New NSX owner

If seeing is believing, cant you just post a pic of the car from germany.

And what do i need to do for some rims if ppls just giving out money for fun lol
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TTIUWPOGF :biggrin:

What does it mean lol. I barely get your sig. Oh my f$$kn god bbs Lm for the motha f$$kn win. But what the hell does that mean.
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As I stated before and learned its impossible to even bring a Honda NSX into the states. The Honda is already payed for. But it will remain in Germany. I am already setting up a deal with a NSXprime member for their NSX. I do understand that trolls comment on forums showing off about things they do not have. I honestly do not care what anybody thinks of me or my living situation about a NSX. Im just happy enough that I am getting one regardless of me getting one through a gift or buying it myself since this is my favorite car. There are alot more expensive cars than a 84K Honda which quite frankly isnt alot for a car. I also have better things to do than brag about something I dont own to people that dont believe me.

Mate you are so full of it. You've entered a forum with highly educated people who know how life and things work yet you continue on this diatribe of lies and contradictions in speech.

Be careful as to what you are doing because the last thing you need is for your girlfriend to get a hold of this thread via twitter or facebook and start commenting on your posts. NSX Prime has uncovered many a lie of people posting which have become internet sensations all over other car forums etc...

I'll start to believe you once you produce a U.S. title on any NSX showing your name etc. Post some pictures of you with the car etc....I dare you. You have simply taken this thread farther then you should have...

Ball is in your court mate... :rolleyes:
Mate you are so full of it. You've entered a forum with highly educated people who know how life and things work yet you continue on this diatribe of lies and contradictions in speech.

Be careful as to what you are doing because the last thing you need is for your girlfriend to get a hold of this thread via twitter or facebook and start commenting on your posts. NSX Prime has uncovered many a lie of people posting which have become internet sensations all over other car forums etc...

I'll start to believe you once you produce a U.S. title on any NSX showing your name etc. Post some pictures of you with the car etc....I dare you. You have simply taken this thread farther then you should have...

Ball is in your court mate... :rolleyes:

What makes anybody on here so certain that I am not telling the truth? I have not met anybody on here who has met me in person therefore their opinion is lacking ground of accusing anybody of any form of slander. As soon as somebody comes to me with a NSX I approve or unless the US allows a Honda to enter I am not entertaining anymore of this. This subject has been answered countless amounts of times and therefore it is as you say "old news"
What makes anybody on here so certain that I am not telling the truth? I have not met anybody on here who has met me in person therefore their opinion is lacking ground of accusing anybody of any form of slander. As soon as somebody comes to me with a NSX I approve or unless the US allows a Honda to enter I am not entertaining anymore of this. This subject has been answered countless amounts of times and therefore it is as you say "old news"

Is it so hard to just take a pic, I could care less if you are telling the truth or lies. To be honest, ppls find it hard to believe because when there is a 40 miles nsx just sitting in a garage, pics pop up like crazy to show it is legit. All anyone wants is a pic. You don't have to import it here, hell, i just want to see it cause that would be awesome. Plus, this site isn't just in America so it seems that ppls jump at the chance to say I can view the car, then there is no reason to not show it if it does in fact exist. All im saying is if it is legit, post a pic so ppls get of your back. I dont think anyone even cares that the wheel is on the other side as it seems this has turned into a stop lieing vs telling the truth. I mean its not like you just said new nsx owner, but you threw in 40 miles lol. And one last thing, everyone knows that every new owner is required it seems to post a pic. Its like the op says i got an nsx, yours, a 91, an 02, it doesn't matter. The first post is followed by someone saying pics. So just post a pic and end all this drama :)
What makes anybody on here so certain that I am not telling the truth? I have not met anybody on here who has met me in person therefore their opinion is lacking ground of accusing anybody of any form of slander. As soon as somebody comes to me with a NSX I approve or unless the US allows a Honda to enter I am not entertaining anymore of this. This subject has been answered countless amounts of times and therefore it is as you say "old news"

Everything you say is pure conjecture at this point; nothing there to substantiate it at all. You are hiding behind a computer so its taken at what people call "Face value".

You are losing this arguement.
Is it so hard to just take a pic, I could care less if you are telling the truth or lies. To be honest, ppls find it hard to believe because when there is a 40 miles nsx just sitting in a garage, pics pop up like crazy to show it is legit. All anyone wants is a pic. You don't have to import it here, hell, i just want to see it cause that would be awesome. Plus, this site isn't just in America so it seems that ppls jump at the chance to say I can view the car, then there is no reason to not show it if it does in fact exist. All im saying is if it is legit, post a pic so ppls get of your back. I dont think anyone even cares that the wheel is on the other side as it seems this has turned into a stop lieing vs telling the truth. I mean its not like you just said new nsx owner, but you threw in 40 miles lol. And one last thing, everyone knows that every new owner is required it seems to post a pic. Its like the op says i got an nsx, yours, a 91, an 02, it doesn't matter. The first post is followed by someone saying pics. So just post a pic and end all this drama :)

I myself would like to see pictures of it aswell. I have asked her father to send me pictures of it already. Have I not gotten them? No. When will i get them? I dont know. When I do get them I will post them for everyone to enjoy.
the time has come...please post the location of the car in Germany so that one of our members can inspect it for you,as he offered earlier,if you can't produse any specific info like maybe an email adress or Tel # of the GF father in Germany to arrange that,you will be deleted and suspended..simple, we don't have time for this ...
DOCL well said.

I think this thread should be deleted so we can move onto other topics that deserve more attention than this one.

heres a link to a Civic Forum they say its a great forum for 17 year olds to join.

heres a link to a Mercedes Forum they say its a great forum for 17 year olds to join.

nice wet dream though, post a pic of your GF

Hmmm. If you put that 40k into a ROTH IRA earning 8% at age 17 and left it there until you reached the earliest withdrawal age (59.5 years old), you would have: $1,053,342.48.

Or, you could have a used NSX right now to show off to your friends and do burnouts in the high school parking lot until you needed to do the major services- which you can't afford- so you sell the car after a few years at a depreciated value, leaving you 10 grand in the hole (or more) and with no NSX.

Uh huh. :rolleyes:
Hmmm. If you put that 40k into a ROTH IRA earning 8% at age 17 and left it there until you reached the earliest withdrawal age (59.5 years old), you would have: $1,053,342.48.

Or, you could have a used NSX right now to show off to your friends and do burnouts in the high school parking lot until you needed to do the major services- which you can't afford- so you sell the car after a few years at a depreciated value, leaving you 10 grand in the hole (or more) and with no NSX.

Uh huh. :rolleyes:

Not my money. I dont attend highschool. I attend a private academy. Im not using the NSX as a daily driver since I have a another car already. So it would be pointless to average 12,000 miles a year on this car. If any needed repairs needed to be done I could well afford another NSX just from my personal savings. Consider I already 60K trustfund with my bank since the age of 5 and have been taking interest from my bank. And since I have a full scholarship to Harvard and Princeton that covers my college tuition, And then joining the Army after college and applying for Officer I think after 20 years of service like my father I should have well over 1 million dollars in saving by the time I turn 40. I appreciate your plan though.
this gets better and better every time he posts

Honcho you really know how to rip someone a new A LOL

I cant wait to see what he posts next

its making my day go by with a laugh
But I am finished with this thread and I recommend the staff of this forum delete this thread to prevent any more childish behavior depicted on this thread. If you have a NSX for sale send me a PM and I will love to look over it.
But I am finished with this thread and I recommend the staff of this forum delete this thread to prevent any more childish behavior depicted on this thread. If you have a NSX for sale send me a PM and I will love to look over it.

Already regretting what you've clearly started...? No...come on you said the 04 NSX has been purchased and its staying in Germany so seeing as you're so close to your GF and her wealthy father let's see some photos of it?

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Already regretting what you've clearly started...? No...come on you said the 04 NSX has been purchased and its staying in Germany so seeing as you're so close to your GF and her wealthy father let's see some photos of it?


Will do when pictures arrive.
...And my I.Q is at 168 considering when I took a placement test in the 8th grade which recommended I should placed in a college freshman level. Its amazing when somebody actually has money in this world nobody is willing to help. So I suppose the entire world is made up of lower middle class people and upper middle class life is just a TV hoax.

A few things...if your I.Q. was really 168, you would be smart enough to know that eventually your bull$hit lies would come undone, and would also be smart enough to figure out on your own that contacting the proper importation authorities is what really needs done as opposed to jumping on a car forum. Also, YOU DON'T HAVE MONEY, DIP$HIT!! If you did, you would have bought an NSX yourself by now. The only hoax here is whatever life you eek out by trying to take advantage of the kindness of strangers.
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yO, DaWg!! YO! YO! Y'all mUs bE bUsTin' mAd TitE, wiT dAt TrUst FuNd, moNey, aT dEM fOaM pArTy's iN tHa' CrAZEE, $500 MeRcEdeS 190E, BOI!!!

Why not change your name to HELLABROKE instead?

Here we have, Leonard Gousha III....ubertroll.

<img src="" />

The Camera Guy
@YeaImHellaDope ATL to NY to LA to ATL
Photographer & Cinematographer, Photographer for SoulSociety. For booking hit up [email protected] | Leonard Gousha III
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yO, DaWg!! YO! YO! Y'all mUs bE bUsTin' mAd TitE, wiT dAt TrUst FuNd, moNey, aT dEM fOaM pArTy's iN tHa' CrAZEE, $500 MeRcEdeS 190E, BOI!!!

Why not change your name to HELLABROKE instead?

Here we have, Leonard Gousha III....ubertroll.

<img src="" />

The Camera Guy
@YeaImHellaDope ATL to NY to LA to ATL
Photographer & Cinematographer, Photographer for SoulSociety. For booking hit up [email protected] | Leonard Gousha III

OUCH, you guys are harsh :biggrin: