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Tomoske collective investigation and tracking for law suit

Actually Red, I want to make it clear that when I said "kind of support" I was referring to finding Tamoske, not injuring him. And as far as collecting the refund for a precentage? You should pm those who are in the GB. Im willing to bet that everyone will give Tamoske one last chance and see if he will produce pics and also ship out something. When downforce had a longer than expected time on the hepa system they offered everyone another free filter which I thought was nice of them. Tamoske if you send out the parts you should at least send to each person a Lithuanian shot glass as a token of appology. I'd like to here people raise their shot glass to Tamoske. OK?

And send NMYMIRR two shot glasses and a bottle of Lithuanian liquor.

OK, there seem to be men and children here (If you're offended by my reference to calling some here children then I meant to offend you since you're likely the child)

A member did a favour for the group - period. He wasn't an agent, and, I assume since he took the money at cost, he didn't intend to profit.

Now, I'm gonna do you all a favour - for a living, I "take people who don't pay's shit"

I'm gonna see if I have some connections in Lithuania (I know I have in Ukraine, Russia, Serbia, Romania and Moldova - I've just never called on anyone in Lithuania)

They will go and get your money - even if he doesn't have it, I'm sure his relatives will pay.

Tell me you want this and I'll start the ball rolling - the one thing I'll say: I personally, don't like this type of collection work and know I will not control these "collectors" - they will also want a percentage (They're not my cousins)

Are you up for it?
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According to our msn conversation this morning, he is to go to the factory, take a bunch of pictures to show the progress and prove he's still working on them, and will email them to me. As soon as I get them I'll post them here since he doesn't know how to host and post pics.
According to our msn conversation this morning, he is to go to the factory, take a bunch of pictures to show the progress and prove he's still working on them, and will email them to me. As soon as I get them I'll post them here since he doesn't know how to host and post pics.

Uh is'nt he the one who started a lets see PICS of local hot girls thread.....Here are a few near me:confused: :rolleyes:
"I swear officer, I didn't know the package I was just delivering was filled with coke!"

This smelled foul long before the organizer got involded. And I'm by NO MEANS saying you knew for a fact that this was a scam but seriously...this had scam writen all over it.
According to our msn conversation this morning, he is to go to the factory, take a bunch of pictures to show the progress and prove he's still working on them, and will email them to me. As soon as I get them I'll post them here since he doesn't know how to host and post pics.

Interesting. He knew how to post them here: http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=90712

I know I am an inherently skeptical NY trial attorney, but I do find it a bit inconsistent that he can post semi-clad women and not carbon fiber parts. I wonder if a girl was wearing a carbon fiber bikini.......

EDIT: Damn you DocJohn. I took a call and you beat me to the post button. Damn you. Damn you you damn dirty ape........(I just loved that movie.....)
wow its BEEN almost 1 year!??!!?:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

2 month... ok.. maybe... but 1 year?! its way beyond patience. you guys are way too nice. :rolleyes:
I feel confident that based upon the background facts provided surrounding this failed transaction that NMYMIRR is not liable financially or under a products liability perspective for everyone somewhat inexplicably sending money to Lithuania before one product had even been made. Think about it, NMYMIRR acted on behalf of Prime members to collect their money and send it to a foreign country where Tamoske was going to have possession of 100% of the funds. He had nothing to ship since he was not going to produce anything until he had all of the money. I don't think a college business law class would say that is secure transaction.

I see your point. Here is my angle. If the middleman represented the trust of the vendor in his offer to help secure the transaction, then he was acting on behalf of the seller. For instance, if the middleperson says things like,
o I think you should join the group buy
o the product will be good
o the vendor is trustworthy
o I'm going it, you should too

If the middleman's "offer" of service was like that, then I believe he would be acting as an agent, on behalf of the vendor.

On the other hand, if there were many buyers on a list, who were all committed to the transaction, yet weren't able to pay internationally... and the middleperson said things like:
o I can help you send money internationally
o I can save us purchasers money (or time or anything else) by combining transfers
o I can make this easier for those already decided

Then I would agree that the middleperson was providing service strcitly to the purchasers.

I haven't followed the GB from the beginning, but I believe there are two classes of service that could have been offered, one where our legal system would find fault and one where it might not.

Again, not a lawyer, don't play one on TV, but do have thinning hair and can drink a lot.

Our community will be better off and happier when parts start arriving. Go Tamoske and make this a happy(ier) result!
Sure, the group buy organizer.

The group buy "organizer" was Tamoske. NMYMIRR was a member/customer of the GB and agreed to collect the money to be sent to Tamoske.

If you are inferring that somehow NMYMIRR should have known this was a "scam", I believe a more accurate statement would be that every member of the GB should have been aware of the of the possibility, if not probability, of non-delivery issues and loss of "investment" for the following reasons:

1. The well-publicized problems associated with the first GB.
2. The fact that Tamoske is a Lithuanian resident.
3. The apparent lack of any "factory".
4. The obvious use of unskilled/illegal laborers.
5. The request for 100% of the funds up front before product 1 is made.
6. No banking ties to the United States.
7. No jurisdiction of US Courts to resolve disputes.
8. No ability to accept Paypal.
9. No ability to accept credit cards.
10. No reason to honestly believe you could ever recover your investment in the event of non-delivery.
The group buy "organizer" was Tamoske. NMYMIRR was a member/customer of the GB and agreed to collect the money to be sent to Tamoske.

or·gan·iz·er /ˈɔrgəˌnaɪzər/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[awr-guh-nahy-zer] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. a person who organizes, esp. one who forms and organizes a group.

Oh, NMYMIRR was deff. the organizer. I've organized many GB's before, and each time I've personaly taken note of the dealers before dealing with them...and some have turned sour.
Guys, one of a few voices of reason here...

1. Don't continue to post just to "prove your point" or have the last word. It doesn't matter, we all know (generally) what is going on here. Don't defend Tamoske, don't berate NYMIRR.

2. Nobody is suing anyone. Tamoske is at zero risk of any U.S. lawsuit affecting him, even if he is 100% fraudulent. NYMIRR is, by every account, not in any way "at fault" here. So there won't be any stupid lawsuits naming him either. Especially not for a stupid $400 part by any given person.

3. Scorp... don't know what to say. I know you're a bright guy. Why you're into this for north of $16k is beyond me, but, well, that's you're own risk. You can deal with this with your own Louisville Slugger and plane tix, but shouldn't be confused with everyone else that has gotten screwed for just a few hundred bucks.

As others have said, this is a massive "live 'n learn" but this lawsuit nonsense (agree with RSO34) is just clouding the picture.

Tamoske, if you had any integrity. At all. You would, within this week, refund everyone all (or most) of their money, or would pay for similar SoS parts to be shipped as substitutes.

I don't think you have any integrity though.
On a side note, he uses Senna as his avitar,thats like using Our Lord as an avitar on a Christian site:frown: Actualy I see Stuntmans point as well.I do believe this guy was well intentioned initialy,,but talk about half baked screww ups.I'm sure there is no money left to give back,so Billy has the right idea,kill him with kindness,because at this point thats all you've got to keep him in the game.
Do we do nothing? Let Tamoske know that were going to hound him and find out the truth about him until he sends the products. By him reading that there are no laws that can punish him do you think that makes him angry or happy? This would make the perfect story for Chris Hannsen 20/20 investigates. I understand how NYMIRR is upset but if I had seen that kind of passion that he gave me going into tamoske I might have thought twice. Calling people names doesn't show intelligence or integrity. It just shows that you have a a hot head. Be adult about it. I guess if I was in his shoes I would be trying to do the same thing. I've read NYMIRR other posts and he seems like a good person. By providing the information to help find Tamoske he's proved him self on our side.
or·gan·iz·er /ˈɔrgəˌnaɪzər/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[awr-guh-nahy-zer] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. a person who organizes

You will have to forgive me if I don't find your use of a definition that uses that actual word as the definition to be dispositive of the issue.

What I find troubling is that you seem to be on a mission to persecute NMYMIRR and yet I do not believe you are part of the GB. Conspicuous by its absence is any complaint from an actual member of the GB suggesting that somehow this is all NMYMIRR's fault/responsibility.

The silence from that group not only is deafening but is suggestive of the proposition that only the outside spectactors are castigating NMYMIRR for a transaction of which they have no personal knowledge.
You will have to forgive me if I don't find your use of a definition that uses that actual word as the definition to be dispositive of the issue.

What I find troubling is that you seem to be on a mission to persecute NMYMIRR and yet I do not believe you are part of the GB. Conspicuous by its absence is any complaint from an actual member of the GB suggesting that somehow this is all NMYMIRR's fault/responsibility.

The silence from that group not only is deafening but is suggestive of the proposition that only the outside spectactors are castigating NMYMIRR for a transaction of which they have no personal knowledge.

Please, I am not on any type of mission and I hope NMYMIRR gets out ok...but to say he is not at any fault I dunneo, personally I think he is, but should he pay monitarally, I don't think so. Now, the question of will people charge back their CC to him, Oh you bet they will. Again, I'm not condoning that, but I'm just stating the obvious facts.

And I have plenty of personal knowledge of this transaction, I almost got in on it....but then after getting IM's from Tomascammer I thought to myself....WTF, this is a big scam!

You will have to forgive me if I don't find your use of a definition that uses that actual word as the definition to be dispositive of the issue.

If I need to explain the difference between a noun and a verb...
I understand how NYMIRR is upset but if I had seen that kind of passion that he gave me going into tamoske I might have thought twice. Calling people names doesn't show intelligence or integrity. It just shows that you have a a hot head. Be adult about it. I guess if I was in his shoes I would be trying to do the same thing. I've read NYMIRR other posts and he seems like a good person. By providing the information to help find Tamoske he's proved him self on our side.

