Stock Market

dgp said:
And for $19.95 you can subscribe to my newsletter and find out what my signal to sell was....hehehe:D
You're selling yourself short...charge at least $99 :p :D

O-Ace said:
Psycnosis, where are you expecting ES to go in the short-term (next 2 weeks). We've had a nice run-up without any pullbacks.


There may be a pullback but any pullback will be bought up, causing a leveling out of the markets as a whole. I hope to get my account transferred soon. Watched gqdbb run up today as I suspected it would. Not being able to play it was driving me nuts. I called it near the top too that makes it even worse mentally.
I was able to scalp 4 points in the last hour with my Best Direct demo, without using any indicators either (they dont include them with their chart on the sim), which is exciting for me.
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It starts out with $19.95 until it gets exposure, and then it will be $159.95 for a one year subscription with $20 rebate for those who qualify.. :D That way it will make some feel like they got a better deal...hehe :D :D

O-Ace said:
You're selling yourself short...charge at least $99 :p :D

dgp said:
It starts out with $19.95 until it gets exposure, and then it will be $159.95 for a one year subscription with $20 rebate for those who qualify.. :D That way it will make some feel like they got a better deal...hehe :D :D
Put me on the VIP list :D

I suck at anything over 30min,. Long term??? It really does not matter if I make my 3-5 a day who cares. :D

O-Ace said:
Psycnosis, where are you expecting ES to go in the short-term (next 2 weeks). We've had a nice run-up without any pullbacks.

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They took you! You were probably one of their best customers.
I can't believe their firm is still in business, just look at their track record, you might as well throw a dart to pick stocks and keep what you would've paid them in your pockets.

Psycnosis said:
It can't be any good, I paid $2500 for 5 stock picks from Wall Street Stratigies, lost 5500 in 7 days. Take your lumps. :(
Psycnosis said:
It can't be any good, I paid $2500 for 5 stock picks from Wall Street Stratigies, lost 5500 in 7 days. Take your lumps. :(

With "Steveny's dart of the day" list if you lose more than twice the $2500 you have paid us for the stock picks, we will buy your position from you at the consolidated lower level price.

Disclaimer: this plan only is available on stocks that have a chance to recover.
I used to use the free chat, The problem is when I was going to make a trade say a long and I would read all of the people getting short and it caused me to doubt myself. Now when I trade I tell NO ONE what I am doing, not even my wife because it screws me up when I talk my trade. If you go there check out, they are all pros and have been doing this for a while.

Jinkers said:
Are there any discussion boards JUST on the topic of futures/index/e-mini trading?
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lolrof, how much money have you pissed away on services? :D

dgp said:
They took you! You were probably one of their best customers.
I can't believe their firm is still in business, just look at their track record, you might as well throw a dart to pick stocks and keep what you would've paid them in your pockets.
Psycnosis said:
Now when I trade I tell NO ONE what I am doing, not even my wife because it screws me up when I talk my trade...
I don't know many scalpers who discuss their trades with their significant other :p

3 good trades before that big move up. I was not too suprised because of what time it happened at. :D Remember time is as big as price is.

O-Ace said:
Am I the only one surprised by ES/YM making new highs today? :confused: :eek: :confused:

Plus 1600 today. Sometimes I wish I could just reach into a cash drawer in my computer and take the money at the end of the day.
Just to be clear, my the times I post for my trades are very approximate (within 8 minutes or so) because the time scale on my chart is in increments of 8 minutes and I just go by that when I post them.