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Tomoske collective investigation and tracking for law suit

you guys dont have a prayer of collecting via any legal avenues in another country IMHO.

The continued communication and detailed excuses are gestures to keep you off his back and is a typical tactic used by a scammer to gain additional confidence and further delay the process.

All USA situations like this one can be referred to IC3.gov for collection and referral to the proper government/state agencies and forwarding onto the FBI if certain conditions are met. I dont know for sure but I think the monetary trigger for in USA thefts are around 7-15K for a hard look by the FBI. This amount can be cumulative over a number of thefts but the actual amount could have risen over the last few years since I had some dealings with an FBI agent regarding an eBay theft where a person, in Virginia, took money from a few people, some in the UK, for items he never delivered to them and didnt posses in the first place. In less than three weeks he was arrested and charged by the feds. The agent did admit to me that the number of cases under the 5K mark are so great that they could never look at them all in a hundred years. the State Attorney's General have picked up the slack but are also swamped with this type of crime due to high level e-commerce activity.

good luck. I say jump a plane and hire a local security firm to put some pressure on him during the visit.
Re: Tamoske collective investigation and tracking for law suit

One thing to remember is keep the pressure on him and let him know were not going to stop. I did some research and we have basically two options. We can go after him as individuals (which hardly anyone will notice). Or come together and go as a collective. If we decide to go collective we can out source the debt collection through another country that doesn't have the same constraint laws as we do. If this means going after the individual who was the middle person in the transaction then thats how it goes down. Each person has to make available the receipts paid to said middle person. Most likely this would be a return with pennies on the dollar but something is better than nothing. We also have the ability to write to his government not as individuals but again as a collective. We really need his shipping address of where the items came from. Anyone that has recieved anything from Tamoske can pm me his address. Also if we get his address we can google earth it and see the building this guy is working out of.
Please keep in mind that I was not part of the group buy nor am I part of any collective trying to retrieve money. I'm just a friendly nsx'r.
Here are some interesting web sites in regards to the above ideas.

Subscribed. Man, how did I miss this thread?!

I will look at my console's box when I get home and post up any return address/info it has.

Thank you John. Id like to google earth the address and see what kind of establishment were working with. I would be very shocked if it were his home. Lets hope not.

Re: Tamoske collective investigation and tracking for law suit

If this means going after the individual who was the middle person in the transaction then thats how it goes down.

I understand you're trying to help, however if you're suggesting that they go after me.....you're dead wrong in directing them towards me for retribution. I will say this again to those who have not heard me express this before. I was merely a middle man only trying to help members here to purchase products that Tamoske was and hopefully is still offering. I only decided to help in collecting funds through Paypal for Tamoske mainly because most feel more comfortable in making the transaction this way, but nobody was willing to step up to the plate. We are all adults here and made this decision on our own, KNOWINGLY how unorganized and troublesome the 1st Group Buy Tamoske has had. Those who had bought into these (2) GBs did so willingly without being coerced or otherwise on their own, knowing the risk that is involved. To sum this up....First of, I had no vested interest or have benefited in any way shape or form. I have a paper trail showing all Paypal transactions to my account and withdrawal leading to a bank transfer for all the funds going to Tamoske's bank account. If anyone here trys to file a charge back through Paypal it will just be a big waste of your time and energy. This will just be ignored and denied by Paypal as I have already filed a statement along with a paper trail leading to Tamoske bank account. For those of you who are remotely considering this (Paypal charge back) because yellow-scorpion had suggest it...you have been mislead. All the energy and effort towards getting a refund or products owed to them, needs to be directed towards Tamoske, NOT ME!!!
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Just a suggestion - First gather all the facts and information as well as the evidence/paper trails. File a complaint with the FBI and then contact the Lithuanian Embassy http://www.ltembassyus.org/ for assistance.
Their address is at

2300 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 302,
Arlington, VA 22201
Phone: (202) 234-5860

Chancery: ext. 130#

Consular/Visa Section: ext. 127#

Fax: (202) 328-0466

E-mail: [email protected]

They should be able to point you to the right Lithuanian (law enforcement)agency. If you know any news media or local politician that can stir up the issue - even better. If I was part of the GB this is what I would do. I'm sure the Lithuanian government would be concerned if theyll know that a lot of people were "allegedly" victimized by Tamoske.
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Re: Tamoske collective investigation and tracking for law suit

Okay..How much money are we talking about here?? Any idea how much was the total amount involved in this GB ? Must be a lot! Just curious:confused:

I understand you're trying to help, however if you're suggesting that they go after me.....you're dead wrong in directing them towards me for retribution. I will say this again to those who have not heard me express this before. I was merely a middle man only trying to help members here to purchase products that Tamoske was and hopefully is still offering. I only decided to help in collecting funds through Paypal for Tamoske mainly because most feel more comfortable in making the transaction this way, but nobody was willing to step up to the plate. We are all adults here and made this decision on our own, KNOWINGLY how unorganized and troublesome the 1st Group Buy Tamoske has had. Those who had bought into these (2) GBs did so willingly without being coerced or otherwise on their own, knowing the risk that is involved. To sum this up....First of, I had no vested interest or have benefited in any way shape or form. I have a paper trail showing all Paypal transactions to my account and withdrawal leading to a bank transfer for all the funds going to Tamoske's bank account. If anyone here trys to file a charge back through Paypal it will just be a big waste of your time and energy. This will just be ignored and denied by Paypal as I have already filed a statement along with a paper trail leading to Tamoske bank account. For those of you who are remotely considering this (Paypal charge back) because yellow-scorpion had suggest it...you have been mislead. All the energy and effort towards getting a refund or products owed to them, needs to be directed towards Tamoske, NOT ME!!!
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Re: Tamoske collective investigation and tracking for law suit

I understand you're trying to help, however if you're suggesting that they go after me.....you're dead wrong in directing them towards me for retribution. I will say this again to those who have not heard me express this before. I was merely a middle man only trying to help members here to purchase products that Tamoske was and hopefully is still offering. I only decided to help in collecting funds through Paypal for Tamoske mainly because most feel more comfortable in making the transaction this way, but nobody was willing to step up to the plate. We are all adults here and made this decision on our own, KNOWINGLY how unorganized and troublesome the 1st Group Buy Tamoske has had. Those who had bought into these (2) GBs did so willingly without being coerced or otherwise on their own, knowing the risk that is involved. To sum this up....I have a paper trail showing all Paypal transactions to my account and withdrawal leading to a bank transfer for all the funds going to Tamoske's bank account. If anyone here trys to file a charge back through Paypal it will just be a big waste of your time and energy. This will just be ignored and denied by Paypal as I have already filed a statement along with a paper trail leading to Tamoske bank account. For those of you who are remotely considering this (Paypal charge back) because yellow-scorpion had suggest it...you have been mislead. All the energy and effort towards getting a refund or products owed to them, needs to be directed towards Tamoske, NOT ME!!!

I don't think I ever said to persue a charge back against paypal. I know how paypal works and never suggested it. But since your the middle man and you have the bank account transfer information how about providing this information so they can trace it back to Tamoske. Other wise if your not willing to help and just want to direct those to tamoske knowing its a loss cause than your not part of the solution. I actually thought that the middle man was in Lithuania. But I tell you what, since you have ALL the correct paper work and ALL the transactions how about you write to the government of Lithuania and explain what took place. You wanted to collect the funds for this GB so now you can be the spoke person for the GB. Do you have Tamoske's address? It sucks being the middle man, but its time to aggresively start helping and stop redirecting.
I will tell you this though. I know that because you live in america theres legal course against you. If 5 people go to downforce to buy something that gets imported from Japan motorsports and that item never comes,,, the 5 people don't go after Japan motorsports, they go after downforce.
If 5 people go to downforce to buy something that gets imported from Japan motorsports and that item never comes,,, the 5 people don't go after Japan motorsports, they go after downforce.


time for charge backs through your credit card.

if you file charge back through your CC company, it does not matter where the money trail is, paypal will younk that cash out of someone's account since paypal is not losing a red penny. If your CC company does not pay, paypal will get their money from someone.

as for the middle man... should have let the GB go direct to TOMA. That way your not involved when the poop hits the fan

Im sure everyone made money... thats the essance of the middle man. No one takes on risk with out reward.

