NSX Craze November 20-22 - Austin & Hill Country

The track event is going to be less than $130 from what im calculating.

Can't Wait!!!!!

Hey Z

Did you check to see if you could use NSXCA funds to help subsidize our costs for the track event?
Well, looks like I'm not going to be able to track. Still no clutch. :frown:
1. Luis - TxChopperGuy (TRACK)
2. Jeff Baker - JBNSX719 (TRACK)
3. Greg M (*&^%%$#@!&* Z!!!!! ) - Greg Z (TRACK)
4. Blaine - Blackoutz (TRACK) ADVANCED
5. Kelley - Ko-nsx (TRACK - maybe, undecided)
6. Nick - FastRunner (TRACK)
7. Todd - trainingrevolution
8. Omar - adrenaline_nsx
9. Nathan - unlemming (TRACK) ADVANCED
11. Umar - Osiris_x11
12. Matt - Matt_337 (TRACK)
13. Ojas - Ojas (TRACK of course)
14. Dave - das_nsx (TRACK)
15. Chris - sc1n (TRACK) ADVANCED
16. Tony - tnguyen (TRACK - S2K)
17. Jose-Alas NSX (Track) Audi RS4
18. Bob - TxGator (TRACK)
19. Moses - mpkr91
20. Zishan - Zishan
21. David - lightguy (TRACK)
22. Gus - bsudiro (TRACK - maybe)
23. Mike - azn8v (TRACK - undecided)
24. Kevin - PoKnow
25. Richie - NormRD
26. Adrian- RX-7 (Track) ADVANCED

Please put by you name if your going to run in the Novice or Advanced group. This way I can see how it will be split up. I put Advanced next to the people that I assumed would be running in the advanced group. You are free to change the selection.


Blaine Waddell
Here you go.

1. Luis - TxChopperGuy (TRACK) ADVANCED
2. Jeff Baker - JBNSX719 (TRACK)
3. Greg M (*&^%%$#@!&* Z!!!!! ) - Greg Z (TRACK)
4. Blaine - Blackoutz (TRACK) ADVANCED
5. Kelley - Ko-nsx (TRACK - maybe, undecided)
6. Nick - FastRunner (TRACK)
7. Todd - trainingrevolution
8. Omar - adrenaline_nsx
9. Nathan - unlemming (TRACK) ADVANCED
11. Umar - Osiris_x11
12. Matt - Matt_337 (TRACK)
13. Ojas - Ojas (TRACK of course)
14. Dave - das_nsx (TRACK)
15. Chris - sc1n (TRACK) ADVANCED
16. Tony - tnguyen (TRACK - S2K)
17. Jose-Alas NSX (Track) Audi RS4
18. Bob - TxGator (TRACK)
19. Moses - mpkr91
20. Zishan - Zishan
21. David - lightguy (TRACK)
22. Gus - bsudiro (TRACK - maybe)
23. Mike - azn8v (TRACK - undecided)
24. Kevin - PoKnow
25. Richie - NormRD
26. Adrian- RX-7 (Track) ADVANCED

Please put by you name if your going to run in the Novice or Advanced group. This way I can see how it will be split up. I put Advanced next to the people that I assumed would be running in the advanced group. You are free to change the selection.


Blaine Waddell
I'm just reposting this so the schedule doesn't get burried in the middle of page 5.

Here's the schedule that I have so far. Blaine, please let me know if the track times are off so that I can change Sunday around.

* 7 pm-> arrival/meetup @ RC Fowlers (same place as ussual - www.rcfowlers.com on 620 just west of 183)
* 9:30 - 10ish -> head'over to Brooklyn Pizzeria in Avery Ranch. We can all just follow each other there. It's less than 10 minutes from RC Fowlers. Todd set this up with Patrick (owner). I met with him and he is very excited about having and will accomodating us.

* 9 am-> meet-up @ at my house (702 Coomes Place, Cedar Park, TX 78613 - 512-573-0660). Most of you guys already know how to get there and or live within a few miles. I'll have some breakfast tacos for everyone. My house is 1/4 miles from Lime Creek Road, which is where we will start our jorney of 250 miles. Please arrive with a full tank of fuel.
* 9:30 am SHARP - we hit Lime Creek Rd and head out for a long drive out to hit some amazing new roads further out into the Texas Hill Country. We are headed out towards Leakey, TX in case you want to look it up on a map. You will not be dissapointed!
* 9 pm -> Dinner at BONE DADDY'S!!!!
* night -> head'over to North Austin pub/lounge OR downtown area OR Umar's residence (Northwest Austin) to hang-out/relax. We'll play that by ear seeing how the group is feeling.

* 8:30-9 am -> NW Craze group can meet at my house. We will leave at 9 sharp so that we have plenty of time to make it out to Harris Hill. Any others are welcome to meet at my house or we can meet you at the track. We can refuel when we leave my house before heading out. Harris Hill Road-course in San Marcos
* 10-1 pm -> Track Time!!! Thanks Blaine for setting this up!
* 1:30 on -> Lunch, live music, and drinks in SoCo (South Congress). This is a great Austin tradition. Usually there are different groups from Harleys, Vespas, Hot Rods, etc. People can start heading home at their their own time or form groups to caravan from there.

Please make sure you guys keep my number and either text me or call me if you are running late or need help for any reason. It looks like everyone has a place to stay, so I won't set up a room rate with a hotel.

Can't wait to see everyone!
1. Luis - TxChopperGuy (TRACK)
2. Jeff Baker - JBNSX719 (TRACK)
3. Greg M (*&^%%$#@!&* Z!!!!! ) - Greg Z (TRACK)
4. Blaine - Blackoutz (TRACK) ADVANCED
5. Kelley - Ko-nsx (TRACK - maybe, undecided)
6. Nick - FastRunner (TRACK)
7. Todd - trainingrevolution
8. Omar - adrenaline_nsx
9. Nathan - unlemming (TRACK) ADVANCED
11. Umar - Osiris_x11
12. Matt - Matt_337 (TRACK)
13. Ojas - Ojas (TRACK of course)
14. Dave - das_nsx (TRACK)
15. Chris - sc1n (TRACK) ADVANCED
16. Tony - tnguyen (TRACK - S2K) NOVICE
17. Jose-Alas NSX (Track) Audi RS4
18. Bob - TxGator (TRACK)
19. Moses - mpkr91
20. Zishan - Zishan
21. David - lightguy (TRACK)
22. Gus - bsudiro (TRACK - maybe)
23. Mike - azn8v (TRACK - undecided)
24. Kevin - PoKnow
25. Richie - NormRD
26. Adrian- RX-7 (Track) ADVANCED

1. Luis - TxChopperGuy (TRACK) ADVANCED
2. Jeff Baker - JBNSX719 (TRACK)
3. Greg M (*&^%%$#@!&* Z!!!!! ) - Greg Z (TRACK)
4. Blaine - Blackoutz (TRACK) ADVANCED
5. Kelley - Ko-nsx (TRACK - maybe, undecided)
6. Nick - FastRunner (TRACK)
7. Todd - trainingrevolution
8. Omar - adrenaline_nsx
9. Nathan - unlemming (TRACK) ADVANCED
11. Umar - Osiris_x11
12. Matt - Matt_337 (TRACK)
13. Ojas - Ojas (TRACK of course)
14. Dave - das_nsx (TRACK)
15. Chris - sc1n (TRACK) ADVANCED
16. Tony - tnguyen (TRACK - S2K) NOVICE
17. Jose-Alas NSX (Track) Audi RS4
18. Bob - TxGator (TRACK) ADVANCED
19. Moses - mpkr91
20. Zishan - Zishan
21. David - lightguy (TRACK)
22. Gus - bsudiro (TRACK - maybe)
23. Mike - azn8v (TRACK - undecided)
24. Kevin - PoKnow
25. Richie - NormRD
26. Adrian- RX-7 (Track) ADVANCED
Wow, lots of "advanced" racers we got here. I would run novice just for the fact the track would be empty! :biggrin:
I have a list of people stay at my house, please correct me if i'm wrong. call me, text or pm me to confirm. 3142805181. Kelley

1. matt337 (matt)
2. lightguy (dave)
3. mpkr1 (moses)
4. PoKnow (?)

i have 5 bedrooms and 3 baths. only one full bedroom set though.
2 air matresses, 2 couches and one loveseat. I've slept one all of it comfortably(well alcohol will let you sleep anywhere!!)
4. PoKnow (?)

That would be Kevin. His will be the black NSX with the brake lights you can see from the moon. :smile:

Guys, I just got some good news, from an amazing fellow NSXer. You guys will be pleasently surprised. I'm super excited now! :biggrin:
Thanks for hooking me up Kelley. See you all there!

That would be Kevin. His will be the black NSX with the brake lights you can see from the moon. :smile:

Guys, I just got some good news, from an amazing fellow NSXer. You guys will be pleasently surprised. I'm super excited now! :biggrin:
Our house closing got pushed....still a ton to do to get ready to sell this house but I think I'm in for the Track event now....provided there is room for 1 more Novice NSX. Also are motorcycle helmets acceptable?


1. Luis - TxChopperGuy (TRACK) ADVANCED
2. Jeff Baker - JBNSX719 (TRACK)
3. Greg M (*&^%%$#@!&* Z!!!!! ) - Greg Z (TRACK)
4. Blaine - Blackoutz (TRACK) ADVANCED
5. Kelley - Ko-nsx (TRACK - maybe, undecided)
6. Nick - FastRunner (TRACK)
7. Todd - trainingrevolution
8. Omar - adrenaline_nsx
9. Nathan - unlemming (TRACK) ADVANCED
11. Umar - Osiris_x11
12. Matt - Matt_337 (TRACK)
13. Ojas - Ojas (TRACK of course)
14. Dave - das_nsx (TRACK)
15. Chris - sc1n (TRACK) ADVANCED
16. Tony - tnguyen (TRACK - S2K) NOVICE
17. Jose-Alas NSX (Track) Audi RS4
18. Bob - TxGator (TRACK) ADVANCED
19. Moses - mpkr91
20. Zishan - Zishan
21. David - lightguy (TRACK)
22. Gus - bsudiro (TRACK - maybe)
23. Mike - azn8v (TRACK - undecided)
24. Kevin - PoKnow
25. Richie - NormRD (TRACK) NOVICE
26. Adrian- RX-7 (Track) ADVANCED
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Norm Rd, I'm glad you were able to work the track day in. More NSX's the better!!!!

Sorry fellas

Some personal matters have come up. I will be absent for sure Friday. I will do my best to be up there Saturday morning to join you guys if I can.

Take me off the track list since I will be a maybe
it would be pretty awesome if i could be apart of this cruise lol

but really i will definitely keep a look out for the NSX's with my camera ready , i think i'm more excited than you guys are.:smile:
It would also be fair to tell you that not only does Kelley have a cat, he is also black. And unlike his name would lead you to believe, he is not a chick. :tongue:

Let the jokes begin!!!!

For the people stayin with me

If you don't have a helmet you can borrow one from someone or they have some loaners.

git it a goin'...

Is the R.C. Fowlers meet-up time for Friday evening still ~7pm?

TxChopperGuy said:
Here's the schedule that I have so far...

* 7 pm-> arrival/meetup @ RC Fowlers (same place as usual - www.rcfowlers.com on 620 just west of 183)
* 9:30 - 10ish -> head'over to Brooklyn Pizzeria in Avery Ranch. We can all just follow each other there. It's less than 10 minutes from RC Fowlers. Todd set this up with Patrick (owner). I met with him and he is very excited about having and will accommodating us.

Also, there is a good friend (fellow Honda/Acura enthusiast) who will help out w/ pics/etc' (our unofficial '09 NSX Craze II photographer). Depending her schedule, she'll be around for many of the weekend events/outings. Anyone w/ empty (ie. available) NSX passenger-seats during the course of the weekend, please let it be known while we're out & about.

Thanks, in-advance. . .

1. Luis - TxChopperGuy (TRACK) ADVANCED
2. Jeff Baker - JBNSX719 (TRACK)
3. Greg M (*&^%%$#@!&* Z!!!!! ) - Greg Z (TRACK)
4. Blaine - Blackoutz (TRACK) ADVANCED
5. Kelley - Ko-nsx (TRACK - maybe, undecided)
6. Nick - FastRunner (TRACK)
7. Todd - trainingrevolution
8. Omar - adrenaline_nsx
9. Nathan - unlemming (TRACK) ADVANCED
11. Umar - Osiris_x11
12. Matt - Matt_337 (TRACK)
13. Ojas - Ojas (TRACK of course)
14. Dave - das_nsx (TRACK)
15. Chris - sc1n (TRACK) ADVANCED
16. Tony - tnguyen (TRACK - S2K) NOVICE
17. Jose-Alas NSX (Track) Audi RS4 ADVANCED
18. Bob - TxGator (TRACK) ADVANCED
19. Moses - mpkr91
20. Zishan - Zishan
21. David - lightguy (TRACK)
22. Gus - bsudiro (TRACK - maybe)
23. Mike - azn8v (TRACK - undecided)
24. Kevin - PoKnow
25. Richie - NormRD (TRACK) NOVICE
26. Adrian- RX-7 (Track) ADVANCED