New 1996 NSX Build

you guys dont want to know what the bill was to do this LOL
yikes... more than I expected but it had to get done :redface:

here is a front view for you reading pleasure

I can't imagine the cost but it's getting there! Just gotta put her back together now it looks like. Thanks for the updates!
you guys dont want to know what the bill was to do this LOL
yikes... more than I expected but it had to get done :redface:

here is a front view for you reading pleasure

You're holding out :biggrin:

Rough estimate on cost to pull it?

Looking good Shawn!!
im not rich, i didnt get a huge inheritance. didnt win the lotto.

me and my wife worked very hard to become debt free
we are almost there.
with 2 paychecks working together to pay off 1 debt at a time, then move on to the next one it feels good.
so when we work its for us and not for a debt hanging over our heads.
that leads to depression no sleep etc.etc.

we have a ways to go but its good right now but could come crashing down at any moment its a weird feeling the good and bad at the same time.

I did the same exact thing many years ago. As those debts were paid off, I started paying more towards others. Once it was all gone, I made that payment towards investments and savings and kept packing away. Now I feel more confident than ever if I have to face a rainy day.

I actually try to reverse finance things. For example, If I want to buy something, I will loan myself money from my own account, and setup a payment plan to pay myself back (along with interest), so that I return the money and more.

It's a damn good feeling not being in severe debt. I applaud your efforts!
Shawn, the car is looking good.

Your shop looks much better than a friend I had back in Kennewick, WA years ago (27?). He started out in a tiny old building with what was basically a one car garage for a paint booth.

He kept upgrading, purchasing more and more things, like frame straighteners and building on... now it is one of the top shops in the state.

sonshineauto I believe he is allot like you, a man of integrity who was fair and took pride in the work he did.

Keep up the good work... make sure you stay connected with your wife and kids and you will excell. :biggrin:
Ok guys Im back from my trip.
had to take the 2 kids up to South Dakota to get them baptized in my wife's childhood church, it was a real adventure.
No flights from Tampa to Sioux Falls which sucks.
United gives no free peanuts, your coke has USA Olymipics Logo on it
you taste it and it tastes like it was bottled in Coasta Rica, then you look and it was bottled in Brazil. are you kidding me not even a real coke???
uggghh NO free carry-on that was 85 bucks.

I hate travel if I cant drive my NSX its not worth going LOL

anyway should have had this car thursday lastweek but the glass guy never showed up. so the car was done late friday afternoon, well I flew out 6AM friday LOL got home today about 1PM drove over paid the bill which somehow grew over the weekend :eek:
and the car will be delivered to my house tomorrow morning.
Now I could have it towed to my shop but.. I need to have this thing done and nothing has been moved to the shop like tools parts etc.. so this week there is gonna be tons of new photos as I am on the last leg of this build.
when I got home today there was a Fed-Ex door tag and they tried to deliver the 2002 side skirts I purchased from SOS they came a week early.
so When Chris at SOS says 2 weeks to deliver he really means 1 week LOL
SOS rocks.
any way the 2nd attempt to deliver is tomorrow which I will make sure I have here to get them.
I am still waiting on the front bumper driver bracket which holds the lower bumper to the upper from Delray Acura,
once the car is delivered tomorrow i will take off the rims for NEW tires and have all 4 rims refinished. and the fun begins.

last call for upgrades any other ideas guys that will not KILL the budget?

stay tuned to this channel for breaking news and updates this week.
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Ok guys got it delivered to my house today, a ton done so far.
some issues came up but easy stuff.

my son just had to get inside LOL


when they delivered the car they forgot to put the rear engine glass back on so I had to drive and pick it up
no problem I say.


loaded the rims to take to be refinished, Ummm.... 384 each.... I need to think about this a little bit but if my buddy wants them done
fine by me. I just saw a full set on Prime for like 600 shipped a while back so that may be something he can get done on his own
will find out

now I am not sure if the current owner or the previous owner did this but they put aftermarket lug nuts on the rims. they were so tight if he had gotten a flat tire his lug wrench would have been useless.
I used a 3 foot long bar to get each lug off. also 2 lugs snapped off on the passengerside easy fix but it does take time.


test fitting of the headlight everything lined up perfect. its not bolted its just sitting there


test fitting the 2002 sideskirts they are a great aftermarket product by downforce and sold by SOS ( Science of Speed )


another angle everything lines up

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loaded the rims to take to be refinished, Ummm.... 384 each.... I need to think about this a little bit but if my buddy wants them done
fine by me. I just see a full set on Prime for like 600 shipped a while back so that may be something he can get done on his own
will find out


where are you taking the wheels? I had some done at Glenn's and it was NO WHERE NEAR that amount.
Haha Shawn, I'm speechless man. Promise me you'll buy an SUV once your shop gets going and you start making money. :eek::biggrin:

x2. I put alot in mine and drive it a ton but don't go that far lol.

Also, it should be around $384 for all 4 wheels refnished.
I purchased a 2011 Ford ranger for my shop as a work truck.
but its at the shop LOL I didnt have time to run get it drive it back LOL

about the rims refinish PM me. with their number
thats what my guys down here quoted me.

I was refered by another member to a place called Keystone Automotive
and the price was 189 a rim. but when I called it was out the door.

and the rims are not even damaged just the clear coat was scratched.
its not bad I think polish and re-clear coat.

but I know nothing about rims finishes so I am a duck in a pond.
That's alot to refinish rims! The guy we use has his whole shop on a giant trailer. He comes to you and does everything right there. $75 per wheel.
polished hmmmm can you snap a shoot of the whole car with the rims on them.

I have a guy that can polish them

post a pic bro
Had Glenn do the same thing to mine. The inside of the blades are gunmetal
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ok guys I just dropped off all 4 rims to re-finished.

a grand total of 600 out the door factory OEM.

should be ready next thursday.

its raining here in tampa so I am at a stand still will start work tomorrow
on this build.

getting close guys real close.
I actually used the shop truck today LOL

but I am sure times when i do this stuff someone has to be filming it.
Ok guys got alot done today. here is the pics

most of the parts are not bolted in just test fitting them to make sure everything lines up and it does,
just needs to be tweeked a little

I removed main carpets and cleaned the shit outta them they had caked in clay/mud uggh what a nightmare.

finished assembly of the front bumper lots of bolts and screws oh my...




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I would love to use the shop but i have had no time to move any of my tools, etc. over to the shop.

then tow move all the cars over there its a nightmare. LOL

just got back in town, busy busy.
Ok guys here is an update

Did someone say brake upgrade? LOL

here ya go.


dont worry If i have time I will paint the calipers nice and new.

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