Stock Market

Ryanmcd2 said:
I hope you got short on that :D

Hate to say it but I am long....:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Max pain is close. May have to take a 20k loss here pretty soon. My fault I took a week off and jumped back in both feet first.
Ryanmcd2 said:
Did you stick to your stops?
I don't think he'd be close to max pain if he was stopped out with a small loss, so I guess the answer would be NO....unless his stops are at MAX PAIN :o
Ya, I don't watch Max Pain too much because everyone else does. But they do try to push the market there. we have some time though. Today so far sucks 0 trades. :)

O-Ace said:
I don't think he'd be close to max pain if he was stopped out with a small loss, so I guess the answer would be NO....unless his stops are at MAX PAIN :o
Ryanmcd2 said:
Ya, I don't watch Max Pain too much because everyone else does. But they do try to push the market there. we have some time though. Today so far sucks 0 trades. :)

Yep and I am out 20 grand. looks like good news or bad news reguardless the market is coming down.
That sucks man, I hope you killed the trade before the market closed, earnings suck again. I think the Bear is back for a few more months until November when thing will really go crazy.

steveny said:
Yep and I am out 20 grand. looks like good news or bad news reguardless the market is coming down.
steveny said:
Yep and I am out 20 grand. looks like good news or bad news reguardless the market is coming down.

BAH!!! Sorry to hear you had a BAD day!!! Thats gotta hurt. I KNOW ive had days like that! I feel for ya!
I am thinking of selling calls for nov. It is dead money at this point anyway might as well know that it is even dead money. After 6 months and if the market is stable I would be back to just above even on this block.
Ryanmcd2 said:
And this is why when I get my 3-5 a day I stop trading. :D

I'm Not sure what is taking this market down so far. Just when it seems as if it should bounce it plunges again!
I was thinking 1114 would bounce but it broke down fast with a good bit of volume. Man hard to trade these past few, good for trend people I guess :D Look at that 1118 short now lol. Again if the biggest problem you have is leaving money on the table you don't have any problems. :)

steveny said:
I'm Not sure what is taking this market down so far. Just when it seems as if it should bounce it plunges again!
steveny said:
I'm Not sure what is taking this market down so far. Just when it seems as if it should bounce it plunges again!

Not sure either...been playing extremely short term cause I definatly dont see whats driving the market or much movement or volume
Ive been extremely short-term because of the illiquidity. You can really tell when people go to lunch in the summertime!

On another note, what is going on with the NASDAQ?? Talk about a beat-down!
To be honest the ONLY thing I look at is the ES, but the ES today was kinda flat nice short at the AM and that's all I needed to finish the day. :D Maybe all the stock people here should have a get together sometime. :)
steveny said:
I think it is going further down too. todays was nothing more than short covering IMO.

Thats whats scary to me also. More times than not, the Nasdaq LEADS the other markets. Intel better not dissapoint!
Ryanmcd2 said:
Maybe all the stock people here should have a get together sometime. :)

Im not sure whos still trading around here, maybe we should have some sort of roll call.

Either way, this is fast becoming the longest thread...we are only about 80 posts away from passing Samarai's thread (damn thats a nice ass thread...women and money..go figure :p)
can't see Semis taking too much more of a hit....

after all, tons of brokerages, Merrill most recently coming out and downgrading INTC if not the whole sector....

Since when do they ever downgrade and sell...??

Besides, this week is op ex week and I usually like to play the Maxpain theory.....

but then again, LT trend changes never happed during op ex weeks...

Put a 10ma on the p/c ratio and it's extremely bullish. I have no clue as to what is exactly going on, but almost every day for the past 2 months, p/c ratio has been over 1.0.

Check the ES/NQ bids all day long, "flipper" as he is commonly refered to just moving the market on no volume.... hard to play.

I still manage to average 100 NQpts and 500 YM pts per month... :)