What is APPLE planning?

Yep. I have 100 mini and micro usb cables that anyone at work can just have. You can buy them off ebay for the price of shipping. 30-40 cents shipped. Charge your phone anywhere. It's UNIVERSAL....
Apple is take a 2 cent cable and making the sheep pay $30 for it. 100% profit.

Having said that, it doesn't mean all the cheap accessories are the same quality and we are fools to get the real thing.

This guy did a detailed analysis of the components inside an Apple charger:


He notes that:

What makes Apple's iPhone charger special
Apple's power adapter is clearly a high-quality power supply designed to produce carefully filtered power. Apple has obviously gone to extra effort to reduce EMI interference, probably to keep the charger from interfering with the touchscreen.[16] When I opened the charger up, I expected to find a standard design, but I've compared the charger to the Samsung charger and several other high-quality industry designs,[17] and Apple goes beyond these designs in several ways.

The input AC is filtered thorugh a tiny ferrite ring on the plastic case (see photo below). The diode bridge output is filtered by two large capacitors and an inductor. Two other R-C snubbers filter the diode bridge, which I've only seen elsewhere in audio power supplies to prevent 60Hz hum;[6] perhaps this enhances the iTunes listening experience. Other chargers I disassembled don't use a ferrite ring and usually only a single filter capacitor. The primary circuit board has a grounded metal shield over the high-frequency components (see photo), which I haven't seen elsewhere. The transformer includes a shield winding to absorb EMI. The output circuit uses three capacitors including two relatively expensive tantalum ones[14] and an inductor for filtering, when many supplies just use one capacitor. The Y capacitor is usually omitted from other designs. The resonant clamp circuit is highly innovative.[9]

Apple's design provides extra safety in a few ways that were discussed earlier: the super-strong AC prongs, and the complex over-temperature / over-voltage shutdown circuit. Apple's isolation distance between primary and secondary appears to go beyond the regulations.
Apple's iPhone charger crams a lot of technology into a small space. Apple went to extra effort to provide higher quality and safety than other name-brand chargers, but this quality comes at a high cost.

He also notes that Apple is making almost all profit on it. But then even more interesting is when he tears down a fake Apple-style usb charger:


One of the first things he notes is:

It looks a lot like a genuine Apple charger and cost a lot less. But looking inside, I found that important safety corners were cut, which could lead to a 340 volt surprise. In addition, the interference from a cheap charger like this can cause touchscreen malfunctions. Thus, I recommend spending a few dollars more to get a brand-name charger.

I have a coworker who loves to get bargains. He ordered an eBay fake Apple charger that is a lot closer cosmetic match than this one. It looks identical to the real one, down to the green dot (which indicates an Apple charger that has had a safety recall fix applied). However, as the article warns, it seems to make his phone malfunction when he uses it. :biggrin:
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There is a google thread yet most of the Android fanboys post in the Apple thread to trash the company & it's products. And people call Apple users sheep?

Oh, and one more thing -- look through the corresponding Microsoft thread and see all the venomous haterade that #1 Apple Fanboi Jimbo dishes out.

All products have their fanboys and haters -- and I think this is healthy. It inspires discussion and competition. We are blessed to have such a vibrant tech industry, and everyone is rewarded for it.
FWIW, I've been an iPhone user since the original iPhone. I read the announcement of the iPhone 5 and was completely underwhelmed. There's not one thing that made me say, "I MUST HAVE THIS for $xxx to replace my (sarcasm) antiquated iPhone 4." Instead, I went out and bought a Samsung Galaxy S3.
1. Since I'll have to change out my chargers / docks / car adapters anyways, might as well make the switch now.
2. Widgets.
3. The innovation just isn't there compared to all the iPhone releases. That's TWO iterations with nothing to be excited about (4S and 5).
Has anyone ordered theirs yet? I'm still waiting till next week or so. I want to see who has the best prepaid service in my area, and if they have LTE, and support for the iPhone 5.
Some people at my work ordered them at 3am last night.
As much as I like to joke, I hope it's a cool phone and youguys like it. :)

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These guys really wanted an iPhone:

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.liveleak.com/ll_embed?f=f6e5cb77ebf7" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Oh, and one more thing -- look through the corresponding Microsoft thread and see all the venomous haterade that #1 Apple Fanboi Jimbo dishes out.

All products have their fanboys and haters -- and I think this is healthy. It inspires discussion and competition. We are blessed to have such a vibrant tech industry, and everyone is rewarded for it.

LOL!!! Yeah, I really spewed venomous hateful comments in that thread!

Should 'specs' really be touted as much as they are amongst the Android community?

I would say no because just like the iPhone 4 & 4S, the iPhone 5 (if accurate) has managed to distance itself once again in bench marking scores from its rival Android phones.



Lots of chest beating from the Android phones about their quad-core processors, yada yada yada but still can't top the iPhone.
Re: Should 'specs' really be touted as much as they are amongst the Android community

Lots of chest beating from the Android phones about their quad-core processors, yada yada yada but still can't top the iPhone.

And yet every one of the Android devices listed is faster than the previously top-of-the-line 4S.

You can bet that when the iPhone 6 comes out, every current Android phone will have bested the iPhone 5 in this benchmark. That's not chest beating, that's just technological progress.
Re: Should 'specs' really be touted as much as they are amongst the Android community

And yet every one of the Android devices listed is faster than the previously top-of-the-line 4S.

You can bet that when the iPhone 6 comes out, every current Android phone will have bested the iPhone 5 in this benchmark. That's not chest beating, that's just technological progress.

Are you really trying to use logic on him?

Oh, and S3 on Jelly Bean already beats the iPhone 5

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He didn't take off his license plate and it showed in the recording. They then arrested him. What a dumbass.

It's even dumber than that. In his efforts to get out (after the security gate fell down), his license plate tore off and was left at the scene. It didn't take Sherlock Holmes to track down the owner.

Plus, he grabbed the phones (with a value of $100/each, assuming they were 4S's), and left the multi-thousand dollar MacBooks behind.

This was all using HIS OWN BMW X5.

This may be the dumbest criminal on the planet.

Re: Should 'specs' really be touted as much as they are amongst the Android community

And yet every one of the Android devices listed is faster than the previously top-of-the-line 4S.

You can bet that when the iPhone 6 comes out, every current Android phone will have bested the iPhone 5 in this benchmark. That's not chest beating, that's just technological progress.
Quite Butt-hurt reaction to my question which you clearly did not answer, nor understand the point of my post. I would hope that the majority of the phones (released after the iPhone 4S) would beat it in benchmark tests.

The Android community loves to use 'greater specs' as an advantage of choosing their phones but in my example above, the iPhone 5 (w/two LESS cores) beats the S3 in performance. So I pose the question again, is it rational to judge the greatness of a phone by its specs?

Are you really trying to use logic on him?

Oh, and S3 on Jelly Bean already beats the iPhone 5


Too bad the S3 isn't running Jelly Bean yet and what's the performance of the US version of the S3 (you know the one without the quad-core processor)?

4G still equals LTE, right? :rolleyes:
Re: Should 'specs' really be touted as much as they are amongst the Android community

So I pose the question again, is it rational to judge the greatness of a phone by its specs?

Within reason. But most modern phones are sufficiently fast, and so raw benchmarks become rather irrelevant. If I push a button and a thing happens, it doesn't really matter if it takes 1600 whatevers or 1400 whatevers -- as long as it happens quick enough on a human time scale. If I push a button and I have to wait 5 seconds for the thing to happen, it's too slow. But no modern phone is that slow, regardless of OS.
Re: Should 'specs' really be touted as much as they are amongst the Android community

Within reason.
Willing to agree to disgree about this.

If I push a button and a thing happens, it doesn't really matter if it takes 1600 whatevers or 1400 whatevers -- as long as it happens quick enough on a human time scale. If I push a button and I have to wait 5 seconds for the thing to happen, it's too slow. But no modern phone is that slow, regardless of OS.

Which is a rational conclusion everyone would come to but from the Android perspective, its one of the many supposed 'feathers' in their cap to win the spec battle.
Re: Should 'specs' really be touted as much as they are amongst the Android community

Which is a rational conclusion everyone would come to but from the Android perspective, its one of the many supposed 'feathers' in their cap to win the spec battle.
Case in point:
Scam-sung's newest ad-

Apple Fan response:
Re: Should 'specs' really be touted as much as they are amongst the Android community

Within reason. But most modern phones are sufficiently fast, and so raw benchmarks become rather irrelevant. If I push a button and a thing happens, it doesn't really matter if it takes 1600 whatevers or 1400 whatevers -- as long as it happens quick enough on a human time scale. If I push a button and I have to wait 5 seconds for the thing to happen, it's too slow. But no modern phone is that slow, regardless of OS.

Which is why, with this A6 chip optimized for iOS is going to make this phone incredible to use.

It's 2x faster than this latest generation iPad I'm using, and I have absolutely no complaints about speed with this thing.
Re: Should 'specs' really be touted as much as they are amongst the Android community

Which is why, with this A6 chip optimized for iOS is going to make this phone incredible to use.

It's 2x faster than this latest generation iPad I'm using, and I have absolutely no complaints about speed with this thing.

So if you have no complains about the speed your your iPad, why would it being faster be more incredible?

I mean, if it takes 1 second to load an app, and now it takes .8, are you really going to notice?

I think my wifes iPhone4 is still really fast. I don't think my iPad3 feels any faster except in games.
Re: Should 'specs' really be touted as much as they are amongst the Android community

So if you have no complains about the speed your your iPad, why would it being faster be more incredible?

I mean, if it takes 1 second to load an app, and now it takes .8, are you really going to notice?

I think my wifes iPhone4 is still really fast. I don't think my iPad3 feels any faster except in games.

My iPhone 4 was feeling VERY VERY sluggish before I sold it (day before the iP5 announcement) and my iPad (+retina display) is NOTICEABLY faster. I would avoid using my iPhone for the iMovie app because the iPad was just much faster (also more real estate).

No one actively wants a bump in speed but when it happens, its like night & day. No one knew they would need retina displays but once you have them and become accustomed to them, switching back is almost a curse. I'm using my first gen iPhone until Friday & its a sobering experience to see how far Apple has come.

Oh and the A6 is said to be twice as fast. :biggrin:
Re: Should 'specs' really be touted as much as they are amongst the Android community

My iPhone 4 was feeling VERY VERY sluggish before I sold it (day before the iP5 announcement) and my iPad (+retina display) is NOTICEABLY faster. I would avoid using my iPhone for the iMovie app because the iPad was just much faster (also more real estate).

No one actively wants a bump in speed but when it happens, its like night & day. No one knew they would need retina displays but once you have them and become accustomed to them, switching back is almost a curse. I'm using my first gen iPhone until Friday & its a sobering experience to see how far Apple has come.

Oh and the A6 is said to be twice as fast. :biggrin:

We shall see Friday when I pick it up.
Re: Should 'specs' really be touted as much as they are amongst the Android community

So if you have no complains about the speed your your iPad, why would it being faster be more incredible?

I mean, if it takes 1 second to load an app, and now it takes .8, are you really going to notice?

I think my wifes iPhone4 is still really fast. I don't think my iPad3 feels any faster except in games.

Because with electronics like these, added snappiness is always welcome.

My iPad feels way better than my iphone4. And moving into the future, it can handle way more powerful apps.