Stock Market

10+ is pretty good O-Ace! Looks like you're getting the hang of it.
BTW, what kind of charts do you use in addition to the Open Ecry platform?
dgp said:
10+ is pretty good O-Ace! Looks like you're getting the hang of it.
BTW, what kind of charts do you use in addition to the Open Ecry platform?
Thanks. I'd do better if I had the entire day to play the market vs. only the first hour and a half an hour in the afternoon. I use eSignal for charting.

I used to use e-signal until I found out there RSI SUCKS and is wrong a good bit of the time, I use CQG and Tradestation. Tradestation I like the best.

O-Ace said:
Thanks. I'd do better if I had the entire day to play the market vs. only the first hour and a half an hour in the afternoon. I use eSignal for charting.

Psycnosis said:
I used to use e-signal until I found out there RSI SUCKS and is wrong a good bit of the time, I use CQG and Tradestation. Tradestation I like the best.
I don't use RSI. How about you call me and we can discuss those RSI settings...then maybe I'll get TradeStation too :D

lol, it less then 14 and more then 1. Come on man took me 100's of hours to get this to work :D

O-Ace said:
I don't use RSI. How about you call me and we can discuss those RSI settings...then maybe I'll get TradeStation too :D

No way man, Like I tell everyone, if I tell them what I do and everyone knows it then it will not work any longer. Maybe in 10-20 years when I am done I will right a book, Right now it's too damn fun. Well off to play with the wife's new motorcycle :D

O-Ace said:
Aww, c'mon...pass on the knowledge brutha! :D

Psycnosis said:
No way man, Like I tell everyone, if I tell them what I do and everyone knows it then it will not work any longer.
C'mon...I trade 10-lots max. Not like a 10-lot order is gonna put a dent in ES liquidity considering the market depth on ES is usually around 2000 contracts :D's ok, I'm just messing with you. I have a system that nails trades on ES very well :D

If it works why are you looking for change? Looking to lose some money :D

O-Ace said:
C'mon...I trade 10-lots max. Not like a 10-lot order is gonna put a dent in ES liquidity considering the market depth on ES is usually around 2000 contracts :D's ok, I'm just messing with you. I have a system that nails trades on ES very well :D

Psycnosis, weren't you saying before that even if something works, you will change it, try something else and lose money and then go back to whatever worked before and make money again? :D
BTW, even the best technical trading system will not make you money consistently in the markets for long periods of time. That's a fact!
In other words, the trading program may work for now or a couple of years, but it may not work for a longer period of time.

Psycnosis said:
If it works why are you looking for change? Looking to lose some money :D
What if I told you the system I am using has been working for over 20 years? It's not a system it's a set of indicators set certain ways, it's upto YOU to make the call and that ties into something called Rotation. :D

dgp said:
Psycnosis, weren't you saying before that even if something works, you will change it, try something else and lose money and then go back to whatever worked before and make money again? :D
BTW, even the best technical trading system will not make you money consistently in the markets for long periods of time. That's a fact!
In other words, the trading program may work for now or a couple of years, but it may not work for a longer period of time.
dgp said:
In other words, the trading program may work for now or a couple of years, but it may not work for a longer period of time.
Just wanted to clarify that I do not have an automated system either. My trading is very discretionary. Yes, I use an indicator or two, but everything can be seen in price and volume. Every indicator is based on the underlying price and volume, so the primary tools that I use are price and volume.

Psycnosis said:
What if I told you the system I am using has been working for over 20 years? It's not a system it's a set of indicators set certain ways, it's upto YOU to make the call and that ties into something called Rotation. :D
Is RSI the only indicator or are you using stochastics as well? Just curious ;)

lol, I know what you are thinking and you are wrong. RSI and BB that's it. That's all I use, no Moving Averages no of that shit. I used to have 6 screens with shit all over the place, it made me fell like I was somebody, Now I just have these 2 crappy things on my screen and nobody thinks I know what's going on because I cut all the crap out. :D

O-Ace said:
Is RSI the only indicator or are you using stochastics as well? Just curious ;)

I thought you only recently started to make it big.. before that you were losing money.
How do you know the system (indicator set) is going to work for the next 20 years? If you think it will, then good luck and more power to you. :D

Psycnosis said:
What if I told you the system I am using has been working for over 20 years? It's not a system it's a set of indicators set certain ways, it's upto YOU to make the call and that ties into something called Rotation. :D
I have a special technique I use to pick stocks that can not be duplicated. I get my copy of the wall street journal each morning and tape it to the wall. Then I blow a hand carved dart from a hand crafted blow gun at the paper. Which ever stock the dart lands on is a winner for the day. This dart and gun were made from the wood of a tree that has been long extinct. Both the dart and gun were produced by the hands of a now deceased witch doctor. So you see these circumstances can not be reproduced by anyone else except myself.
But wait there is more... For just 19.95 per month you can sign up to be on my mailing list "Steveny's dart of the day" list.:D :D :D
steveny said:
But wait there is more... For just 19.95 per month you can sign up to be on my mailing list "Steveny's dart of the day" list.:D :D :D
Sad part is, this method would have worked pretty well this year :D

I did just start to make it big and was losing money for a long time, my mentor showed me this system and he has been using it for 20 years on ANY stock. It's really just a setup and not a system and does not always work. More of a if this this and this all come together you have to take the trade like a rich deck playing cards type of thing. Also it took me a LONG time to get a FEEL for what is going on. I did show one person how I do this and he could not do it for the life of him so I am not to worried. :D

dgp said:
I thought you only recently started to make it big.. before that you were losing money.
How do you know the system (indicator set) is going to work for the next 20 years? If you think it will, then good luck and more power to you. :D
lolrof I think I signed up for that a few years ago and lost my ass. :D

steveny said:
I have a special technique I use to pick stocks that can not be duplicated. I get my copy of the wall street journal each morning and tape it to the wall. Then I blow a hand carved dart from a hand crafted blow gun at the paper. Which ever stock the dart lands on is a winner for the day. This dart and gun were made from the wood of a tree that has been long extinct. Both the dart and gun were produced by the hands of a now deceased witch doctor. So you see these circumstances can not be reproduced by anyone else except myself.
But wait there is more... For just 19.95 per month you can sign up to be on my mailing list "Steveny's dart of the day" list.:D :D :D
Psycnosis said:
I did show one person how I do this and he could not do it for the life of him so I am not to worried. :D
Then why the hesitation in showing ME how it's done? :p

Look at this and THIS is all I am going to say and you should be able to make a killing with this. Throw up a 2min chart okay? Now put ANY thing you want on it. Next throw up some BB I am NOT going to give you the settings but you are smart and can see what's going on. Now think about what Bill Williams says about in his book, I do 100% the OPPISATE of that it's countertrend so if the bar closes outside of the BB with a high tick it's a short, I really like dbl tops and bottoms to get short and long off of. The ONLY time I take a ass kicking is on SU and SD days. Oh SU = Solid UP SD = ya you guessed it. Now get to work and at first you will think I am full of it but just watch it. I NEVER play the trend because the market only trends about 30% of the time.

O-Ace said:
Then why the hesitation in showing ME how it's done? :p

I already use BBs, and I do enter counter-trend when price makes a significant move outside the BBs (top or bottom). I was more curious about your RSI stuff since I've never found RSI to be of any use, unless it's coupled with other indicators (perhaps BB). Seriously, this is all out of curiousity. Personally, I think price and volume are sufficient to make decent trades :cool:

steveny said:

But wait there is more... For just 19.95 per month you can sign up to be on my mailing list "Steveny's dart of the day" list.:D :D :D

RMFAO!!!!!!!!! Im on the FLOOR!!! Is this the same system I see in all those TV ads???

Can I be one of those who testify on TV?? " I can tell you that Stevenys system really works!!! Ive been trying to trade sucessfully for years and I figured it was me...but it just turned out that I didnt have the special darts and wood!!! Gee, I dont see how I could have done as well without it!":p