Strange NSX owners....

22 March 2000
Planet Earth
according to some disgruntled Acura tech in California. This guy has been posting so much crap about every Acura product that I cannot understand why he contiunes to work for Acura. Anyway, click on the link below to see how NSX owners are looked at by some of the people working on our cars.

I think this guy needs a good wake up call!
wow that makes me feel good. I am not he dumbest owner out there!

and there is nothing wrong with an auto, provided you have a 6/5spd in the garage as well! (one of my future goals)


1999 Honda Prelude "Mina" (Should be the new daily driver)
1998 BMW 750iL "Katrina" Still the daily driver)
1997 NSX "Nina"
1982 BMW 633CSi "Jessica"
He will never own an ACURA, but he owns a chevrolet?? This guy is a moron. I would probably fire him and tell him to work for chevy.
I have read many post from that Master Tech and its pretty Ironic that he works for Acura.

He was on a debate sometime ago about NSX VS Z06 and same thoughts, "NSX's arent worth the 90K price tag". He is totally against the NSX.

I would think twice about getting my NSX service in the San Jose area.
Shouldn't this oxy moron be fire a long time ago. Before sending him out the door, I suggest that Acura let whoever he works for down the road how he like to bash in house products, that will keep him in the job long,I supposed. Master Tech, my ass, more like Dumb Tech, who doesn't know his appropriate place. And that comment about the NSX vs Z28, this sucker is insane, I walked away fome an SS the night I accidently down shift to 2nd going 110mph. How is that for fun? This guy is obviously a bad tech. ACURA, please fire this sucker RIGHT NOW>
Anyone who is in a service business and has such contempt for his customers is not going to keep those customers very long.
He claims the nsx "could get walked by an 18 year old kid in a new Z28." yeah... if the Z8 starts.... And what happens once the straight road ends and it's time to show some cornering skills.

Does he realize he's comparing a 2002 nothing but v8 engine, high-school grade, $20k POS with a 1989 concieved & designed exotic, V6 engineering marvel, that still lets you have $18 Oil service.

I'm surprised he can use the web
After reading this and the Mustang threads I cannot comprehend how stupid these particular mechanics are.

Unfortunately I noticed that he is in San Jose, I hope I never end up in whatever dealership/shop this guy works at.

If you don't have a passion for what you do or the customers you do it for, either shut the hell up about it, or find something else to do.

I have had the pleasure of working with some amazing service teams that had a real passion for their work and enjoyed meeting new people that share their passion, it's a shame that this keeps popping up.
Well the tech also owns a Honda if that makes any difference. Though, I have to admit working for Acura and being of negative opinion of the NSX owner on an Acura MDX site seems shady. I would think the tech should be careful of what he says as he is still a representative of Acura, especially putting it in writing. You know that this has got to get back to his dealership eventually if the tech keeps it up for a length of time.
Originally posted by NSXSTER:
He claims the nsx "could get walked by an 18 year old kid in a new Z28." yeah... if the Z8 starts.... And what happens once the straight road ends and it's time to show some cornering skills.

No manual-transmission NSX can get "walked" by any stock Z28. But a Z8 is a different story.
Wow, what a response so far. If you guys think his bashing of the NSX is bad, you should have read what he posted about the MDX. And on the MDX board nevertheless!

I personally feel that no matter what type of industry you work in, that you should be supportive of the product/service that you are providing. Period!
If it was me, and I was up in SJ, and that's happen to be my dealership, I would have a little chitchatting with whoever in charge, and let them take care of this guy in house. Because if he is unhappy with his work for some reason, he should have hanle the situation himself.
WTF?! Talk about biting the hand that feeds you! Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion, but I would NOT want this guy touching my car.

If any car--regardless of price--makes you feel like a million bucks, then it's worth every penny IMO.

Finally, there's a reason why GM axed the camaro/firebird. Cheap straight line performance is obviously not the most important criteria for the typical sports car buyer.
Regardless of his opinion on cars and the job he chooses, this guy has many issues that is overflowing. Like Lud said: "He sounds like a very unhappy man. I feel sorry for him and those around him." (now us!)..
Put this guy out of his misery. Terminate the bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"An Acura mechanic that will never own one...believe it"

That right there cracks me up... He must be the guy that polishes the nameplates on the 'Acura' cars, since thats pretty much all that ACURA gets credit for. I've never know a company called acura that makes cars. I say this guy is a pure load of BS. Anyone that goes to school long enough to become an ASE certified HONDA tech, knows how far superior of a product the Honda is compared to the GM. Not knocking GM by any means, but facts are facts. Show me the maintenance required to keep a 94 Cavalier on the road, as opposed to a 94 Civic, both with the same miles. IF the cavalier is still on the road to do the comparison. Comparing Honda with Chevrolet is a no brainer, as is that guy's head. As much as I hate signing up for other forums just to reply to one person, I had to do it. NSX4EVER!

[This message has been edited by NSXnBRLA (edited 26 September 2002).]
OK, Apple guy - that would probably be Woz. Apple HQ was in Cupertino. Nearest Acura dealer would probably be - hmm, let me think...
This what I know:

- The Apple guy (Woz) owns multiple NSXs. Even his wife owns one.

- Woz and his wife get their NSXs serviced at Los Gatos Acura. I was told this by the dealership's customer service manager. In fact, she was telling me about how Woz's wife even gave her a ride one time

- Thus, it is a pretty safe conclusion that this guy works at Los Gatos Acura

- Forutnately this guy did not work on my car

- With that kind of attitude, I am sure this mechanic will go very far in life. You never know, his children may one day grow up, go to mechanic's institute, work their way up to Sr. Technician, and finally earn the chance to work on my children's super expensive sportscars...

[This message has been edited by 8000RPM (edited 27 September 2002).]
He epitomizes the saying, "Arguing on the internet is like competing in the Special Olympics - even if you win you're still retarded."

I have been in the customer service / people business for many years and I can assure you that this person will be seeking new employment very shortly. His attitude has to overflow into his work personality and treatment of customers. And if he thinks that management does not perceive this than he is mistaken. Seek and you shall find, ask and you shall receive - he definitely is seeking and asking and will be receiving very soon.

[This message has been edited by wildrice (edited 27 September 2002).]
This guy, Rob, is all over the internet car forums bashing NSX, Acura, and imports in general. If any of you rememeber, many of our list members got in a big argument with him on this thread from another forum awhile back: threadid=33420&perpage=25&highlight=acura%20vs%20corvette&pagenumber=1

He posts as "Import Hater" on that site.

He either works at Stevens Creek, Los Gatos, or Sunnyvale Acura. Most likely one of the first two. Says his name is Rob and drives a new Chevy Silverado to work. Sounds like a very angry man. I'd be mad too if the only job I could get was to work on a product that I absolutely hate!

[This message has been edited by ck (edited 27 September 2002).]
I thought his comments were OK. He is just sad to see the cars wasted on the rich and strange.

Edit: Rich and Strange was a great movie.
Are we Acurians?

[This message has been edited by Tony Montoya (edited 27 September 2002).]

Reading page two it seems he doesn't like our car. He says he is a professional and will do his job but I wonder if he even wipes the oil off the suspension components when doing an oil change. I hope so.

[This message has been edited by Tony Montoya (edited 27 September 2002).]
Originally posted by Tony Montoya:
I thought his comments were OK.

You need to read all of his posts in the rest of the thread.

His blatant respect for the people he works for (Acura owners) is simply overwhelming.

I cannot even begin to imagine how it feels to show up to work on a daily basis at an environment where I am surrounded by people and products that I hate with a passion...

If that is not torture, I do not know what is.