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Tomoske collective investigation and tracking for law suit

The financial information for Tamoske raises some questions. First of all, the account is in someone else's name. Second, the "bank" has the same address as Tamoske. Perhaps with their e-banking they use the residence address of the account holder but this should raise another red flag for anyone crazy enough to ever try to do business with Tamoske again.

And by the way Tamoske, where are the photos? It is now 4:30 pm your time which gave you the whole day to take and upload some photos.
OMG...you all are still going over this...?

i find it funny how some of you have though that this was a 50K plus "scam".

some of you that are the hottest about it, didnt even participate...

let it go, the guy got in over his head....he will either make good or he wont, and all this crap WILL NOT make him do it quicker, if anything he will say screw it and go find a new group to hang out with.
This would make the perfect story for Chris Hannsen 20/20 investigates. I understand how NYMIRR is upset but if I had seen that kind of passion that he gave me going into tamoske I might have thought twice. Be adult about it. By providing the information to help find Tamoske he's proved him self on our side.

are you kidding? 20/20? they would laugh at you so hard you would have perminant hearing loss. get a life man.

be adult about it? do you really think going on a forum and creating a shit storm is being adult?

NYMIRR is probably, Proving he IS NOT at fault more than he is proving on your side.

did i read correct that you are not even part of this GB?
OMG...you all are still going over this...?

i find it funny how some of you have though that this was a 50K plus "scam".

some of you that are the hottest about it, didnt even participate...

let it go, the guy got in over his head....he will either make good or he wont, and all this crap WILL NOT make him do it quicker, if anything he will say screw it and go find a new group to hang out with.

I agree.
the funny thing is you are even thinking of going after NMYMIRR....

you are all mad cause you feel stupid for getting involved, this is how some GB's go...deal with it....

i hope NMYMIRR grabs his own louisville slugger and teachs you all a second lesson...
Does anyone else have information regarding Tamoske? I have a feeling we're not going to see the pics. From this thread on lets all focus on ways to use the internet to find Tamoske.
The group buy "organizer" was Tamoske. NMYMIRR was a member/customer of the GB and agreed to collect the money to be sent to Tamoske.

If you are inferring that somehow NMYMIRR should have known this was a "scam", I believe a more accurate statement would be that every member of the GB should have been aware of the of the possibility, if not probability, of non-delivery issues and loss of "investment" for the following reasons:

1. The well-publicized problems associated with the first GB.
2. The fact that Tamoske is a Lithuanian resident.
3. The apparent lack of any "factory".
4. The obvious use of unskilled/illegal laborers.
5. The request for 100% of the funds up front before product 1 is made.
6. No banking ties to the United States.
7. No jurisdiction of US Courts to resolve disputes.
8. No ability to accept Paypal.
9. No ability to accept credit cards.
10. No reason to honestly believe you could ever recover your investment in the event of non-delivery.

11. The multitude of proposals for the production of various (crappy) products for the NSX, e.g. rear window blocking subwoofer, swarovski crystal embedded seats, lambo door kit, LED taillights, etc.
12. Numerous posts in vendor threads for the purchase of parts for his own NSX - now where did he get the money?
13. Living large in Lithuania with his own, riced out car:


I'd blame myself before pointing the finger at NYMYMIRR...
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This con artist takes your money. Blame him, learn from the experience. Don't be taken again. Don't give the con man the satisfaction of watching you blame each other.
If his bank account info was made public then i am sure you GB members can trace it back. If you have his address supposedly...contact the FBI and embassy with address and have some agents knock on the door. If you guys group together at the very least higher some PIs and mercenaries to go over there.
I need 5 trained men. Preferably ex Special Ops. I need 100,000 dollars upfront for materials and another 100,000 once the mission is complete. My codename will be.... 0007 :confused:
Am I wrong or is this failed GB turning everyone here against each other.:confused:

I don't think so. It's seems just a few people are really pissed about getting ripped off and are looking for anyone to lash out at. Looks mostly like venting to me. I would never send money over seas for anything over 20 bucks.

I would suspect before this is over someone will fly over there and straighten it out. Most likely Tomoske is a kid who got in over his head and is too proud to admit it.

I think this winter is dragging out and a lot of people are restless. I know it seems like a long one for me and I am getting frustrated too. But I am usually in Florida so the winter seems extra long to me.
Am I wrong or is this failed GB turning everyone here against each other.:confused:

Meh. I'm still good with everyone. The Internet is the internet, and everyone likes to put in their 2 cents.

