Ortega/Palomar Run 4!! Sunday, Aug 10

31 October 2002
Ortega/Palomar Run 4!! Sunday, Aug 10t

that's right! it's that time again!!
the southwest forum has been dead the past couple days, so i thought i would liven it up a little.

time: sunday, august 10th 9:00am (9:30 departure)

place: chevron/denny's where the ortega (hwy 74) meets the 5

event: ortega/palomar run #4 followed by lunch at harrah's (at the base of palomar mountain. huge parking lot, good food, and... what's the other thing they have there?:p )
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If I can get all the maintenance done by then, I'd definitely go. It's been awhile since I took that route. Can't wait.

Thanks for organizing it!
I could meet with you guys somewhere down here in SD county.
Mike K- C post it and they will COME. I'll be there 2 C the O.C. Gang and everyone else that shows, but will be unable to follow the rest of the pack through the fun twisties.

Yes Boss Yessssss!!!! I am down for sure, it's on! I got new front paws now too (S03 poles) so I'm not past the string on the inside like I was on the Canyon Run!!!!!!!! Spoooooooooky!!!!!!!
Is this an NSX only drive?
I'm down!!! See you there at @ 9:00

If any one wants to caravan up from SD let me know...I'll meet you in O'side.


sounds like a plan to me....Lets get it organized.
exact spot and time, etc..........see ya there:cool:
Dave and Chris,

Sup guys!!!

I'll be there. Can't wait.

Hopefully, my alarm will wake me up this time. During the Ventura Run in June I missed meeting you guys and had to play catch up on the 405. Lucky it was a Sunday...driving 100 mph is not exactly the best thing to do all the time.
could you please post the exact location of the park n ride at the 78 and 5...what exit??? 8:30 sounds like a good time...
Hope to see alot of us caravanin up the 5 on the 10th.....:D
BTW, if you didn't notice I changed my ID to 91 X....I didn't know there was a "SoCal-NSX" when I first registered back in May as SoCalNSX....sorry Dave...

It should clear up any confusion:D

Can't wait for O/P Run 4!!!:p
hahaha!! OP4!!
the reason i find that funny is because i have a buddy that organizes river partys called "operation 6 coolers"... or OP6.
we should be up to #6 by december or so.

ok guys... so far we have about 15 definites and 5 that are unsure.
still have 2 weeks to go. should be good times!!

btw... this is NOT an NSX-only event. feel free to bring whatever you feel like driving/riding.
however...... please try to limit the number of non-nsx's. for example... if a friend with a vette or a porsche wants to come along, he/she is more than welcome. but things might get out of control if they bring along the entire vette/porsche club. space is limited at the meeting point and we don't want to upset the nice people at chevron by taking over their entire gas station.
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