The 2010 World Cup football thread

I heard they actually turn down the noise from the crowd since those damn horns are beyond loud and annoying. They should outlaw those things.

I think Brazil, Argentina, Spain and Netherlands make the final four. USA might actually win a game in the second round if they keep Tim Howard healthy. They need to put that Hercules Gomez kid in early in the second half to give our strikers some rest. Everyone thinks Argentina will win it all but I say the Netherlands come up big later on. Ruud van Nistelrooy!

Brazil is not nearly as loaded as prior years. They are missing quite a few name players.
I think Brazil, Argentina, Spain and Netherlands make the final four.

Nada! Germany will be right there but do not count out Uruguay with a +3 and Portugal. A couple of upsets still will happen due to the poor communications down on the field (horn noise) as things really tighten up.
My heart and soul is with England, however, I don't think they have enough in net this year to go all the way. :mad:

How about that! Nigeria gave Greece a real gift by drawing a red card at the 34' mark thus allowing GRE to score it's first goal ever with the man advantage.
Will Greece finally win one? They have looked terrible! :eek:
Wow....Nigeria gave that game away with that stupid red card foul. They were dominating up until that point.

And congrats to Argentina for a very nice win.
Looks like the stage is set for tomorrow's England vs Algeria battle. Abdelkader Ghezzal of Algeria has already been red carded against Slovenia, so let's see what happens. England needs to emerge if they want to ....... "Carry On" so to speak.

United States are well coached and have great goal tending with Howard. I hope he has recovered fully. :rolleyes:

The Germans should win tomorrow. :cool:

Big day. Looks like the lawn cutting and car washing will have to wait another day. :biggrin:

This is pure bulls**t! Klose in NO way deserved that red card. The ref should be removed from these games for calling so many unwarranted yellow cards. That was a simple foul, no aggression or purpose whatsoever. Football is a contact sport. Germany has to play with 10 for the second half and are already down a goal immediately due to that stupid call! All they can hope for now (with all the yellow cards out there), is that another stupid call goes against the Serbs to even it to 10/side.

THIS IS PURE CRAP! :mad::mad::mad:
Horible Horrible Horrible referring today.

USA was robbed of a win.

Koman needs to be removed from the WC.
Boy oh boy I watched the replay of that third US goal which was retracted,there was no US foul at all,if anything there was more holding by Slovenia:rolleyes: That was really bad officiating:frown:
Check out this wiki article about the ref LOL

Boy oh boy I watched the replay of that third US goal which was retracted,there was no US foul at all,if anything there was more holding by Slovenia:rolleyes: That was really bad officiating:frown:

"Change the Rules in Soccer!!"

The problem with soccer is that the Refs have too much control over the outcome of any given game and I have seen too many questionable calls decide the outcome in the World Cup.
1. Have a mandatory nuetral video committee (made up of grammar school children from Canada) review of ALL red card and/or penalty kick calls.
2. Yellow card for any questionable flop.
3. Move any non-flagrant/excessive penalty kicks out 10 yards further.
4. Don't put all the pressure on the goalie on OT sudden death kicks. Rather take 2 men off the field from each team and play to first goal scored.
5. Allow off-sides. We just need more goals.
6. Have a scheduled pre-game holligan brawl contained in the stadium with supervised medical attendees. Anything goes but no weapons. Let these idiots beat the living crap our of each other until they tire of this pathetic violence.

Something needs to be changed so this sport would suck a little less... :biggrin::biggrin:
Lol Rich,I know how soccer (sic) works heck I played 3 years for my high school varsity team, R fullback.:smile:
That Wiki article is intersting. I actually read the article just after the game before the info on the US game was put in there and it wasnt that intersting. But Wiki does have that neutrality disclaimer in there for now. This idiot is going down in history as a complete moron.

I read a funny line on another site saying Koman is lucky he didnt make a call like that aginst a country like Colombia.......:smile:
Yeah if you look at the wiki article now, it has been re edited again.
The Aussies playing with 10 men hold off Ghana to get the draw. There are a lot of happy Germans today.