Stock Market

Out of Tivo at 9.75 for 150 gain leaves 450 loss for the day.

Very interesting look at tivo trades 12:57:13-12:57:36
look at trade at :22 20k shares under the bid and at the day low while tivo was at 9.68 bid 9.72 ask Makes you go HMMMMMM
Anyone know anything about AMUT.PK- site is
they deal with compression technology in digital photos...we are all into digital pics, so thought it might be something...only .40

O-Ace said:
Cost of doing business.


Well it looks like ~150 of it was trade commissions so I guess your right. :D
What your guess on tomorrows market up, down?
I am buying some more tivo if it follows the trend it did today.
Steve, really don't know. I haven't fired up my charting platform for 2 months now. Too busy with my real job, so taking a break from trading :D

lol, Make trading your REAL job, or get a job just to get out of the house. I had a good day with the ES yesterday 7,000 :) Could of made more but I got my money to get a pickup truck now :D

O-Ace said:
Steve, really don't know. I haven't fired up my charting platform for 2 months now. Too busy with my real job, so taking a break from trading :D

Ryan...if you can be my Mentor and teach me how to make $5K a day, I'll definitely consider making trading my full-time job :D

Well I finally had time today to read the entire thread and wanted to thank everyone for their recommended books and web sites to check out.

I have very little experience trading. For years I've watched the AMD/Intel battle and was able to recover my previous losses with AMDs recent run. However, it was mainly luck (and risky) and I know I have a lot to learn.

So I just ordered the following:

The Chaos and Trading Dimension books by Bill Williams
Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets by John Murphy
Trading in the Zone by Mrk Douglas

So I plan to read up fairly quickly and play with a simulator for a while.

Alll good books. :D

NSX-Stalker said:
Well I finally had time today to read the entire thread and wanted to thank everyone for their recommended books and web sites to check out.

I have very little experience trading. For years I've watched the AMD/Intel battle and was able to recover my previous losses with AMDs recent run. However, it was mainly luck (and risky) and I know I have a lot to learn.

So I just ordered the following:

The Chaos and Trading Dimension books by Bill Williams
Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets by John Murphy
Trading in the Zone by Mrk Douglas

So I plan to read up fairly quickly and play with a simulator for a while.

Here is my take on CPN, support @ 5.00 Resistance @ 5.30 to tight a range for me. On the Day chart I would of shorted @ 6.25 because of the RSI as well as a dbl top. Dbl tops are my bread and butter but they are too easy to trade and most don't like my Gump stlye of trading. :D If RSI bounces 4.75 with a divergence it maybe okay, I say sell it now and see what happens.

steveny said:
3000 more at 5.05

Come on Alan have something good to say!
I always trade the FIRST touch of the 34EMA AFTER it has turned in a new direction and price has moved away from it in the new direction. Whether I'm trading the 15 minute or the weekly, or anything in between. That first time back to that ema after a change of direction is pure gold. Back test it if you dont believe it. It was, and is, ONLY the first time back to the 34ema after it has rolled over into a new direction. Speaking elliottly, this catches the 3 wave.... I would be remiss if i did not mention what would happen to the equity of anyone who is simple enuff to just buy everytime the weekly SPX touches a rising 34ema, going flat as each new high is made, then selling every touch of a falling 34ema, covering when the preceding weekly swing low is taken out. But some fokes probably wouldnt enjoy being wealthy anyway. :D That's it for all you "Long Term" Folk, gota run and get some sleep. Oh and if you did the spx.x and got long say 100 contracts in April @ 900 and kept rolling a easy 1+ mill for the year off of 1 trade. Mama gump always said there's gotta be a simpler way for simpler folks. :)
Psycnosis said:
Here is my take on CPN, support @ 5.00 Resistance @ 5.30 to tight a range for me. On the Day chart I would of shorted @ 6.25 because of the RSI as well as a dbl top. Dbl tops are my bread and butter but they are too easy to trade and most don't like my Gump stlye of trading. :D If RSI bounces 4.75 with a divergence it maybe okay, I say sell it now and see what happens.

I have had my sell order in at 5.30 for two days now. I will sell today if above cost at any price or if it drops below 5.00.