we should have a final drive before we put up the cars.

This run is on!! As of now those coming:
The Kid (he promises that he'll actually be there!)
Rich N
Rob and Julia

Who Else?
We're meeting at the Westchester Ave/Corp Pk Drive gathering place at 8am sharp! We've got a nice Bear Mtn Run planned so don't be late!!! Post up that you're coming, make sure that Bailey or I have your cell #, bring your club radios if you've got them!!
Popsicle, you started this thread, I expect to see you there!!!!:biggrin:
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I'll check the thread tomorrow morning @7:30am before I head out to meet everyone. There are already bets being placed as to whether or not "The Kid" makes it, c'mon Mike make them pay!!! Anyone else around who cares to join us, please post up and I'll add you to the list before I head out tomorrow. Please PM me your cell # if I don't have it already (or Bailey) The weather report looks great, the run/route is a lot of fun and this time of year it's beautiful as well, I also have an idea for after the run for those who are interested, but that's a "suprise" for those who show tomorrow!:biggrin:
I just walked in the door with some company, dont think I can make it:biggrin:
I just walked in the door with some company, dont think I can make it:biggrin:
Hope that you had as good a time as you would have with us, why don't I think anyone will be suprised????:confused:
Mike, we all know that you were with "what's hiz name", but what happened to Des/Popsicle? We had a great time, the run was fantastic and Bailey will post his "award winning video", once it makes it to youtube it will be an instant classic. This run/video is beyond belief. We did have a great run, 6 cars made it out, Bob, Simon, Rob, Rich and Bailey it was a great "last" run of the season, but maybe we'll get lucky and squeeze in a few more "last runs" before we have to put them to rest for the winter. Bailey, after your dimsum, you'd better put up the video, everyone will want to see it!!!
I just woke up, now let me see some pics:biggrin:
This is a video of the drive and something that I did not expect to happen but everyone and everything is ok.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/GeYgKQP2JCE&color1=0xd6d6d6&color2=0xf0f0f0&border=0"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/GeYgKQP2JCE&color1=0xd6d6d6&color2=0xf0f0f0&border=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
This is a video of the drive and something that I did not expect to happen but everyone and everything is ok.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/GeYgKQP2JCE&color1=0xd6d6d6&color2=0xf0f0f0&border=0"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/GeYgKQP2JCE&color1=0xd6d6d6&color2=0xf0f0f0&border=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
I watched the entire video and didn't see what I saw earlier today when I viewed it, put up the entire footage from the bicycle forward and cut out the bull!!!!!:wink:
Scary sh&*. Happened to me the other night. Fortunately the car coming the other way took the hit. Watched bambi's mom flip over the hood, slide off the windshield and stumble off into the woods. I think she fractured her leg just like what happened to "George Washington" yesterday at the Breeder's Cup. Fortunately nobody was hurt there and it hopefully sounds like here as well.
that is a beautiful road!!!
you would have gotten more points
for the bicyclist....:biggrin:
dang woodrats. they're all spooked
by hunters. look out.
So when is the next drive date?
Julia and I are down for another drive if someone plans it
Hey guys sorry about last weekend:redface: . i had some last minute personnel misfortunes. Sucks because i had actually text messaged a few guys about attending the drive. BUT i am making myself TOTALLY available to attend this weekend if the group wants to do another ride. i have been so looking foward to this!!:biggrin: :biggrin: :wink: