I saw your car today at Mark's, and it looks like a lot bigger/more complicated job than I thought. Mark sure knows what he is doing though, even with the japanese instructions for the CAMP system.

1992 NSX Red-Black 5-Speed
Yea ,thats why I signed on to check the progress on the "bananna".It must look pretty ugly,wires everywhere,seats out,dash torn apart,etc.He called me for a few location questions and he sounded pretty confident and exited about its (the bananna's) progress.I will probably plan my day of training on how to work all the systems at least at entry level for now then progress from there.I'm really looking foward to this phase's completion.

PS ...I am officially almost done w/ "her" calipers on the Cobra (her car)...
Now I can sleep in the bed again,and not on the couch..... :)
"I think"?

Sleepin on the couch....sorry I haven't made it that far, yet, must be rough.
Anyway, Mark obviously knows what he's doing, and very meticulous about it also, I did think the japanese only instructions were funny though. Hopefully when he's done he won't be too pissed off to do my car (whenever I get the money)
Ya, I don't know if you've seen it either, but there is a lot more behind those seats than what I thought. Mark said to stop by tomarrow and that hopefully it would be working, I had fun watching, and am gonna try to get in for a few minutes in between work and school.
I also want to ask you about how much the DVD/CAMP/Nav. setup is costing you total (Installation and materials and everything) so I know what I'm getting into if I want to do it. But I'll talk to you about that later in-person.
Hopefully I'll be there saturday, we'll see.

1992 NSX Red-Black 5-Speed
first day of feeling better, so i went out for a ride. nynsx,saw your car at marks, looking good! hopefully we'll all hook up this weekend.been talking to some supra guys also. maybe we can all have some fun. any of you race any done up supras?nynsx, one of them said he knows you. says your wife drives a saleen.
hrm...I'm thinking of moving to Arizona just so I can hang out with you guys. sounds like fun... :\

jack of all trades, master of some.
Hey Allen,yes I have seen a lot of Supra's mostly my friend Ians we play around once in a while when rolling down the freeway.
Yea my wife drives a 350 motor/550 motor& NOS 99 Cobra actually when she comes home from work she'll let me know that someone else just got smoked "even w/ her bad shifting".She doesn't win all "but" most of them she does.And most people do know these vehicles locally"kinda hard to miss em'"we usually build them a bit different on purpose "so I can find them at the mall..."
Anyway,glad to here your better now.I'm game to hang out w/ whoever this weekend.I just got my car back last night.Not all systems on but "I got NAV."the othersare installed but not fully operational.There seems to be some confusion as to how to access the different sources from the remote.
PS I f#$%$#-up my front chin spoiler last night and manglered it.I was very pissed w/ I will pay today to replace as well as other things to rectify in the struggle to understand why we can't acces all systems of CAMP and DVD....

sorry about your spoiler. that going to go and fill my nos bottle today and buy a container to put some race gas in. ill try and give you a buzz later, or call me.
I think I'll be able to possibly heat treat and remove the mangleing out of my front chin lip piece thing ,my acrylic guy said he can make it new again.We'll see in the AM tomorrow.He made a bitchin' diplay for the show.
I am making a bunch of great new contacts w/ parts suppliers and getting some breaks and sponsorship for the NSX.I am able to recipricate w/ a lot of word of mouth advertising at the shows and also writing to import car magazines etc. and asking for some feature ads an history and pics while helping those co's get there name out there...
Just hired a new guy today and cant wait to help build another "superstar".This guy is gonna be good.I mean really good...

well its about 10:00 am and im going to go get my baby ready. gonna go take a cruise down scottsdale rd for me if you guys wanna meet up. 786 525 5229 allan
Looks like I missed you guys at the show, I stopped by a little late (8 or so), saw the NSX, but no one was around.
Anyway, how is everything with the DVD/CAMP going, let me know because I will get it as soon as you get it working.

1992 NSX Red-Black 5-Speed
Whats up Sayanara....
Yea,I was meandering around the show and left about 8-9pm.I met up w/ Allen for lunch in Scottsdale we parted somewhere around 6 ish'.
I drove down to a Mobil station and pumped the NSX full of 101 trick fuel and emptied my bottle of NOS this evening.Not a single bit of detonation even when running the psi. hot. Very effective on a black cobra I met on the 60...
It was a relatively quiet evening other than that.You better go to the import races at Firebird next weekend. There will be a handfull of 7 second imports and Adam's 7 second NSX.Now this I gotta see.........
8am-9pm...20.00/day or weekend pass for 35.00. your tel# so we can call you next time.

When I told my friends about the drags this coming weekend I got bitch slapped in the face as I was reminded that this is spring break week (for us college guys), and the deposit I put down in January to go to Rocky Point on Wednesday of this week until Sunday is still in effect. So it looks like I will neither make the show this weekend or the drags, but will be having fun "meeting" new girls in mexico. I guess I'll hear about the show when I get back. Let me know about your DVD player and if you get it to work, or how Mark designed it to make it work.
(I thought there would be a 'Source Change' button on the remote, there isnt???)
Anyway, as for my cell phone, its currently missing in action, so when I get it back, or get a new one, I'll let you guys know.
Talk to you guys later!

1992 NSX Red-Black 5-Speed
Ohhh,thats why Ian and Matt are going to Mexico.It's to get laid on spring break.It's all clear to me now!!
I personally dont wait till spring to get that taken care of... :) LOL
Anyway yea you only do college one time so screw the races we'll just show you some pictures and time slips .....That means you need to bring us some pics and time slips.. Ha Ha...
Remember what Dr. Ruth Westhiemer says "use a cont"tda"septive!!" and bring along her latest new product "the erocilator"......
Remember "weapons and ammo" are now legal to transport across the Mexico boarder and less than a kilo of any drug is "ok" too....


I am just now making my triumphant return to Chandler from Mexico. Had a great time, but I think it will be best to take what happened in Mexico, an LEAVE it in Mexico. (Weird sh** down there). Anyway, great to be back, hopefully be at the show this weekend.
I used the computer in the Best Western to post the topic about body shops, thanks for the response guys, ALLAN, thanks for the heads up about the discounts, I'm not planning anything soon, but maybe after the supercharger...
Missed driving my car, that was the only bad part, oh ya and the fact that there is school tomarrow (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!)
Fill me in on the drag races that went on, and I'll talk to you guys later.

1992 NSX Red-Black 5-Speed
I took 1st place "Best of Show" 5' trophy and 700.00 cash.(the drinks are on me!!)
Adam Saruwatari ran his fastest time ever @ 7.77 @ 171....Great show.And Great time @ the drags.Hung out w/ Adam and the honda race team at the show all afternoon.Great time great people!!

PS .... there is a new spot @ Alma School and Southern. SATURDAY NIGHT (after the Pavillions)it will actually be sectioned and organized!!!
This is great news.....

Congratulations on the trophy, and damn! $700 cash. Thats pretty tight.
Good news too on the Alma School & Southern location, (is this the new spot for the ASU crowd, or is it an entirely new show??)
Also, I wanted to check out how your DVD installation is going...did you guys figure out a way to locate those 'source' buttons and get them to work?? If so, I'd love to see it, so hopefully I can get mine next.
Let me know, thanks
There is a temperary way we found(I'll have to show you)I can now acces the CAMP system which is installed and the DVD which will be installed tomorrow.

Oh, this is a new car show as far as I know and someone has organized it somehow to be sectioned off etc.I'll find out the "skinny" (that term always makes me laugh) this weekend...

By the way, I tried to look up that "Deno's" place you mentioned for the body shops I asked about, I couldn't find anything on it though....Do you have a phone # or directions?
I found a map for the other one (Goins), kinda by "Dream Palace" (Strip joint), thats the only major place I know around the area.
Scottsdale road + Curry if I remember correctly.
Are both are capable of 'off the wall' modifications to any cars (My friends are also interested)?
Ken Goins is located at the same place but down the block from Denos.Deno's is close to Mclintoc on one of the short streets that go north off Curry too.I'll get you both tel#'s

Kenyatta Goins # is 602 315-0366 just moved into Tempe and he can give you the address I think its on Curry also

Denos # is 480 968-8418 1109 N.Sickles Drive,Tempe also

Ken is going to be doing the snorkle scoop overhead and down the rear hatch/side steps/rear spats on MYNSX in a couple weeks I spoke w/ him today he did mention he was leaving for a show in Florida soon for 1 Week.But I'm sure you can call him "thats his cell #"

WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAVE TO BECOME A PISSING MATCH???I would have been happy w/ just a 3rd place or even to get out there and just have fun.I found out my "supposed friend" was really talking very negatively about me/my business/my car anything he could get his hands on.Blah,blah blah....
I am aware that this is jelousy."But" it is dissapointing when he congrats to my face and then was talking very nasty about me to a mutual friend who stood up for me.This is grade school crap.I can do w/ out the drama.Like I said I'm just a little disapointed by this and the only thing I can think to do is "act as if".
The one part that does concern me is talking about my business and possibly spreading bad words.He started saying "yea if I went around ripping people off I could have this and that etc. etc."Our mutual friend told me this was part of the conversation and I'm not sure how to confront this other than straight on........Any suggestions???
PS... the last thing I will do is drag this out.Either forget it and "let them whirl" as they say OR confront this directly and immediatly.
SAYANARA you probably know who I'm speaking of
and honestly do I come off to you as being "cocky". I really want to know the truth.I may be a little out spoken but this I don't think I deserve this crap.......
I'm kinda feeling like "Fu#@-em" and dont even bother......