Haha, you just don't give up, even after the facts are presented before you. You just have to have the last word and lash back somehow, huh. Ok lets do this... Hot headed admittedly so. When YOU started to point fingers at me with your inconclusive ASSUPTIONS and innuendoes, naming me as one of the primary target to go after, what did you expect me to do? Sit back and be the punching bag that you hope for, without defending myself? This is ludicrous and insane if you for one second you or anyone for that matter think this was going to happen. On one of my first few replies to your misleading statements, I was more than curteous when replying. But as your persistence went on this matter contiuned, EVEN now... you really expected me to be kind and cordial? You have better wake up and smell the coffee come back to reality. Yeah, I get angry and HOT HEADED, who wouldn't!! What, I can't vent and lash back? :mad: You opened me up to the general public/forum for a attempted back lashing from anyone that you indirectly coerced with your ASSUMPTIONS. Incase you're not aware of this....any human being would have done the same and lash back, be HOT HEADED and yes, in my case call names. On the subject of calling names....if the shoe fits wear it, and if it doesn't apply to you then you know what to do with it, but obviously it affected you somewhat for you to continue to snipe at me somemore.

Now lets define intelligence.... How intelligent are you, trying to stir the pot over and over again. To add insult to injury you are now calling me someone that "doesn't show intelligence"? Don't be a hypercrit and think before you speak. Your mouth is your worest enemy at this point. I would stop talking if I were you, you know what you look like now? :rolleyes:

Now with integrity.... How do you base the fact that I have no integrity?... what based on the fact that I called names?:confused: Grow up man you need to be an adult and think before you speak which goes back to intelligence. Have you had enough yet, want some more?:mad:

Please, I am not on any type of mission and I hope NMYMIRR gets out ok...but to say he is not at any fault I dunneo, personally I think he is, but should he pay monitarally, I don't think so. Now, the question of will people charge back their CC to him, Oh you bet they will. Again, I'm not condoning that, but I'm just stating the obvious facts.

And I have plenty of personal knowledge of this transaction, I almost got in on it....but then after getting IM's from Tomascammer I thought to myself....WTF, this is a big scam!

If I need to explain the difference between a noun and a verb...

Everyone here have a difference in opinion here, and I totally dissagree with your thoughts on this matter. And for you to even bring up the suggestion of doing a CC charge back even tho you don't condone...you mind as well hold up a neon sign and signal in the troops to follow suit.

And for those who think I'll just sit back and be a good little boy and take this BS, you're dead wrong. I will fight each and everyone of those negative assumptions and innuendoes directed towards me, to the very end, ESPECIALLY PEOPLE WHO HAD NOTHING INVESTED IN ANY OF THE GBs.
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I'm surprised that until now nobody is saying anything on how much is involved in this transaction? Anybody has an idea? With due respect to NMYMIRR - Why not share this information?

Well if you must know and to prove I didn't get a dime (well I did get a whole massive amount of $23.37) from this fiasco of a GB. The total amount from both GBs totals to $10,603.37 net! I'm not going to post each and every amount deposited into my Paypal account, Lud has all that information which I gave him a while back. This was sent to him based on this thread >>>> http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=98344

I will give some dates to clear up where and who the GB funds went. The first GB payment went into my Paypal account started on 07/11/07, and the last GB payment deposited into my account was on 09/17/07. During those dates (07/11/07 - 09/17/07), I had (3) withdrawals.....

07/30/07 - $8600.00 went to Tamoske's bank account by way of money wire transfer to either his wife, mistress, sister, aunt or whoever it may be. The person on that account is name REGINA TAMOSIUNIENE. (See photo below) I had covered up the bank account # for security reasons.

08/28/07 - $700.00 went to Jahmel Ledeatte (nsxman2001) for whatever dealings he had with this prime member for parts or whatever, I don't know. It was transfered out of my Paypal to his Paypal account on that day.

09/25/07 - $1270.00 went to Randomharmony (Shane Leung), again for whatever monkey business, dealings he had with Shane I didn't ask, so don't try and ask me, I don't know and I don't care. It was transfered out of my Paypal to his Paypal account on that day.

Now for the math..... $10,633.37 - $8,600.00 - $700.00 - $1,270.00 = $63.37 remaining. Out of the $63.37 I spent approximate $40.00 of that amount to send him (Tamoske), by certified international mail with insurance, hard copies of my Paypal account transaction with everyone's address and items purchased during the (2) GBs. Now there is $23.37 left for the total. Should I distribute this amount to everyone who has vested interest in the GBs? :rolleyes: Oh yeah, I made a killing for this whole ordeal, WOW, so worth it. Go a ahead and blame me for making out like a bandit and I DARE ANYONE HERE TO SAY, I'M IN COLLUSION WITH TAMOSKE! :rolleyes: :eek: :mad: If this is not prove enough for some of you, well then I don't know what to tell you. You can't squeeze water out of a dry onion.

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