Ortega/Palomar Run 4!! Sunday, Aug 10

Status changed: from maybe to I will be there.

I'll have my Club Radio.
I am not going anywhere now, the Army got me for the weekend.
sorry folks, i just had a look at my rear tires, they are not suitable for this event....maybe next time!

Map and details

Sorry I was off the thread for a couple days guys. IT + a slow market = 15hour days :D

I'll bring the map from last time (Created by CDub a few months ago) which is very close to the one SuperGreen sent out to the list a few days ago.

I DO have room for a passenger/photographer if anyone wants.

I'll be at Denny's about 8:00 to chow and chat and then we can move to the other lot if needed at about 9:30 that 91-X mentioned...make a right on Rancho Viejo and your first left into the lot...the spot is right off to the left once you enter the lot....

See you guys there!

Does someone have the address at Harrah's we're going to for lunch?

My relatives that live in Del Mar would like me to stay there when I make my move. They have a big place and its around 18 miles from the office. Big $$$ savings on rent and utilities, swimming pool, jacuzzi, gazebo, private bath/entrance, good parking from the way my parents described it when they were there earlier this year. Uhhh, a dream come true.

I need to plot directions from the Harrah's to my relative's place.. I will be checking it on Sunday after the run is over unless we do something after.

Is this where we'll be?



i'll be heading out in about a half hour.
the weather couldn't be more beautiful!!
see you guys there.:)
any pics yet???

or at least tell us how everything went?
Although we started over an hour late the run went smooth. No tickets and no accidents. Clear skies, hot/dry tarmac and temps in the 107's. I counted over 14 NSX's and 4 or 5 Corvette's. Great seeing everyone out there. I'll be posting pics later this evening.
22 Cars!

Wow! 22 cars may not hold a candle to the Canyon Run's 42 but I think that's pretty good for a non-event! Record here?

The final count I got was 17 NSX's and 5 Corvettes. By far, the most popular leg of the drive is when the 76 starts heading towards Mt. Palomar.

The mutually agreed to improvements for the next run are:
- leave MUCH earlier - around 8-8:30
- This should help eliviate traffic
- find a point before the 79 and the 74 to enter into the backcountry and avoid traffic.
- maybe one more potty break :-D

I'll be doing some research and would like to get you guys to PM me any stealth-routes you have so we can keep this going!

Thanks Dave and everone else for help setting this up. Palomar was awesome.

Way better than Ortega.

Gotta do it again, but include that plane gliding thing we saw next time.

Chris, we'll see you at Pimps n' hoz in Vegas for Labor day.

Dave, let me know when you'll be going autocrossing again. I'll be out of the country and back in town September, so let me know what events you'll be going to then.

Good seeing everyone.

Thanks for organizing the event! You are right about the high light of the run. That was good stuff!

On our way down from Mt. Palomar 5 of us were caught behind a Pontiac riding his brakes and refuse to let us pass. Then on 76 between 15 and 5 was stop and go traffic.

Can't wait for the autoX event next month. See you guys there.
looks like you people have been having fun without me huh? :mad: ..............anywho....mike, lets organize a midnight madness run like last time :D
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Here are some picts for y'all

Jacko! Cool to have you there and the next AutoX I'm planning on is the CalCoastal in September - should be fun.

I'd like to thank the corvetteforum.com guys for showing up. Was great to have them there.

Thanks to Anytime's fast-fingers, check the image below....i occured to me when I got home that this would have been good backdrop for our cars - doh!

...next time...

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Here you go Dave
It was a picture that Dave was trying to post, so I helped him out. I believe he was thinking after the fact that this would have been a good backdrop for some pics. Yeah, this is one of the many locations that Prime beems out of......
What a blast!!!
Supergreen, thanx for getting the ball rolling...
Dave, thanx for orginizing....
everyone else, thanx for making my first OP Run such a blast....
It was awesome both sides of Palomar!!!
Too bad ortega was filled with Sunday drivers..oh well, what can you do...palomar made up for it....
I do like the suggestion of next time stopin off at that cool glider airport(just for the extra pit stop if nothing else:D ) that would make some cool pics...

Cool meeting the faces behind the posts...Can't wait for the next one!!! I'll post some pics soon....
I want to thank all you NSXers for letting us Vettes run with you. We all had a blast!

Mike thanks for setting up the run and Dave thanks for organizing.

Palomar was my favorite part of the run, I can't wait for the next one.

Re: 22 Cars!

SoCal-NSX said:
The mutually agreed to improvements for the next run are:
- leave MUCH earlier - around 8-8:30
- This should help eliviate traffic
- find a point before the 79 and the 74 to enter into the backcountry and avoid traffic.
- maybe one more potty break :-D

I'll be doing some research and would like to get you guys to PM me any stealth-routes you have so we can keep this going!

And possibily - more cars with Club radios! The better the communication = a better drive. JMO

I am still smiling from the drive.

Mike and Dave, Thanks for the idea and organizing an awesome event.

I've had my car for little over one year and few months and this was the first time I got to see the true value of my car.

I must thank all you guys at the event. I had a blast not only driving thru the twisties, but also chating with many of you guys. I must say that you guys are a great group of guys.
I can't wait for the next one.

I must borrow a quote from two famous dudes from San Dimas and say "Excellent Adventure dudes!!!"

p.s. Brad, I will be contacting you on monday. We'll set up for lunch after I get back from Miami. :D :D
