NSX Craze November 20-22 - Austin & Hill Country

Anyone else with an NSX ready for the track?
Anyone else with an NSX ready for the track?

I am thinking of going.
But I was wondering if I might be able to run the C63 on the track. I leave Thursday for the AMG Drivers Academy Level II event at Laguna Seca, but have yet to take mine on the track. Would that be OK, or would I need to bring the NSX?
Looks like the track day is gonna be great!
Here's an answer to a few things I saw;

I am thinking of going.
But I was wondering if I might be able to run the C63 on the track. I leave Thursday for the AMG Drivers Academy Level II event at Laguna Seca, but have yet to take mine on the track. Would that be OK, or would I need to bring the NSX?

I don't personally care if you run your AMG at the track, but it would be great if you had your NSX for the rest of the event. Although, we would rather have you with your AMG (if that's a deciding factor) that not have you at all.

Anyway we can do the Friday Night CRAZE at Brooklyn Heights Pizzeria (nice FULL bar here in Avery Ranch)?
The owner is a good friend of mine and has promised VERY REASONABLE drink specials for the NSX crew. There is also plenty of FREE parking available.
Sounds good to me. Just make sure you put up a map so that the H Town (Jeff's) caravan knows how to get there as well as the Dallas folk(s). I'll try and check out the place tomorrow. Let me know if you wanna meet there. You've got my cell.

im still not sure if im gonna track (leaning towards not), but i have 3 medium helmets if anybody needs one.

Kelly, you can always run with the novice group. It isn't balls to the wall and you will find it completely rewarding and have a sense of fullfilling accomplishment. In other words; take your tampon out, wipe your tears off your vagina with it, and run the track! Also, what grown man wears MEDIUM???? You're thirty something years old and I don't care if it fits, get a LARGE!!! Damn I miss hanging with my boy!!!!:biggrin:

Anybody else miss Jose chimming in?

I'll start posting times and such Tuesday after I check out the Pizzeria for Friday. A little change could be good!
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Come on Kelly, Luis is right :biggrin: Get on board buddy!!! '

After I spoke with Eric last time he said he is going to need a $200 dollar deposit to hold the track for Sunday morning. Im going to see what I can do about that and them pay myself back on that Sunday.

I thought I heard my name!!! Of course it has to be the long haired, bedazzled Mexican missing me!

FYI, I know the silver beast is not with me anymore but if you need another track day spot filled, I'm sure the RS4 will be up for a run. :wink:

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im still not sure if im gonna track (leaning towards not), but i have 3 medium helmets if anybody needs one.


What are you worried about Homie? Since your car has a fat-ass you can drive in the back of the novice group where you belong!!


You are more than welcome to drive the rs4. Let me know if you want to.


Blaine Waddell
No way Jose....... Ohhhh now you did it. Just for that, I'm bedazzeling up all weekend! I may even put Rodriguez on the back of my car! Arriba arriba andale!!!!!

I thought I heard my name!!! Of course it has to be the long haired, bedazzled Mexican missing me!

FYI, I know the silver beast is not with me anymore but if you need another track day spot filled, I'm sure the RS4 will be up for a run. :wink:

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Homies are little Mexican toys you buy at candy machines for a quarter. Kelly is straight up Gangtsta! I mean Gangsta like American Idol..... the season that Carrie Underwood won. Ya know?! :eek:

Set em skrate Kell Dawg! :cool:


What are you worried about Homie? Since your car has a fat-ass you can drive in the back of the novice group where you belong!!

Just an FYI. As a lot of you guys have gone to see our comedy shows so... I'll give you one of the first rules in comedy; You can't make fun of the guy that makes fun of himself. I mean, really, who else has a cartoon avatar that looks like the real him???
Kelly or Umar, please save a room for a new comers from the DFW area, Lightguy that will be staying with us. Can one of you please confirm that you will house him. He has promised to bring some hookers and coke. A-cola. Just kidding. Just the hookers.
... please save a room for a new comers from the DFW area, Lightguy that will be staying with us. Can one of you please confirm that you will house him.
I had two rooms to offer, and both have been allocated to out-of-town NSX'ers coming to the 'Craze.
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Guys, I hate to say it, but you might have to count me out of the track day. The S is starting to smoke, and I think (actually I pray) it's my turbo. It's still boosting, and feels the same, but smokes after warm up, so I'm thinking it's my turbo seal.

If it is in fact, my turbo seal, then I might decide to track it after all, but don't make fun of me if I start smoking at idle!
1. Luis - TxChopperGuy (TRACK)
2. Jeff Baker - JBNSX719 (TRACK)
3. Greg M (*&^%%$#@!&* Z!!!!! ) - Greg Z (TRACK)
4. Blaine - Blackoutz (TRACK)
5. Kelley - Ko-nsx (TRACK - maybe, undecided)
6. Nick - FastRunner (TRACK)
7. Todd - trainingrevolution
8. Omar - adrenaline_nsx
9. Nathan - unlemming (TRACK)
10. Scott - TXvsLV (TRACK)
11. Umar - Osiris_x11
12. Matt - Matt_337 (TRACK)
13. Ojas - Ojas (TRACK of course)
14. Dave - das_nsx (TRACK)
15. Chris - sc1n (TRACK)
16. Tony - tnguyen (TRACK - S2K)
17. Howard - Oldduffer (TRACK - maybe, if accommodations available by a local)
18. Bob - TxGator (TRACK)
19. Moses - mpkr91
20. Zishan - Zishan (TRACK - maybe)
21. David - lightguy (TRACK)
22. Gus - bsudiro (TRACK - maybe)
23. Mike - azn8v (TRACK - undecided)
24. Kevin - PoKnow

If anyone still has room available let me know. Thanks!
Kelly or Umar, please save a room for a new comers from the DFW area, Lightguy that will be staying with us. Can one of you please confirm that you will house him. He has promised to bring some hookers and coke. A-cola. Just kidding. Just the hookers.

i have so far(i BELIEVE)

matt and his GF

anybody can stay if they want. might be on the couch and air matresses.

Once we get closer to the 'Craze, I'll see if I want to host an after-hours get-together Friday or Saturday night. I have some ongoing stuff at-hand, hopefully I can wrap it up by then.
i have so far(i BELIEVE):

I got rooms for Zishan/Zishan & Nick/Fastrunner.

That leaves you w/ Moses/mpkr91 & Matt/Matt_337.
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Re: spot...

Ok, so Lightguy is with Kelly. Unless he picks up a hot slutty chick with daddy issues and low self esteem, then he's at the Presidential suite at my place! :wink:

Once we get closer to the 'Craze, I'll see if I want to host an after-hours get-together Friday or Saturday night. I have some ongoing stuff at-hand, hopefully I can wrap it up by then.
I got rooms for Zishan/Zishan & Nick/Fastrunner.

That leaves you w/ Moses/mpkr91 & Matt/Matt_337.
1. Luis - TxChopperGuy (TRACK)
2. Jeff Baker - JBNSX719 (TRACK)
3. Greg M (*&^%%$#@!&* Z!!!!! ) - Greg Z (TRACK)
4. Blaine - Blackoutz (TRACK)
5. Kelley - Ko-nsx (TRACK - maybe, undecided)
6. Nick - FastRunner (TRACK)
7. Todd - trainingrevolution
8. Omar - adrenaline_nsx
9. Nathan - unlemming (TRACK)
10. Scott - TXvsLV (TRACK)
11. Umar - Osiris_x11
12. Matt - Matt_337 (TRACK)
13. Ojas - Ojas (TRACK of course)
14. Dave - das_nsx (TRACK)
15. Chris - sc1n (TRACK)
16. Tony - tnguyen (TRACK - S2K)
17. Howard - Oldduffer (TRACK - maybe, if accommodations available by a local)
18. Bob - TxGator (TRACK)
19. Moses - mpkr91
20. Zishan - Zishan (TRACK - maybe)
21. David - lightguy (TRACK)
22. Gus - bsudiro (TRACK - maybe)
23. Mike - azn8v (TRACK - undecided)
24. Kevin - PoKnow
25. Richie - NormRD

I'm closing on our new house that Friday and moving over the weekend but will sneak away for some of it to join up with you guys.
1. Luis - TxChopperGuy (TRACK)
2. Jeff Baker - JBNSX719 (TRACK)
3. Greg M (*&^%%$#@!&* Z!!!!! ) - Greg Z (TRACK)
4. Blaine - Blackoutz (TRACK)
5. Kelley - Ko-nsx (TRACK - maybe, undecided)
6. Nick - FastRunner (TRACK)
7. Todd - trainingrevolution
8. Omar - adrenaline_nsx
9. Nathan - unlemming (TRACK)
10. Scott - TXvsLV (TRACK)
11. Umar - Osiris_x11
12. Matt - Matt_337 (TRACK)
13. Ojas - Ojas (TRACK of course)
14. Dave - das_nsx (TRACK)
15. Chris - sc1n (TRACK)
16. Tony - tnguyen (TRACK - S2K)
17. Howard - Oldduffer (TRACK - maybe, if accommodations available by a local)
18. Bob - TxGator (TRACK)
19. Moses - mpkr91
20. Zishan - Zishan (TRACK - maybe)
21. David - lightguy (TRACK)
22. Gus - bsudiro (TRACK - maybe)
23. Mike - azn8v (TRACK - undecided)
24. Kevin - PoKnow
25. Richie - NormRD
26. Jose -Alas NSX (Track) Audi RS-4