No pics from Tamoske. LOL!

Maybe I pissed him off by posting our convo up here, who knos. He's still not entitled to not send me pics.

BTW He din't know how to host large batches of pictures, which was why I bothered to host them for him. I know he knows how to post pics.

Looks like he's only getting away with a fraction of what we though he got away with. I am fine with walking away lesson learned. Its only money right ;)

I'm going out to my garage later, taking the covr off my nsx and will sit inside for a few minutes and pretend its summer and not the 50 cms of snow outside today. :p
Am I wrong or is this failed GB turning everyone here against each other.:confused:

It is truly unfortunate that the good but blind faith our members put in Tamoske, who has proven to be both incompetent and a liar, has resulted in bickering among the members. I can understand the frustration and anger of the "buyers" as well as the passion of the "spectators" but it should all be directed at Tamoske. It does appear that Tamoske tried to put out a product and had no ability to do so correctly. Did he start out a thief - no. Can he end up a thief - yes.

Given the transactional history of this GB, I suspect that he has no true business model or skills and was always trying to play catch up both with production and expenses. I am most concerned about our member who is owed $16,000 because I think that money is long gone. My bet is that Tamoske was using money from new orders to refund some old ones (see the money distribution in an earlier post) and then probably used up a good portion of the $16,000 to continually pay workers who "stole from him" or made poor quality products. I would not be surprised if he is out of money now and with his history no one will send any further funds so he will drag it out until people just give up.

But it should be a lesson to everyone about thinking before jumping in on a GB like this. Don't forget, over a year ago he tried to peddle this monstrosity: http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showpost.php?p=752982&postcount=17 That should have been another red flag warning people about trying to buy anything he was trying to make.
BTW He din't know how to host large batches of pictures, which was why I bothered to host them for him. I know he knows how to post pics.

Just another excuse and/or lie. He has uploaded his images to Prime many times in the past and put multiple images in his posts. http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showpost.php?p=752982&postcount=17 I think everyone was way too patient and trusting. There have also been times when his English skills were quite proficient and others when they were quite poor so I would not trust anything he says or does, but then again I never did.
It is truly unfortunate that the good but blind faith our members put in Tamoske, who has proven to be both incompetent and a liar, has resulted in bickering among the members. I can understand the frustration and anger of the "buyers" as well as the passion of the "spectators" but it should all be directed at Tamoske. It does appear that Tamoske tried to put out a product and had no ability to do so correctly. Did he start out a thief - no. Can he end up a thief - yes.

Given the transactional history of this GB, I suspect that he has no true business model or skills and was always trying to play catch up both with production and expenses. I am most concerned about our member who is owed $16,000 because I think that money is long gone. My bet is that Tamoske was using money from new orders to refund some old ones (see the money distribution in an earlier post) and then probably used up a good portion of the $16,000 to continually pay workers who "stole from him" or made poor quality products. I would not be surprised if he is out of money now and with his history no one will send any further funds so he will drag it out until people just give up.

But it should be a lesson to everyone about thinking before jumping in on a GB like this. Don't forget, over a year ago he tried to peddle this monstrosity: http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showpost.php?p=752982&postcount=17 That should have been another red flag warning people about trying to buy anything he was trying to make.

That about sums it up. Started out with good intentions and ended up a Ponzi scheme to cover incompetence.
I think everyone was way too patient and trusting.

....and those two things should never be used together. If I order something and I pay with paypal or a credit card I make sure a couple of days before I can retract the payment I retract the payment. I don't even care if the shipment has been made I still retract the payment. If the box shows up and the item is in the box and in good condition then I pay again. You can never be too careful.

The risk should have been on Tomoske shoulders to produce the item before it was paid for. If he could not do that then no one would have put any faith in him from the get-go. MAybe if the orders came a bit slower he could have kept up with them.
Does anyone else have information regarding Tamoske? I have a feeling we're not going to see the pics. From this thread on lets all focus on ways to use the internet to find Tamoske.

Don't know if it helps but here is his license plate number in case anyone has a way of verifying his name/address through the tag.

Thanks dor the info NMYMIRR,

So It's all clear now. All the money from the GB was sent to someone else's account and not Tamoske's? So this GB was doomed from the start? I'm speechless - :frown: