Now 100% official NSX-Stock, JUNE 10!

Well Mike..... Unfortunately you can take my name off the list :( I finally got the word that my block is done and can be picked up however there's no way I feel comfortable assembling the whole engine, breaking it in and tuning it before the event. So it seems that nobody will have to endure being walked by a CRX :tongue: Just kidding, I love all my NSX buddies and soon enough I'll be replacing the one I shouldn't have sold.

Anyway, she should be complete by the River Run so I'll see everyone there. Have a great time and please everyone be safe!!!!
I'm finaly going to an event!Look forward to seeing you all.
I'm finaly going to an event!Look forward to seeing you all.
we needed a bony guy...
I hope to make it, but I'm debating if I should drive with my expired inspection sticker.


I havent had my car inspected since 2003:biggrin: You coming or what?
Add me to the list. Looks like I WILL be there.

I'll miss the bike race in Philly, but NSX-stock looks cooler.
1. Me
2. MashimaroNSX
3. Zennsx
4. jalnjr- to whom this event wouldnt exist without
5. popsicle
6. winreboot
7. MoogieBoogie
8. NA1MT
9. Clembeauch
10. omeganorm
11. TonyD
12. Drifter
13. mmerical
14. KingKongNSX
15. The Hawk
16. RPM217
17. Chuck Morgan
18. Acura NSX Pilot
19. Echelon
20. Speed Junkie
21. nsxtacey
22. Larry Bastanza
23. Climberao
24. angelo08
25. Randai
26. The Don
27. TurboLexus
28. Frank Spano
29. Brandonson
30. Chris NSX
31. I10101I
32. spdr8cr
33. gprims
34. redbird92
35. RSO 34
36. hippiehater
37. Chris@SOS
38. fannsx
39. NSXR2
40. rjp
41. racerx24
42. DocJohn
43. ericwgnsx
44. Hondaholic

Anyone else? We're shooting for 60:eek:
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1. Me
2. MashimaroNSX
3. Zennsx
4. jalnjr- to whom this event wouldnt exist without
5. popsicle
6. winreboot
7. MoogieBoogie
8. NA1MT
9. Clembeauch
10. omeganorm
11. TonyD
12. Drifter
13. mmerical
14. KingKongNSX
15. The Hawk
16. RPM217
17. Chuck Morgan
18. Acura NSX Pilot
19. Echelon
20. Speed Junkie
21. nsxtacey
22. Larry Bastanza
23. Climberao
24. angelo08
25. Randai
26. The Don
27. TurboLexus
28. Frank Spano
29. Brandonson
30. Chris NSX
31. I10101I
32. spdr8cr
33. gprims
34. redbird92
35. RSO 34
36. hippiehater
37. Chris@SOS
38. fannsx
39. NSXR2
40. rjp
41. racerx24
42. DocJohn
43. ericwgnsx
44. Hondaholic
46. Peter Mills
47. rich001

Anyone else?
Just a "heads up" to all the attendees for tomorrow, last week on the ride down to Edison NJ for the Offsie "Walk/Run" there were troopers all over the place, let's get down to the destinations "safe and ticket free", drive smart! Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow morning!:biggrin:
i got pulled over [ state pol/ xband:rolleyes: ] test driving the 'stock
route...70 in a 50... the kind man let me go with a warning:biggrin:

i love nj
drive smart n safe
Can someone tell me the approximate time that everyone will be arriving at Bridgewater Acura? I dont think I can make the events that precede the late lunch at Fuddruckers.

Thank you,
Can someone tell me the approximate time that everyone will be arriving at Bridgewater Acura? I dont think I can make the events that precede the late lunch at Fuddruckers.

Thank you,

NSX_Stock was Killer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great Day, Great Drive, Great People:):).

Since this was a NE event it could not go by with out a little rain, which did make it a little slippery out there, but the route was great. Had a whole lot of fun at Fudd's too.

Mike and John, and to all that helped and supported NSX-Stock - Great Job! Another NSX-Stock in the history books:).

Hope everyone had a safe trip home.

Awesome day guys! it was a ton of fun, and thanks to all for helping me get out of my corn field escapades... :biggrin:

today's million dollar phrase - "Don't lift, don't ever lift.....":tongue:

Thanks to everyone today, from setting it up to the giveaways, it was a great day.

See you guys soon, just gotta buff out the cracks lol


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I don't remember driving my NSX so much in one day other than the NSXPO.
It was a great drive and the mine tour was wonderfully enjoyable for a science geek like me.
The little rain made the drive just that much more challenging.
Great organization. I think Jon has gotten these driving direction down to a science.
Besides te little encounter late in the day with the NJ trooper, it was a perfect day.
Great time today, almost felt like we were in the cars from dawn to dusk, but a fun and spirited ride, interesting tour, great cars and great company. Thanks to Doc Bling, and Mike Lasko, great leading by Rob and glad that people were just given a "lecture" rather than a ticket! Thanks to everyone who helped to stage this fun day!!!:cool:
I had a great time today. The event was very well organized. I couldn't have asked for better scenic routes. They simply were amazing. It was a pleasure meeting everyone. As far as the mine about WILD tangents for NSX-Stock :confused: However, the corndogs were mighty tastey :)

I hope everyone got home safely!
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Thanks everyone. It was great meeting you guys. This was my first NSX meet and i have to admit it was far better than any of the Fcar meets i use to go to. No whiners or complainers regardless of the weather. :biggrin:Just wish it could have been drier to enjoy the twistties but oh well. BTW whomever picked up the tab (didnt quite get the name) i appreciate it. Thank you.
Great Day! Thanks to all the organizers...job well done! Can't remember ever enjoying a group of people more than the NSXers! Wonderful tour, and interesting chat with the NJ police. Hope to see all of you on June 24th as we watch Dr. Bling make his "sky diving" appearance at VanSant Airport!:wink: