Stock Market

Jinkers said:
Just checking in...we know what Ryanmcd2 does in a day, but how many points do all of you average in a day in the ES? 1-2? 3-5? over 5?

As you see from my posts I do not trade the ES.
Again 3-5 should be the goal, shit if you can do 1 a day with good money management you can make 100k a year which is DAMN good money.

Jinkers said:
Just checking in...we know what Ryanmcd2 does in a day, but how many points do all of you average in a day in the ES? 1-2? 3-5? over 5?
Ryanmcd2 said:
I got short because of End of Month BS as well as End of Quarter pump and dump. I think we sell of hard in the next 3-5 days. whonose who cares :D

I agree the Nas below 2k today was not a good sign, and it stayed there. You should get an accountant to take care of the details for you, a lot less hassles for you.
I made 360 today. I am on the edge of my seat waiting to see where the day will end. MArket seems top heavy, but the fact that it held up all day may bring in short covers at the end. Maybe short sellers will come in here too, who knows. you see crude and gas fall off the cliff today? Gov. is debating allowing non-clean gas to be sold to bring the price down.
If you play the trend today on a long term chart you had a hard time, I play 2min and did well. Think for the update on the oil deal, you have any links or what the ticker is for it? I don't watch oil ever.

steveny said:
I made 360 today. I am on the edge of my seat waiting to see where the day will end. MArket seems top heavy, but the fact that it held up all day may bring in short covers at the end. Maybe short sellers will come in here too, who knows. you see crude and gas fall off the cliff today? Gov. is debating allowing non-clean gas to be sold to bring the price down.
online source for historical data

Can some kind soul point me to a good online source for historical charts on the CME e-mini? I may just be stupid but I'm having a very hard time with this...
Interesting day yesterday...

Did anyone else notice that practically all the and metals and some commodities were down to down sharply??? One of the only things up was US dollar?
Re: Interesting day yesterday...

NemesisX said:
Did anyone else notice that practically all the and metals and some commodities were down to down sharply??? One of the only things up was US dollar?

I am thinking this slight recovery is short covering so I went short about 15 minutes ago.
Dang...sorry Steveny...I should check back here more often....been too busy driving:)

Ive had my NSX for about 2 months and im still blown away by how nice it is...ive had trouble focusing..(ive been MIA on this thread)..Im using ANY excuse to go drive..."WHAT???? I didnt get filled??? WHATDOYAMEAN slippage???" I gotta go for a drive!:p back to trading....

Yeah...was trading ES....

Caught what looks like the top (at least for now) in @113780...SP

How the H$LL is everyone doin???

Hang in there and be patient...I was on the sidelines for awhile until I could determine what the market was doing, and adjust my trading style accordingly.

On a different note....I got lucky and hit a serious top today! WOW:eek:
I have been trading at the usual rate, everyday. Up 705 for yesterday down 2870 today, Alan ran his mouth and down I went. We will have to see what happens tomorow.
NemesisX said:

Hang in there and be patient...I was on the sidelines for awhile until I could determine what the market was doing, and adjust my trading style accordingly.
I just don't have time these days to trade. Keep in mind, trading has always been something I did in my free time, and these days, I have no free time.

steve, I briefly looked at some of the tech stocks this morning and they were looking pretty weak from the open.

O-Ace said:

steve, I briefly looked at some of the tech stocks this morning and they were looking pretty weak from the open.


I started off the day short PMCS and then covered and went long. Wish I had held the short for the whole day becaue the effer just kept going down. I lost ~40 cents over 7k share block. Oh well, I will make it up tomorrow.
steveny said:
Check out MAGS. Classic hype run up. I am short mags, looks like another TASR.

Looks to be a pretty good short player at this point.
I have been averaging the low and high of the day and shorting 2k blocks over the mid point then average buy point and low, put in the buy to cover and WHAM works everytime. I have taken in over 6k in the last two days on this thing.

I SOLD 35.00 COVERED CALLS ON THEM LAST WEEK! AHHHHH ERRRRR:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: