Stock Market

Ive been trading pretty good so far...except for whipsawed 3 times....had to call it an early day!!! BAH!!!

Yesterday was great!!! rode half the ride out too early but better than too late!!!!:D

Whats been going on with the google IPO?? havent heard too much about that....
Always are, I just play it day to day but I think Housing is going to take a big hit in the next 2-4 years. I also think we will see sept 11th lows again. The key here is what happens in November...

steveny said:
I am down on my MAGS short. seems there are more fools to buy it at these levels then I thought.
i have mutual funds set up through metlife, i average about 8% return per quarter. in the 3rd quarter of 2003 i made a 24.6% return. that was my best to date. needless to say i'm on my way to a nice early retirement.
Ryanmcd2 said:
Always are, I just play it day to day but I think Housing is going to take a big hit in the next 2-4 years. I also think we will see sept 11th lows again. The key here is what happens in November...

Looking at the 10 yr notes and how fast the rates have gone up (or pricing has gone down since mid-March) once this bounce is over there will be some serious pain in the housing market!

Anyone get in on the SLIDE of Silver?? It fell off a cliff!:eek:
Bad day today....down 2800 daytrading TELK. I was using really tight stops on 5-10k bocks and had my a$$ handed to me. ERRRR, There is always tomorrow I guess.
That's why I bought a 150k house lol, I will get a 600k house for 450-500k in the next 3-5 lol. Like I always said "Sell and rent" :D

NemesisX said:
Looking at the 10 yr notes and how fast the rates have gone up (or pricing has gone down since mid-March) once this bounce is over there will be some serious pain in the housing market!

Anyone get in on the SLIDE of Silver?? It fell off a cliff!:eek:
Ryanmcd2 said:
I use Pimpco and Bill IS the man....

No Doubt!! With comments like that and what John Templeton stated about what he feels about the markets, you'd better take some serious notes....
Ryanmcd2 said:
That's why I bought a 150k house lol, I will get a 600k house for 450-500k in the next 3-5 lol. Like I always said "Sell and rent" :D

And all this is before the fed has risen rates....wait till that kicks in and the ripple effect goes thru the bond market. Look OUT!!:eek: Definatly SELL AND RENT!:D

Is anyone experiencing the molasses-like movements in the market lately?? Seems like the summer doldrums started early this year....

Wheres my golf clubs???
Re: Sllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooowwwwww

NemesisX said:
Is anyone experiencing the molasses-like movements in the market lately?? Seems like the summer doldrums started early this year....

Wheres my golf clubs???

Low volume cost me about 5k in losses last week. I am waiting for the market to double bottom or for the volume to pick up. Made ~500 today on dish. I will be hanging at the lake house I rented for July and have no internet service there so I won't be back at it until august at the earliest.

I sold my lake house and looked for one to rent for a month. I ended up renting the house right next door to the one I use to own. LOL.:D
I was in tampa today but I just looked over the market, noting too exciting that's why I play the S&P 500 and go for 3-5 a day, you can always get that even day's like today. Trend = 30% Slop = the rest and I cash in on "Slop" days. :D
Ryanmcd2 said:
I was in tampa today but I just looked over the market, noting too exciting that's why I play the S&P 500 and go for 3-5 a day, you can always get that even day's like today. Trend = 30% Slop = the rest and I cash in on "Slop" days. :D

Very true. Take what the market gives you! I know that the summer doldrums are brutally slow, I just didnt expect it to happen so quick this year. Usually its in July/August.
I was thinking there was a turn coming, most fed days are. Also I got stopped @ cost on that one because I play very short term. Today looks slow so far, everyone still has a hangover from the weekend.

NemesisX said:
You were very close with the call Ryan.

Nice 6 point open gap this morning....:eek: