When do you abandon the NSX?? Help me decide, please....may sell it.

I would sell one of the NSX's if you have two. Or buy something that gives you the thrill of driving. I have always had F cars and P cars and still own them today. All of my cars fill a niche..and the NSX another, and so on etc. I have not found satisfaction in expecting a single vehicle at one time, to fulfill all of my wishes, one day i like v8 power, the next v12, the next v6, etc...but that is just me..
Mid-life crisis.:biggrin: I say go for F360 and if you got more money move to F430. I've seen both in life and think F430 is much better but buy it only if you can afford. From what I've read from Ferrarichat F355 is more headache to maintain despite the great exhaust note from the 5 valve per cylinder engine.
Kwitcherbitchin. :wink:

If you're like me, you'll get bored with the Porsche too. Actually, I get bored with every car I own after a while, and I imagine how sweet life would be if I just made a change to the next car on my "most wanted" list. Know what? That hasn't worked yet, except to drain my net worth every time.

The only car I miss is the NSX (well, that and the first adult car I bought for myself, a 94 Lexus GS300. Man, I loved that car.) As someone else stated so eloquently, it's like a marriage. You're just having a seven year itch and a wandering eye. But you're also sort of like an automotive polygamist already, with 2 NSXs in the garage. Swap one, but keep your true love around. You'll regret it if you don't.

JMHO. :smile:
Meeyatch, take the plunge and trade in your NSX or NSX's for some other car. If your not enjoying your NSX's as much as you would/could enjoy yourself in another sports car, IMO it's time to move on. Go try something else, maybe a taste of italy or germany?

I personally can't seem to keep a car for more than a year:tongue: It plays hell on my $$ but I'm enjoying myself. The one car that may be the exception is my current Porsche. I just love this car and can't understand why it took me so long to get into one!

As for the other part of your question, I sold my last NSX because I had a taste of the go fast crack pipe:biggrin: . One drive in my brothers 996 turbo and I was HOOKED!
Of course people are going to say "get a CTSC or go with a custom turbo set up" but imo, it's not worth doing on a car like the NSX.
For basic CTSC and imo the bare necessities (somewhat conservative calculations):
1. CTSC = $8-10k
2. I/H/E = $3-5k
3. Suspension= $2k-3k
4. BBK= $6-8k
5. BBK clearing rims $2-4k
total cost? $21k-30k
end result? Maybe just as quick as the 996 turbo.

Whereas with my P, If I spend 20-30k, I'd have a monster that loves to eat liter bikes for fun:eek:
Certainly you should keep or sell and buy based on what feels good. Here's a thought... Buy the 355 or a P-car and if you don't like, buy a NSX again. However, you are one of the most prolific posters here on Prime, thus, I suggest you go back through some of your old posts and see what kinds of discussions you participated in (many are about how much you love the NSX) and see where you were and where you are. If they are different, then its time for a change, if not, consider selling one of the NSXs and getting a practical DD and save the NSX for fun drives.

All that said, I drive my NSX very, very rarely these days because I have a new daughter and I cannot take her in the car and I do the day care drop off each morning, so I cannot take the NSX to work and there's not much time for cruising by myself on weekends. So, there's a down side to not driving because it becomes this expensive piece of art in the garage (that prevents me from parking my daily driver in there - my wife gets one space and I get the other, car #3 (the dd) stays outside).
I started out driving my nsx everyday when I first got it because it was by far the most economical of the 2 cars I had. After 2 months of ownership I got t-boned by a guy at a stop sign and bought a civic to drive while she was in the shop. Ever since then I always drive the civic, because there are no worries what so ever while driving it. I feel like selling all of my beaters and forcing myself to get used to driving the nsx every day again..

After getting hit I think I am just being overly protective.. But this is LA:rolleyes:
drew said:
.....There is a *reason* the Ferraris just don't get driven.....
The $6000+ cost of the 15,000 mile service is one reason they don't get driven much each year and are most often sold or traded a few thousand miles before it is due.
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Aero said:
Buy a Ford Probe GT for your daily driver and you'll appreciate the NSX more. :tongue:

Or if ya got the money, get a Ferrari and enjoy something diff for a while. :smile:

No Probes please. I think he should get a car that is almost equal to the NSX. Use the almost equal car as the daily driver so you don't go insane and then step up to the NSX on the week-ends or whenever.
I would get some kind of Bavarian manure wagon and hope like hell it was built on a Wednesday.

Correction, I'd try a 997 TT.
Meeyatch1 said:
Who else has been in a spot like this, and what did you do? :(

You know what I did:cool: Seriously though, not to blaspheme, but its just a car, sell it and move on to something new/different. I miss my NSX and still feel like its one of the best cars ever built but I don't regret selling it. Its a lot of fun being a 'new' owner again and learning every single detail of a different car. You can always find another NSX if you regret the sale. Have you been up to Ooley & Blackburn? They always seem to have a selection of 355,360's and P-cars. Good luck and BTW I vote GT3:biggrin: preferably with the old-school pastel paint.

I'm kinda in the same boat as you are. I've had three different NSXs in my garage for the past 12 years, a '94, '00 and presently an '03. Each time I replaced one NSX with a newer one I did it within a few days of privately selling my older one. So I essentially haven't been without an NSX for the last 12 years. I've been thinking about changing to a F-car for the past few years since I've always wanted one since high school. Yes I'm getting a little bored with the NSX and I like to keep my cars stock, but when my wife says to me that the lines of the NSX are starting to look old I know it's time for me to move on. I would keep the NSX, since I know I'll miss it, but I don't have the time to drive two sports cars nor the space in the garage. I put my name on the F430 wait list 2 years ago with presumably a delivery date in 2008. On Fchat, a 3-4 year wait seems to be the norm. From what I've been seeing on prices for used F430s, it may be cheaper in the long run to get an F430 than a new NSX when you factor in depreciation. If you can get a F430 at sticker price, you can probably sell it after a few years at pretty much what you bought it for, if not more. Anyway, I basically need a change for now but I won't rule out getting another NSX in the future. Good luck in your decision.
you could just loan me the manual NSX for a couple years, until you get sick of your Ferrari and want your baby back :D
$20 grand into your nsx will make it unrecognizable in a good way:smile:

Say it isn't so!!! That's it.... we *MUST* go driving as SOON as my baby gets here..... which should be in two days!! :biggrin: The Flame must be rekindled ! :tongue:
The fact of the matter is, what Mitch is experiencing is what's called....human nature. It is the exact reason why rock stars cheat on their fine-ass girlfriends. It is all about complacency. The answer is clear, and it lies within....daniel-san.

You have the luxury of owning two NSX's, so getting rid of one and filling the garage space with something new seems like a no-brainer. What you get is totally up to you, but at least you'll have something to compare it to with an NSX still in the garage.

I went through the same thing you're going through about 7 years into my first NSX and finally made a move 9 years into ownership - into another, albeit newer NSX. I figure with any luck it will keep me happy for another 5 years - enough time for Momma Honda to play her cards regarding the next generation NSX.

NSXCA member #38

91' red/black (sold)
99' Kaiser silver/black
05" RL
03' Accord V6
I'll take the white one off your hands... oh yeah, don't let the door hit you on the way out! :wink: :tongue:
I don't believe what am I hearing. Mitch not having an NSX is like Ken not having an NSX.

Anyways, I took me about a couple of hours to realize that I cannot be without a NSX so I upgraded to another NSX. My suggestion to you is to sell both of your NSX next year and buy the redesigned NSX with the V10 to excite you again :biggrin:

The F355 I would almost buy just for the sound alone but from all the rumors I would not trust the reliability. If you need something now go with the F360. Personally I feel the Porsche is not as beautiful and a performer sort of like the Mitsubishi Evolution. It's a great car but I can't really say it's pretty.
Thanks for the input everyone. To kind of do a mass answer on this, here is where I am at with regards to the whole car situation:

* I have more daily drivers than any one person needs (about 5 other cars), so I have options there to drive something mundane every day and the NSX on the weekends. Sadly that makes the issue of only having one car and needing a boring car to make the NSX fun harder to accomplish because I already have the boring cars. :(

* If I sold the NSX's and bought a Ferrari I could not go higher than an early 360 without going past where I feel comfortable. The F355 is right smack dab into where I would feel okay spending the money on the car. The Porsche options are roughly the same money give or take a few thousand between the 993TT and GT3 and I actually went to look at a silver GT3 tonight.

* Dumping $20,000 into an NSX, while fun, seems to defeat the purpose of the car for me and I rule that out because it pretty much means I am making the NSX into something it is not anyway.

* Maybe I will go find my old posts and find out where I fell of fthe path....good idea there.

* There is no way comquat1 (Doug) will get my car......he would not keep it clean enough, or the miles at their appropriate level. ;)

* I will sit down over the holiday and re-examine the mini-fleet of Honda and Acura cars I have and decide what goes, what stays, and what the heck I am going to do about a fun car.

Thanks for the insight, and I look forward to reading more of it. If cars were not such a huge part of my life this would be an easy decision, but my cars have brought me friends, helped me meet the right people to get my current job, and allowed me to meet my wife, so they are more than just transportation to me. Thanks again. :)
gtr said:
I don't believe what am I hearing. Mitch not having an NSX is like Ken not having an NSX.

Anyways, I took me about a couple of hours to realize that I cannot be without a NSX so I upgraded to another NSX. My suggestion to you is to sell both of your NSX next year and buy the redesigned NSX with the V10 to excite you again :biggrin:

The F355 I would almost buy just for the sound alone but from all the rumors I would not trust the reliability. If you need something now go with the F360. Personally I feel the Porsche is not as beautiful and a performer sort of like the Mitsubishi Evolution. It's a great car but I can't really say it's pretty.

Hey man! Yeah, I have only known driving with the NSX....kind of a unique deal I guess. We have had some similar cars, as we are both current NSX and ex-Evolution owners, so I appreiate your input. Oddly enough you have one of the other cars I like, the CLK55 AMG. Stylish beast with lots of power. I will figure it out I hope. I have driven the F355 and 360 Modena previously, so now I just need to see what the 993TT and GT3 are about in stock form. Have a good night. Enjoy your current NSX. ;)
Meeyatch1 said:
To get the F355 would not be very hard, just sell off my NSX's and that would be about all I needed to do. I am slightly concerned about the ability of the car to not fall apart or leave me stranded when I take a long 2,000 mile trip for no reason at all.

Slightly concerned?


The thing, although relatively pretty to look at, is a mechanical piece of shit. As they all are. Saying that they improved their build quality with the 360/430 is like saying that the sewer water in Indianapolis tastes better than the sewer water in Fort Lauderdale. Don't get seduced by the pretty curves and the nice sounding exhaust note. They're still overpriced junk.

What the hell are you thinking my friend?
i think you are ready and it is time to move on....

this is why they invented the concept of leasing.... drive for three years... get bored and get a different car without having to sell yours.

try something new and you can always come back to the NSX in three years... after a break it will be exciting again.

i just sold my NSX last week... now i'm trucking around in a Hummer H2, quite a change! i'll be in another NSX before you know it.