New NSX owner

I don't think he's intentionally trying to mislead, but he may be getting misled himself. He seems well-spoken for a 17 year old, but I'm not sure the girlfriend or girlfriend's father is actually being truthful. Sounds like an empty promise/ pipe dream of a mythical car.

Trying to acquire an NSX before turning 19 isn't a very worthy goal, especially when said NSX is given to you, but getting through school early is.
An NSX can wait.
My helpful information is that spending your time being less full of sh*t, and more productive, will go a long way.

Classic troll when pressed always says 'I have nothing to prove'. I would help you if you were real, and not full of crap.

Here you go jacka$$...I will put my money where my mouth is. Show me pictures of this car, the odometer showing 40 miles, and proof of purchase, and I will buy your first mod. Choose it. Wheels. Seats. I don't care. Just prove to me you really have a '40 mile' NSX waiting for you. Surely that is worth the time to get the pictures, right?

I would surely take that offer. I will request some pictures if it helps you sleep at night. I am a real person if you would like to meet me somewhere.
I would surely take that offer. I will request some pictures if it helps you sleep at night. I am a real person if you would like to meet me somewhere.

I sleep fine. My real NSX is in my driveway.

Pics and proof of purchase and 40 mile odometer there, junior.
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I don't think he's intentionally trying to mislead, but he may be getting misled himself. He seems well-spoken for a 17 year old, but I'm not sure the girlfriend or girlfriend's father is actually being truthful. Sounds like an empty promise/ pipe dream of a mythical car.

Trying to acquire an NSX before turning 19 isn't a very worthy goal, especially when said NSX is given to you, but getting through school early is.
An NSX can wait.

I mean I sure you understand how bad you could want something. I dont like to be given things in my life. I would much rather earn things the old fashioned way.
I mean I sure you understand how bad you could want something. I dont like to be given things in my life. I would much rather earn things the old fashioned way.

Want does not equal need however and, as great as it would be for someone to give me an NSX, it wouldn't hold the same value as if I worked for it.

Here's another interesting observation for the OGs. Didn't NSXs come from the factory with over 50 miles from testing? Pretty sure that's in the wiki somewhere...
Bottom line- what you are trying to do is ILLEGAL. You will not be able to register the car in any State and it will sit in your garage collecting dust. A lot of people with a LOT more money than you have tried and failed.

Assuming everything you say is true, your GF needs to go. She can't even give you the straight info on a car her dad bought for you? I wonder what else she isn't telling you? How about you talk to the dad? If her dad is so rich, why not have him buy you a NSX for sale here in the US- there are hundreds of them available right now, some in nearly new condition if you have the $. Furthermore, this man bought you a car in a foreign country and didn't bother to check if it was legal to import into the US? Did he not notice the steering wheel is on the wrong side of the car??

I tell you what, call her dad and say thanks for the car but I'll take the cash instead. Put half that cash into a ROTH IRA and spend the other half on an education. It will do a lot more for you than a illegal RHD NSX you can't even drive. I wanted a NSX when I was 19 too. I had to wait until I was 30, but I'm glad I did. Now I have a NSX and I am financially secure because I got an ivy league education instead of blowing my cash on an exotic car when I was a teenager.
Where is this car in Germany?

I will be in Germany next week and would be happy to inspect the car for you.

Private me with location and appropriate phone numbers and addresses.
Where is this car in Germany?

I will be in Germany next week and would be happy to inspect the car for you.

Private me with location and appropriate phone numbers and addresses.

you see,that is the kinda help and network that prime delivers.SFSnsxguy is a very knowledgable long time owner who should be able to assist you in this worthy endeavor.......
I remember being 17 and having wet dreams. Your lies are unravelling. First you say your father in law bought you the car, and then you say it's your girlfriends father. There's a big difference between the two. Does she even live in the United States? If they have so much money to waste, why doesn't he just throw a $100,000.00 wedding for you.

You need to go back to the village you came from, they can't afford to loose another idiot.
I remember being 17 and having wet dreams. Your lies are unravelling. First you say your father in law bought you the car, and then you say it's your girlfriends father. There's a big difference between the two. Does she even live in the United States? If they have so much money to waste, why doesn't he just throw a $100,000.00 wedding for you.

You need to go back to the village you came from, they can't afford to loose another idiot.

If I call him my father in law I must have plans on marrying his daughter. Correct?? Ok then. Yes she lives in the states. I dont see how anybody would date somebody they have never met before. I dont come from a village. I am from the south side of metro atlanta. And my I.Q is at 168 considering when I took a placement test in the 8th grade which recommended I should placed in a college freshman level. Its amazing when somebody actually has money in this world nobody is willing to help. So I suppose the entire world is made up of lower middle class people and upper middle class life is just a TV hoax.
He puts his name in his profile as Leonard Gousha. Google Leonard Gousha in Atlanta and find his Twitter account (unlocked) under name YeaImHellaDope. Also find his YouTube vids under digitalproductionsats. Flickr page can be seen here. Here's a nice vid of his 190E (NSFW lots of language)

<iframe width="560" height="345" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

That being said. A quick browse on Twitter shows he's been talking about this car for at least a few days. Even posted a pic of a similar car looks like.

looks like a Regular USA NSX to me. LOL

I stopped posting on this thread as it seems to me it was like beating a dead horse. someone called BS and they were right.

can we verify where this USA NSX is really owned by?

WHITE92 once again you pull those magic powers from under your hat. you are truly a master
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He puts his name in his profile as Leonard Gousha. Google Leonard Gousha in Atlanta and find his Twitter account (unlocked) under name YeaImHellaDope. Also find his YouTube vids under digitalproductionsats. Flickr page can be seen here. Here's a nice vid of his 190E (NSFW lots of language)

<iframe width="560" height="345" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

That being said. A quick browse on Twitter shows he's been talking about this car for at least a few days. Even posted a pic of a similar car looks like.


Haha. I actually put this video up for my girlfriend to see that my car was wrecked. Which she showed to her father. Which prompted for me to get a NSX. So if anything this would just further back up my story. The picture of the NSX is just one I found on google. Is it wrong for me to google a car that I am getting?
looks like a Regular USA NSX to me. LOL

I stopped posting on this thread as it seems to me it was like beating a dead horse. someone called BS and they were right.

can we verify where this USA NSX is really owned by?

WHITE92 once again you pull those magic powers from under your hat. you are truly a master

This NSX is just a pic he posted of what the one he is getting looks like. Not the actual car.
But now that I know it is impossible to bring a Honda NSX into the states. I would like to purchase one here in that states. (Around the eastern coast) Near the 21st-25th of this month if possible. Looking for all the years in all colors. As close to stock as possible. If anybody has any recommendations on any cars here please let me know.
If I call him my father in law I must have plans on marrying his daughter. Correct?? Ok then.

No. If you're not married yet nor engaged to his daughter, you're just a kid dating his daughter. Correct??

Yes she lives in the states. I dont see how anybody would date somebody they have never met before.

I guess you've never heard of arranged marriages in some cultures.

And my I.Q is at 168 considering when I took a placement test in the 8th grade which recommended I should placed in a college freshman level.

If you're not yet in college you're just a high school kid. You still have to be in homeroom for attendance and go to gym with the other kids. When you get your diploma or GED, then we'll discuss education. I will even be willing to give you some advice as I've achieved a great education.

Its amazing when somebody actually has money in this world nobody is willing to help.

Please explain this to me further. Who has money and who isn't helping?

So I suppose the entire world is made up of lower middle class people and upper middle class life is just a TV hoax.

No hoax. Those of us who earn in the top 1% are real.
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I understand what kinda thrill kids get from fantasizing about cars...but why disrespect a bunch of adults with a ridiculous about face story going from my rhd car is on its way to oops ok ...will be buying a US car soon.....Cmon now...we have had some 15-17 y.o. kids post before and if you would just tell the truth,mind your manners,respect your fellow enthusiast you might learn something along the way....
I understand what kinda thrill kids get from fantasizing about cars...but why disrespect a bunch of adults with a ridiculous about face story going from my rhd car is on its way to oops ok ...will be buying a US car soon.....Cmon now...we have had some 15-17 y.o. kids post before and if you would just tell the truth,mind your manners,respect your fellow enthusiast you might learn something along the way....

As I stated before and learned its impossible to even bring a Honda NSX into the states. The Honda is already payed for. But it will remain in Germany. I am already setting up a deal with a NSXprime member for their NSX. I do understand that trolls comment on forums showing off about things they do not have. I honestly do not care what anybody thinks of me or my living situation about a NSX. Im just happy enough that I am getting one regardless of me getting one through a gift or buying it myself since this is my favorite car. There are alot more expensive cars than a 84K Honda which quite frankly isnt alot for a car. I also have better things to do than brag about something I dont own to people that dont believe me.
theres a couple of 2005 with under 2k miles i seen for sale here on prime... look to spend around 75 to 80k

but i found you a 2005 red nsx under 25 miles which you wanted, a bone stock nsx a mere 105k