin' out "OH BABY, OH BABY, OH BABY, HOWWWWWL". 5 minutes later, it starts again but with a different voice. this goes on for hours.

the next morning, i'm leaving my room and from the room next door steps a guy with two women. everybody's looking pretty happy.

i said to the guy, "you must be OH BABY". smiles all around.

in both cases (video and my roommates), they had it coming to them.
randomharmony said:
i agree it was inappropriate reactions, not sure about who's the hostile one though. here you have a fully armored, well builded white male and a casually dresed slender black female, who's seems more hostile?
biggest ass-whupping i've personally ever witnessed was when i was a young GI, a military cop.

one night out on patrol, one of our patrols stops a female drive for speeding and allegedly drunk driving. as our guy's walking up to the vehicle, the driver gets out of the vehicle and as our guy walks up to her, she very unexpectedly opens up a massive can of purple whup-ass... beats the sh*t out of the guy and damn near takes apart his partner at the same time (i was rolling up just then). it took 3 of us to subdue her.

iirc, she wasn't very big and damned if i can remember her race... it was unimportant to that event, just as i believe this event was.

i've seen the show COPS on tv a coupla times over the years and i'm sure i've seen cops/perps of the same race have the same kinda interaction as the cop/arrestee in this video.
randomharmony said:
i agree it was inappropriate reactions, not sure about who's the hostile one though. here you have a fully armored, well builded white male and a casually dresed slender black female, who's seems more hostile?
You lost me here. Please get your thing straight. Being "hostile" is a behavior, not an attire. The cop is dressed for his profession and has a built for that. This does not make him hostile. The woman on the other hand, pulled over to the shoulder in lightning speed and had the door OPEN, and then started harrassing the officer. I think she CLEARLY was the hostile one.
Over the past 11 years, I got pulled over 4 times for moving violations. I broke the law and I was appropriately pulled over. I don't like the fact that I got caught and I was embarrassed about it. But I will not insult the officers for doing their jobs. And I certainly had no ground to display hostility towards any of them. That stupid a## driver deserves what she got.
zahntec :frown: yes people have bad days and people dont always act right when dealing with police officers. thats a man asshole! he could have physically arrested her because yes she was wrong but what if that was somebodys mom :mad: what if that was your mom? you would have just asked for her to be arrested not tasered! what if she had a bad heart? huh? my dad is a cop(real one) and there are other people(drug dealers, killers etc..) who deserve that. that cop must have gotten his lunch money taken by a girl in highschool :tongue:
robr said:
i dont think anyone here has brought up race until now.

you're referring to this?

"i agree it was inappropriate reactions, not sure about who's the hostile one though. here you have a fully armored, well builded white male and a casually dresed slender black female, who's seems more hostile?"
whiteNSXs said:

Being "hostile" is a behavior, not an attire.


Please define what's "hostile" for me then, seems to me, it was the officer that was provoking and focing the issue, and the driver was reacting to him.
bandit said:
zahntec :frown: yes people have bad days and people dont always act right when dealing with police officers. thats a man asshole! he could have physically arrested her because yes she was wrong but what if that was somebodys mom :mad: what if that was your mom? you would have just asked for her to be arrested not tasered! what if she had a bad heart? huh? my dad is a cop(real one) and there are other people(drug dealers, killers etc..) who deserve that. that cop must have gotten his lunch money taken by a girl in highschool :tongue:

The week before last, I got pulled over because I had an open warrent for my arrest. I was in the NSX as well. The reason I had a warrent was because I got a ticket for no registration / inspection sticker. (I got pulled over leaving the glass shop that just put in my new windshield in 2000) I got my registration and inspection done the next day and both tickets were dismissed. This was in february 2000 BTW. I got a call last month from the Sherriffs Dept. informing me I had a warrent. I took the paperwork from 2000 to the court and the clerk said that the warrent is removed. Low and behold, I got pulled over and arrested because someone dropped the damn ball. It wasn't the cop that stopped me though. I had an open warrent, a firearm in the car, and I know it looked bad because I have asian dragon tattoos on both my chest and arms. Very visable because I was in a undershirt. I treated the cop with respect and in turn he treated me fairly. He couldn't overlook the warrent but he went out of his way to make sure that my car would be taken care of. Even let me get a shirt out of my trunk because he said it was gonna be cold in County Jail.

So, because someone other than the officer dropped the ball and didn't pull the warrent, I spent 3 days in Harris County Jail. That SUX!!! :mad:

Oh and calling Zahntec an asshole is out of line my friend! I personally think the bitch should consider herself lucky it wasnt a night stick upside her head after taking a swing at a cop.