This dude on the mustang forum is getting sued till the cows come home because he was the middle man on a mustang group buy for XS power (ssautochrome, thank God they got kicked off ebay) crap turbo kits. He collected the money, made some money, gave the rest to ssautocrap.... when the turbo kits turned out to be COMPLETE GARBAGE, he got sued and then some. Turbos blew up after 1 mile on the car, manifolds cracked.

a) he did not have most of the money
b) he could not refund
c) he was liable since he collected the money and was the seller.
d) 100 pissed mustang owners are on his ass all wanting a twearl not the mention the whole forum getting heated.
e) he also said, "im just being the nice guy that was trying to help everyone" blah blah blah... no one cared. 1500$ is worth hell of alot more than excuses.

i wonder if that guy is bankrupt by now ..... its been a while....unless your own products is on hand and know the quality, i would stay away from the middle man role.

bottom line is no such thing as a QUICK buck.
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Re: Tamoske collective investigation and tracking for law suit

I don't think I ever said to persue a charge back against paypal. I know how paypal works and never suggested it. But since your the middle man and you have the bank account transfer information how about providing this information so they can trace it back to Tamoske. Other wise if your not willing to help and just want to direct those to tamoske knowing its a loss cause than your not part of the solution. I actually thought that the middle man was in Lithuania. But I tell you what, since you have ALL the correct paper work and ALL the transactions how about you write to the government of Lithuania and explain what took place. You wanted to collect the funds for this GB so now you can be the spoke person for the GB. Do you have Tamoske's address? It sucks being the middle man, but its time to aggresively start helping and stop redirecting.
I will tell you this though. I know that because you live in america theres legal course against you. If 5 people go to downforce to buy something that gets imported from Japan motorsports and that item never comes,,, the 5 people don't go after Japan motorsports, they go after downforce.

Ray, I'm more than willing to help. However, some of your suggestions and accusation towards me at not warranted or welcomed. First of, I am not going to be the spokes person to write to the Lithuania government as you had suggested. However since you made the suggestion you can take the lead role in doing so, and I'm more than willing to assist in anyway possible. Here is Tamoske's address listed below.

Mindaugas Tamosiunas
Siaures Prospektas 12-8
Kaunas LT-49154

And here is the phone number that someone else had found for this address.

ŠIAURĖS PR. 85-36 , KAUNAS PH# 861272015
Have you guys try to contact him on MSN messenger? He's on it all the time, [email protected].

And no, his english is actually pretty good, not broken at all.

I thought he was a good guy but turned out to be a total jackass. Just last month, this jerk tried to sell me a set of these non-pop-up headlights, claiming that he makes them too!

He's no cheater all right :redface: , don't forget that.
Added to my list! :P

Add me to your msn Tamoske, me rove you rong time!
So your willing to take the money but not be the spoke person? And now you want me to be the middle man to persue Tamoske? I honestly don't think you've done your fair share to recover the money. You might be a nice person and ment well but you see this as "other people's problem". You fell for his scam to get you to be the middle man so he wouldn't be bothered with the GB. He's probably reading this laughing that we american's are fighting eachother. What have you done to get the money back? How much money did you foward him?

BTW I appreciate the address. Thank you.
Phone # was a bonus

Don't get me wrong, I am neither upset or inflamed. Im probably conveying what the GB people and other nsx people that are following this post are feeling but unwilling to type out. In court the GB goes after you and you go after Tamoske, I think thats how its going to play out unless Tamoske delivers. I'm sorry that you are the middle man. I really thought it was someone from overseas.
NMYMIRR thus learns a valuable lesson. Don't offer to help. You'll be held responsible.


I think not offering to help is the worse that we can do as a community. As for being held responsible in getting the money back Im sure the GB would thank anyone who is able to help. Don't hide, step up.
glad I don't like the CF interior trim thing and didn't get screwed on this deal...sorry to those who have...just reading thru the GB thread it is obvious he is a con and just stringing you all along..I hope I'm wrong and he actually comes through, but after reading his last post on both GB threads, I doubt it..

"There has been another delay, but these parts are in the final stage of production - this new delay is 3 weeks from today, before I will start to send parts out. I understand if you don't trust in this deadline, but this new delay is necessary to provide finished parts. I cannot refund your money, because this paid for the production of these pieces, as well as some bad pieces which have been thrown away due to bad workers. These new parts, which are great quality, are being clear coated now, and will ship in around 3 weeks time; I appreciate your paitience."

translation= "I spent your money and have no refund or product to deliver. I am a con artist...thank you for not tracking me down yet"

:rolleyes: makes me sick...good luck guys.
So your willing to take the money but not be the spoke person? And now you want me to be the middle man to persue Tamoske? I honestly don't think you've done your fair share to recover the money. You might be a nice person and ment well but you see this as "other people's problem". You fell for his scam to get you to be the middle man so he wouldn't be bothered with the GB. He's probably reading this laughing that we american's are fighting eachother. What have you done to get the money back? How much money did you foward him?

BTW I appreciate the address. Thank you.
Phone # was a bonus

Don't get me wrong, I am neither upset or inflamed. Im probably conveying what the GB people and other nsx people that are following this post are feeling but unwilling to type out. In court the GB goes after you and you go after Tamoske, I think thats how its going to play out unless Tamoske delivers. I'm sorry that you are the middle man. I really thought it was someone from overseas.

I think not offering to help is the worse that we can do as a community. As for being held responsible in getting the money back Im sure the GB would thank anyone who is able to help. Don't hide, step up.

Here you go again with that accusing tone of yours. Yes I collected the funds for the GBs and you stated as though I was the sole beneficiary of the funds? Did I ever state that I wasn't going to help? Have you even read what I've posted in post #16? >>> http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showpost.php?p=961559&postcount=16 Are you just on a mission to kick someone while he's down?:mad: Hell you're doing a bang up job conveying what you think/assume others here are thinking. What don't you go to Lithuania and collect the funds for everyone since all you can do is suggest but not act on anything. If I was going to hide as you so suggest and not help, would I have even chimed in this thread at all?:mad:
I think not offering to help is the worse that we can do as a community. As for being held responsible in getting the money back Im sure the GB would thank anyone who is able to help. Don't hide, step up.

Your persitance in assigning guilt to a fellow primer who offered to expidite/streamline a gb (which went south),and suggest to others that he is legaly responsible in some way is imho doing more harm then good,ie it certainly will inhibit anyone else doing something similar,and diverts peoples attentions from the real problem.:confused:
In court the GB goes after you and you go after Tamoske, I think thats how its going to play out unless Tamoske delivers. I'm sorry that you are the middle man. I really thought it was someone from overseas.

I am amazed that you would threaten and/or suggest legal action against a member of our community who was nothing more than a facilitator of the funds transfer. If you dropped a check off at the post office would you threaten the USPS with legal action for being the "middle man" for the funds transfer?

NMYMIRR is not responsible for everyone's blind faith in dealing with a questionable "vendor" who had no financial ties to the States and was beyond the jurisdiction of local courts. I am truly sorry so many people were "gullible" enough to send money to Lithuania but the tone of your post against NMYMIRR not only is not legally valid but it is also highly offensive to the Prime community.
They didn't send the money to Lithuania, they sent it to an individual in America. Im sorry that it was one of our own that was tricked into being the middle man. I still don't know how much money were talking here. Look, everyone wants the GB to play helpless victim and I'm simply saying apply pressure. I don't want to kick anyone when they're down but unless you turn the wheel your not going to move. Its funny that Tamoske out of no were post a reply when he knew there were people willing to find him. Thats the kind of response I like. Lets see if he means it this time.

The problem with posting words is that you can read it in two different ways. Clear your mind and read my words comming from someone thats not screaming or arguing but just asking question.
Look, everyone wants the GB to play helpless victim and I'm simply saying apply pressure.

You are applying pressure to the wrong person. No one is suggesting that the GB "play helpless victim" but directing your anger and frustration at NMYMIRR is completely uncalled for. Each person took a risk in sending their money over to Lithuania so if the GB ends up losing money/being ripped off/getting poor quality products then caveat emptor. I can empathize with the GB but direct the anger inward first for being so gullible in the first instance and then figure out a way to find your money in Lithuania. Good luck but the only way anyone is seeing anything out of this is if Tamoske either sends refunds or the product.
You guys are calling the witch hunt on the wrong person. NMYMIRR tried to do everyone a favor and now people are blaming him. I cannot believe that some of you are saying that it is his fault. Yellow-Scorpion, I understand your frustrations but you have no right to blame anyone but yourself or Tamoske.
Please read ALL the posts before responding. Again there is NO anger or frustration.. I was not part of the group buy. I don't hate or wish anything bad on anyone. Again this is the problem when we posting words. I never had anything against him. My main goal was to pressure Tamoske in doing so the middle man felt pressured. This was a fault of mine since I hadn't read each post on the original group buy and didn't know who the middle man was. Everytime I saw NMYMIRR posts I thought he was also in the group buy. This whole "pointing the finger at NMYMIRR" was not my intention. The focus of this thread was to apply pressure on Tamoske. The thread doesn't say NMYMIRR collective investigation. It amazes me why no one else wants to help those that were taken? Use the internet to aid us. Should we just close the thread and let the GB people suffer?