Stock Market

I watch multiple time-frames so I can trade the shorter ones in the direction of the longer time-frames. For example, if 5-minute is trending up, enter on 3-min reversal to long-side. Easier said than done though.

I use 2min only

Jinkers said:
A question for all ES traders...if you use the shorter timeframe (1-5 minutes), whats your rational over using a 10-15? Just to get a discussion going... seems like my 2 minute charts work out better some days (more consistent signals, less gains), 10 minute charts (less consistent signals, greater upside potential) other days, just wondering what you all do
Jinkers said:
A question for all ES traders...if you use the shorter timeframe (1-5 minutes), whats your rational over using a 10-15? Just to get a discussion going... seems like my 2 minute charts work out better some days (more consistent signals, less gains), 10 minute charts (less consistent signals, greater upside potential) other days, just wondering what you all do

Like O-Ace I use multiple timeframes and can be in from a few minutes to a few days to a few weeks.
Not even sure what just happened with DISH but I made about 5k from it.:confused: :confused: :confused:

Edit..did the math 6k shares 32.80 out around 33.40. so just under 4k. Look at the the chart what a spike.
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Sweet! Take the money and run, who cares what happened. lol I lost 1 so for doing nothing on this short @ 1121.00 it's just shitting around, I HATE these moves, could blast off to the upside or crap out tight range = noone knows :D

steveny said:
Not even sure what just happened with DISH but I made about 5k from it.:confused: :confused: :confused:

Edit..did the math 6k shares 32.80 out around 33.40. so just under 4k. Look at the the chart what a spike.
I would of been long @ 9:30 but I was running late, I think being late costs me at LEAST 100k a year lolrof. 9:30 - 10:15 = whippy 45 :-) Had to watch out for that John Holmes bar @ 10:00 :D
Hi Steveny,

I think I understand why you bought DISH the first time but I'm curious as to what event/trigger made you buy the second time.

If you don't mind explaining I would appreciate it (I'm new and trying to learn).


NSX-Stalker said:
Hi Steveny,

I think I understand why you bought DISH the first time but I'm curious as to what event/trigger made you buy the second time.

If you don't mind explaining I would appreciate it (I'm new and trying to learn).



Because I only bought 1/2 as much the first time leaving myself open to double down if it fell back 10 cents. That was my plan before I even made the first buy.
Playing dish again today.
steveny said:
Because I only bought 1/2 as much the first time leaving myself open to double down if it fell back 10 cents. That was my plan before I even made the first buy.
Playing dish again today.

3K from 32.45 out at 32.60 +450 for today. It is beautiful here today so I am going to quit for the day and go have a nice lunch outside.
Steve, don't know if you read Stocks, Futures & Options magazine, but if you do...check out page 35 of the April issue. You'll see a little snippet of my interview regarding the new eCBOT system :D

Cool. I'm seriously thinking about opening a stock trading acct. After trading futures, stocks seem a little easier to trade.

Looks like a lot of short covering brought us here and new short postions will take us back by the end of the day.
No real reason for the run up.
If it went the other way you have been pi$$ed I bet. I took in ~2.5k today not to bad 14K would be even better. Anything in the green id good with me.
Yep I would have been pissed but shit happens ya know. If I make 3-5k a day I would of had my losses back by then end of the week. That is the most I have ever traded and I was just screwing around, went 20 short @ 1028 and 50 more short @ 1029. I don't do this often and in fact this is the 1st time I went over 20 on anything. same thing as 20 just more taxes to go along with it. Oh BTW make sure you pay your taxes right I got a bill for 147k for the IRS and I messed up on my 01 taxes lol :D ahh the joys of trading.

steveny said:
If it went the other way you have been pi$$ed I bet. I took in ~2.5k today not to bad 14K would be even better. Anything in the green id good with me.
Just checking in...we know what Ryanmcd2 does in a day, but how many points do all of you average in a day in the ES? 1-2? 3-5? over 5?