nsx for sale on Prime for 7 years

$65K FIRM. Just remember, I did not start this thread, so thanks for advertising. NO I do not need to sell, money is not a problem for me. YES the car is perfect, rare, stock and I am the original owner with all maintenance records. NO wife is not a factor. I was offered $62K and refused. @harveyw, its Monaco Blue Pearl/Black--spectacular car.

Why can't I bump it every so often? I have been a member for ~13 years and have always been courteous, as most of the old timers here are. Let me have my fun, OK?

:) agree
I just bought my first nsx, and if I won the lottery, I WOULD ALSO BUY THIS CAR IN A HEARTBEAT!

It's beautiful. I actually was strongly considering offering asking price for this car but I ended up with mine since it came with ALL the mods I wanted done but, Tabasco, I TOTALLY GET IT.

+1 for $65k or more...
It really is not a complicated issue. Rick knows exactly what he wants to sell his BABY for. If he does not receive that price he will suffer owning it and driving it. He does not care whether it sells or not. He is cutting his own trail and does not care what others think. I like that!
It really is not a complicated issue. Rick knows exactly what he wants to sell his BABY for. If he does not receive that price he will suffer owning it and driving it. He does not care whether it sells or not. He is cutting his own trail and does not care what others think. I like that!

Just for argument's sake though, what if every single NSX owner created a "for sale" ad on Prime with his/her dream price, and bumped it every month or two? As a prospective buyer, would you want that many posts clogging up the marketplace?
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Just for argument's sake though, what if every single NSX owner created a "for sale" ad on Prime with his/her dream price, and bumped it every month or two? As a prospective buyer, would you want that many posts clogging up the marketplace?

This is a pointless discussion.
hmmmm....his car is one hot tamale...
" Rare car demands more money":confused: MC/BLK-- 1 of 20 2000's 6 speed. White on black 2000's 6 speed. ----5 Had one; couldn't even dream of 50's much less 60's.. Tabasco, your car is fabulous; don't get me wrong. But it is pigeon-holed into a group of cars which would have to continue to average 1000 mi a year to retain the investment of buyer. Drive it--like most lament and value starts dropping. Then buyer probably isn't so enamored in his purchase. Hey I have garage queen; if I'm after top dollar--can't drive it. I, personally, would be happy for you getting your price. This post is really about what is rare. Wonder what the ONE blue/blk 2000 COUPE should be priced at? IMHO too much emphasis put on paint color being worth so much more. I'm out
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" Rare car demands more money":confused: MC/BLK-- 1 of 20 2000's 6 speed. White on black 2000's 6 speed. ----5 Had one; couldn't even dream of 50's much less 60's.. Tabasco, your car is fabulous; don't get me wrong. But it is pigeon-holed into a group of cars which would have to continue to average 1000 mi a year to retain the investment of buyer. Drive it--like most lament and value starts dropping. Then buyer probably isn't so enamored in his purchase. Hey I have garage queen; if I'm after top dollar--can't drive it. I, personally, would be happy for you getting your price. This post is really about what is rare. Wonder what the ONE blue/blk 2000 COUPE should be priced at? IMHO too much emphasis put on paint color being worth so much more. I'm out

When I purchased the NSX from Rick Case Acura in Ft Lauderdale I was on a search for that color. It was special in that Honda sent it to the Honda Open where it was on display. I called and made the deal over the phone and caught a one-way flight the next day. I felt very luck to have found it and was smiling all the way home on our 1200 mile trip, with my wife. The NSX is the most comfortable car I have ever owned and the trip was probably the most fun time I have had in this car. It gets lots of attention. We were lucky to have found hotels that would allow it special parking. The restaurants we visited allowed us to park up front and sit at a table close to the windows. Aside from Brandonson (on Prime) and my great tech (Jim Allen), I have been to only person to drive the car since I got it with 22 miles on the Odometer.

Whoever buys this car will get a perfect car; and if that person wants it bad enough and deals with respect, I will let her go at a slight discount. Otherwise it will be babied for some more time in my garage.

BTW, I'm interested in a Ferrari 458 someday. I'm not snob, so I hope it is ok to buy one.
It's funny, you draw one conclusion when you read Rick's initial post(s) in the for sale section. Then Rick screws that assumption all to hell by being both interesting and likeable. It's no wonder I try to keep an open mind.
Good thing that you didn't disagree with point #2, I've seen your posts on Edmunds! :tongue:


I didn't notice that the first time.

It's funny, you draw one conclusion when you read Rick's initial post(s) in the for sale section. Then Rick screws that assumption all to hell by being both interesting and likeable. It's no wonder I try to keep an open mind.

I'm sure Tabasco is a wonderful person but the only one who believes his car is for sale is him. Some people just like attention, regardless of whether it is positive or negative.

This is a pointless discussion.

Unfortunately it's not pointless for some, ha ha. a "seller" (who shall stay nameless - no witch hunts :) plus the ad's no longer here due to formatting) denied my asking-price offer (even minus upgraded wheels shown) 30 days ago, saying it's not at all the money or my offer but too much emotional attachment and not being ready to part with it, only to raise the price $10k a month later and then $2k more this week, pointing to this thread and the $50k red '91 on San Fran craigslist as proven basis for NSX values.

To be clear - I'm honest-to-God not passive-aggressively criticizing Rick, he seems like a good guy with a great car and after all it's a free market. I'm not even an NSX owner yet and realize I'm walking a tightrope with this post, hoping to not tee anyone off or start something since I feel as a prospective owner I should generally watch my p's and q's (plus I may be eating my whiny words if the '91 sells at $50k)...

But as an "other side of the NSX ownership fence" viewpoint to any sellers who might read this: It's certainly OK to ask whatever you feel it's worth, but posting a set price then turning down an offer at asking price - or using the For Sale area just to feel the market - is entertaining only to the the seller and awfully misleading and sometimes very time-wasting for others. (Rant alert): I dropped everything that afternoon on a vacation day to contact the seller, make the offer, receive pictures via email, research the VIN/Autofax history and make a few calls to investigate a PPI across the country.

Rant DONE. Pardon me, and thank you for this indulgence. On the upside it did feel good to float for 24 hours and think I was close to finding mine finally. :)

That off my chest - now, this beautiful blue car - I hope you finally get an "offer" at your $65k asking price Rick, and create two very happy people in the process.
Unfortunately it's not pointless for some, ha ha. a "seller" (who shall stay nameless - no witch hunts :) plus the ad's no longer here due to formatting) denied my asking-price offer (even minus upgraded wheels shown) 30 days ago, saying it's not at all the money or my offer but too much emotional attachment and not being ready to part with it, only to raise the price $10k a month later and then $2k more this week, pointing to this thread and the $50k red '91 on San Fran craigslist as proven basis for NSX values.

Money can overcome some emotional attachment, but that's only to be decided in the heart of the seller. On the other hand, if that's just the BS excuse the seller is using to hide the fact that in their mind they "think" they might be "leaving some money on the table" or they feel entitled to get "A-1 top dollar" for their pride & joy, then yeah, I call "BS"...don't be greedy. Set a price you're comfortable with, and then stick to it.

In the end, some will only buy if they feel they are getting the rock-bottom minimum price the seller will absolutely accept...these are called "low-ballers". They feel somehow entitled to some insane price that nobody else could have gotten...like they are "special" or that they are a KING when it comes to bargaining...or at least catching a seller when they are desperate.

While certainly nobody wants to make a purchase with the sinking feeling, after they leave, that the seller is breaking out the champagne and cigars while crowing, "MAN, we hosed that guy!!!"

I personally feel that paying a FAIR price is nice...under market value would be nicer, but I certainly don't want to over-pay.

If he gets $65K, great! If he sits on it, that's the market telling him his price is too high. No individual needs to chime in to tell him the same. In the end, something is ONLY worth what another is willing to pay for it.

I truly feel bad for guys like Yinzer. I've been there myself--as have many of you who have searched extensively for the perfect NSX for you, and it's not fun finding something only to have it fall through for one reason or another. I started to seriously shop for an NSX after NSXPO 2010, with cash in hand and the willingness to make a fair market value deal on a car. I encountered emotional, greedy, and non-communicative sellers, and it was an exercise in frustration at times. When it comes time to pass my NSXs onto the next caretakers, I will take those experiences into consideration. Unless I am financially strapped, I would prefer to have my cars go to someone that has the same passion for the NSX and actively participates in the community, rather than someone that will give me the most amount of money. I think I would get an enjoyment out of seeing the next owner sharing the same passion, and posting about his/her experiences, than someone who simply takes my car and disappears with it. To me, that's what being a car guy is all about, and I'd rather have my car go to an enthusiast than a collector if money isn't an issue.
I must admit, when I first joined Prime, February of last year, I saw Tabasco's for sale ad and noticed it had been listed for sale dating back, at the time, six years and thinking "no way, this guy is crazy", etc.

Now? I get it. I've owned my '02 for going on six months now. Not a single regret. I've had a smidgen of buyers remorse for every single car I've purchased but not this one. I guess it all changes when you fulfill a dream. I enjoy driving it, being in the car, so much that I don't think I've had a single instance of road range since my ownership. With all that said, I would buy Tabasco's car for $65K if I had the disposable cash and was ready to buy my second NSX.
Not to single out anybody or criticize Tabasco car because I think he can ask whatever he wants, it's "interesting " that people who said they would buy his car for 65k usually say something like if they had some disposable cash or if they win the lottery....in other words, they are not buying. Such an easy thing to say when your money is not on the line.

:flamesuit on:
No flamesuit needed, Ric. What you said is the truth. Unless actual money has exchanged hands, what something is worth is merely speculation.
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I I enjoy driving it, being in the car, so much that I don't think I've had a single instance of road range since my ownership.

Road rage??! That's pretty funny... It's kind of like saying "you know, I like my current wife so much I haven't beat her up one time since I married her"
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