When do you abandon the NSX?? Help me decide, please....may sell it.

menuserve said:
i just sold my NSX last week... now i'm trucking around in a Hummer H2, quite a change! i'll be in another NSX before you know it.

Damn right you will. :)

Checkout the Hummer's CdA here. It's like driving 4 cars at the same time. :biggrin:
Hugh said:
Slightly concerned?


The thing, although relatively pretty to look at, is a mechanical piece of shit. As they all are. Saying that they improved their build quality with the 360/430 is like saying that the sewer water in Indianapolis tastes better than the sewer water in Fort Lauderdale. Don't get seduced by the pretty curves and the nice sounding exhaust note. They're still overpriced junk.

What the hell are you thinking my friend?

What I am thinking is that even after staying out of my NSX for a month and a half I need a bit of excitement. What I am thinking is that I need to feel that charge from driving a car again.

The funny thing is that today I decided to drive the NSX to work, and almost like it was trying to get revenge on me, it did not start. Freaking great. :mad:
Between your choices it's difficult but personally I feel you would enjoy the GT3 more since you love the "drive". The F355 I feel is more of a short term car. Looks great but don't want to drive because it breaks and the stupid valve job cost $$$.

If you want a car to look at and have cool noise, go with the F355. If you would rather have a car to drive around everywhere go with the GT3.

Let us know what you pick:biggrin:

Remember you dont' miss your NSX until it's gone and another one pulls up next to you.
Meeyatch1 said:
What I am thinking is that even after staying out of my NSX for a month and a half I need a bit of excitement. What I am thinking is that I need to feel that charge from driving a car again.

The funny thing is that today I decided to drive the NSX to work, and almost like it was trying to get revenge on me, it did not start. Freaking great. :mad:

If you want performance go the Porsche route. Ferraris are nice to look at, but they break. Every track event I have ever been to that had a Ferrari ended in the Ferrari breaking, or better yet multiple Ferraris breaking (3 out of 3 on one particular weekend).

Watching Ferraris break has certainly curbed my enthusiasm for the car.
Meeyatch1 said:
Okay...I never thought I would be typing this email, but I have really been considering selling the NSX and moving on to something else, but I feel very torn about the decision. Here is where I am at.

I have been adding parts to the NSX trying to add to the enjoyment of driving it because for some odd reason I just have not been feeling as excited lately about driving it. I still enjoy it but I fear that the electricity is fading after almost 10 years of NSX ownership. When I drive cars like the Ferrari F355 or F360 I feel like I just got hit with an adrenaline shot. The cars are like rolling art sculptures, and the sound is out of this world. Trying to get that excitement I even added a Taitec exhaust and a Cantrell intake, but it is not working to restart my enthusiasm. Not working.

Heck, even cars like the Porsche 993 Twin Turbo have me excited!! The speed and drivability of the cars and the more hulking looks they have seem to smile and say, 'Okay....lets go kick some serious a$$'. I really do not know why this is happening but it is bothering me since I still feel the NSX is the best car I have ever owned. Can anyone help me? Who else has been in a spot like this, and what did you do? :(

Mitch, I honestly think a lot of it has to do with the fact that you drive it EVERYDAY! That's one of the reasons I only drive mine on weekends and drive my Integra/Prelude other times. When I get back behind the wheel of the NSX, it feels special all over again :smile:

To be perfectly honest, If I drove my NSX as much as you drive yours, I'd be bored too with it. I'd probably be itching to get something else. Hell, if I drive it around all day just in a mundane way, it gets boring. But it may be time for you to move on.
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gtr said:
I don't believe what am I hearing. Mitch not having an NSX is like Ken not having an NSX.

Anyways, I took me about a couple of hours to realize that I cannot be without a NSX so I upgraded to another NSX. My suggestion to you is to sell both of your NSX next year and buy the redesigned NSX with the V10 to excite you again :biggrin:

The F355 I would almost buy just for the sound alone but from all the rumors I would not trust the reliability. If you need something now go with the F360. Personally I feel the Porsche is not as beautiful and a performer sort of like the Mitsubishi Evolution. It's a great car but I can't really say it's pretty.

Well hell, next it will be Ken saying it's time to move on :eek:
It sounds like you need a two or multiple "excitement" cars to help keep you in the stratosphere of enthusiast driving. So you don't need boring DD's, you need something UP there for that.

Here's an idea: Have a P-car for DD and a F-car for the weekends! Problem solved :biggrin:
I say its time to move on. 10 years with the same car is a very long time. Hell, I get the itch about every two years. I don't want something better, I just want something different. Then in a few years, I buy another NSX to relive the experience. You have the means to buy some very nice cars. Try something different. If you decide later on that you miss the NSX, simply buy another one. Have you seen the list of them for sale in the classified section?? The NSX is a great car, but there are some badass cars out there today!
I'd say, if you want another sportscar - sell one NSX and get a Maserati spyder. If you just want something "different" - sell an NSX and get a Jeep Wrangler. Not fast, not unique - but take the top and doors off, and you'll have more worry-free fun in that than in any car less than 50k. Or maybe a used Lexus LS400 super luxury pig sedan.
Meeyatch1 said:
* There is no way comquat1 (Doug) will get my car......he would not keep it clean enough, or the miles at their appropriate level. ;)

Ur such a bastard..... :biggrin: Your car is filthy compared to mine! What are you smokin'?

Must I remind you of NSX Prime rule # 405-312A: "Anyone with more than 5342 posts cannot sell BOTH of their NSX's under penalty of law".......:wink:

Cars are an emotional issue, not a logical one, in my opinion. Sell ONE NSX, get another car, and see how it goes!

just my 0.02

You need something in addition to Honda vehicles

Having a couple of different cars in the stable allows you to enjoy each and never get really bored. I mainly use my NSX for long trips or for jaunts with the wife. The reliability is very important and the car is a great highway machine. One can drive it for very long periods of time and still be functional at the end of the trip. The Europa does short trips and just general ripping around town. It is very edgy in personality (it truly feels like a soft FF) and it makes me appreciate the refinement of the NSX. One hour in the Lotus is enough. I do feel the need for something even edgier occasionally and am now building a Lotus 7 clone...this takes care of my need for wrenching and making stuff. 1200 pounds and 165 HP should be fun too. I am guessing that 15 minutes will be enough of a drive to satisfy those areas of my brain that the NSX completely tries to avoid.
I am guessing that the Porsche will become boring for you. The Ferrari will be fun, but you probably won't like the expense of ownership for long. If I were in your shoes, I would probably get an Elise. Its edgy, very exotic for under $50K, and it will make you appreciate the more refined car you already own.

Just out of curiosity I have to ask why you keep the other 5 DD's?

As for your question here, I think if you have to ask why you're keeping a car, it is time for you to move on. If I were in your shoes, I would move on to a GT3 over a 993TT. Seeing how you live in a place that snows and all of the pictures of you driving your NSX in the wintertime, why not a 996TT? AWD and lots of power.

If you don't like AWD, you can make it RWD for $600 (and it's fully reversible).
You are in a lucky position. You have two NSXs. Sell one and buy something else. The NSX is a great car but sometimes I need some brutal performance. When that occurs, I jump on my Ninja and tear up some pavement. Unfortunately, I do miss the high hp high torque brutes of my past but not enough to sell my NSX. Go get you a 500+ HP Vette or Viper for weekend duties and keep your NSX for the DD. I say use it as a DD b/c there is no other sports car that is dependable enough to use for work and back. My last TA would run high 11's and was a TON of fun to drive the 1 week out of the month it wasn't broken.

Variety is the spice of life. Go get a weekend fun car.

DVDoughboy said:

Just out of curiosity I have to ask why you keep the other 5 DD's?

As for your question here, I think if you have to ask why you're keeping a car, it is time for you to move on. If I were in your shoes, I would move on to a GT3 over a 993TT. Seeing how you live in a place that snows and all of the pictures of you driving your NSX in the wintertime, why not a 996TT? AWD and lots of power.

If you don't like AWD, you can make it RWD for $600 (and it's fully reversible).

Well....I have that many daily drivers because I like them all for different reasons, bought them long ago and never really found the advantage in selling them. It is like my '96 Integra GS-R. I have had it since it was new, then one day decided to stop driving it. So it sits in my garage with about 44,000 miles on it gathering dust. I like the car, but just never drive it. my other cars are the same way.....purchased because I liked them for one reason or another and I have kept them because they represent a certain stage of my life.

So, how do you make a 996TT RWD?? Send me a PM as I do not want to turn this into a Porsche mod thread. Thanks.
Any car is gonna seem out of this world when it's a Porsche, or Ferrari, they all have that exciting factor to them. Figure out what you want, then go from there, and also think about the future, and how the sell will help you out/put money towards your new car.

Meeyatch1 said:
The funny thing is that today I decided to drive the NSX to work, and almost like it was trying to get revenge on me, it did not start. Freaking great. :mad:

It's pissed at you. And it has every right to be. First you come on the board whining like a little school girl that she doesn't excite you anymore then you have the gall to suggest replacing her with a POS Ferrari.

Has you local municipality done something to alter the composition of the local water supply or did you simply decide to try a different drug dealer this month? :biggrin:
You should get the twin turbo instead of the GT3. The GT3 is a great car, however the NSX handles as good as the GT3 and really isn't that far down on power to weight.

The twin turbo will keep the adrenaline flowing for a very long time.
Okay Mitch..........here is your solution. You got two NSX's. KEEP ONE AND SEL L ONE AND REPLACE IT WITH A 355 OR GT3. This way, if your replacement breaks down the road......drive your NSX :D well??????????? What do you think?
PoohBEAR said:
Okay Mitch..........here is your solution. You got two NSX's. KEEP ONE AND SEL L ONE AND REPLACE IT WITH A 355 OR GT3. This way, if your replacement breaks down the road......drive your NSX :D well??????????? What do you think?

That is a plausible solution. Plus, now that I know the conversion can be done to the Porsche 996TT to make it into a RWD car that changes a lot of things.
Meeyatch1 said:
That is a plausible solution. Plus, now that I know the conversion can be done to the Porsche 996TT to make it into a RWD car that changes a lot of things.

Why bother buying a 996 tt and converting it to a RWD? Why not just buy the GT2? If you are interested in buying a 996 TT, I think you should immediately get the Stage II kit and then work your way up the HP chain until you are happy with your HP output.
NsSeX said:
Why bother buying a 996 tt and converting it to a RWD?

Just more proof that poor Mitch is suffering from some, hopefully temporary, mental defect that is seriously compromising his decision making process. :)
You said you already have a small fleet of other cars, so using something else as a daily driver is easily done, yet you don't feel the NSX is special anymore. You also said the fleet is comprised of Honda/Acura models - a family of cars.

I would suggest getting something radically different to drive daily. Get a Jeep, or a truck, a Hummer....SOMEthing that can't compare to the NSX in any way. Drive it for a month without driving the NSX. Then get back into the NSX on a fair-weather day trip down winding roads. Pack a lunch. Make it a "date" with the car, one that can also include your wife. (That kinda makes it a double-date!)

Then see how you feel. If it makes you happy, keep it, and give it a detailing like you were gonna sell it - make it new again. If you still can't get the feeling (Barry Manilow song?), sell at least one of the NSXes, and get something new.