Stock Market

Yeah, I'm still a little on the cautious side on my exits, but I'm learning, haven't had a losing, or even break even day yet!
Ryanmcd2 said:
You have to split it with Sam :D

If you want to play you got to pay.

I think the money would be a lot more fun to spend if one could put their hands on it immediately. Make 500 trading one day and then go blow it the same night on a FAT CAT dinner. When I have to wait for the trade to settle and the check to come in the mail it is not as easy to just blow the money when it arrives. he money seems more real at that point.
Ryanmcd2 said:
Nice job, I see what you are doing... A little slower then me but I like to see you taking the same trades as I do :D...

I like to see me taking the same trades as you too! :D
Jinkers said:
Yeah, I'm still a little on the cautious side on my exits, but I'm learning, haven't had a losing, or even break even day yet!
Are you trading a real account or on the simulator? Just wondering because I thought you started recently and were on the sim.

Good trading either way! :cool:
No, I'm not full of it or trading with delayed quotes, but my chart is doing something VERY weird. In the 15 minute view, it is the correct daily data (I checked it with, but in the 8 minute view which I use, it went to a low of 1147.50!! I trade based on this graph and have one button I hit to buy or sell, and it tells me if its filled, I don't look at the market price. Of course I don't expect you to believe all this, so I've attached a picture of my 8 minute daily chart. For further proof I can attach a picture of the 15 minute chart with the correct numbers to prove this is really happening. I guess no trading until I sort this out.


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Ryanmcd2 said:
Also i am still in my short @ 1153.25 and cought the long at 1147.50

What? You said yourself that you caught the long at 1147.50 but on the real chart it didn't dip that low all day! Whats going on?
Jinkers...we're just messing with ya.
It's great that you're having so much success so soon.
All that matters is what your account balance says.
If you're up...keep doing what you're doing.
Well the good news is I figured out whats happening, unfortunately I don't know why.... all thats happening is the Y axis values aren't shifting with the graph when I go to the 8 minute time frame, so the chart I'm trading with is correct, but the values I'm filled at are about 1 pt higher than those on my chart... not a big deal but something I need to resolve...what I don't understand was how Ryanmcd2 had a buy at 1147.50 when the real chart didn't dip below 1148.50 and I KNOW he knows what he's doing...:confused:
WHAT contract are you trading? ES what month?

Jinkers said:
Well the good news is I figured out whats happening, unfortunately I don't know why.... all thats happening is the Y axis values aren't shifting with the graph when I go to the 8 minute time frame, so the chart I'm trading with is correct, but the values I'm filled at are about 1 pt higher than those on my chart... not a big deal but something I need to resolve...what I don't understand was how Ryanmcd2 had a buy at 1147.50 when the real chart didn't dip below 1148.50 and I KNOW he knows what he's doing...:confused:
Here's a chart look @ 11:00 and tell me what the price was on Monday, stop bullshitting us, that software you use is a simulator and I bet it's free. I am done with you it's easy to make millions on paper ask anyone who has traded REAL money.

The charting software has a 30 day trial which I'm currently in, but I paid for the streaming market data. I honestly don't know whats going on with my chart.