thanks Slow-Joe
picked the car up yesterday
I never really liked Red as you get more speeding tickets but
this car looks amazing. I took tons of pics, but.. the owner doesnt want
me to post them cuz he wants to see it himself first.
should be shipping out in a few days.
I picked the car up about 9am eastern standard time, I got home from my shop about midnight. bloody hands, my lower back feels like I was born a midget.
the thing that was really scaring me was they could not do an alignment on the car cuz we all thought the upper control arm was bent. and it was
I ordered a new one and I removed it yesterday
and put the new one on top of the old one and it was bent almost 4 inches. so I jumped for joy lol as now the car can get aligned.
I will post pics of the control arm later today.
then put the front bumper back on. it sucks you can touch anything LOL
you have greesy hands on new paint is not good. so taking your time not to touch the car but still put it back together is an adventure in itself.
installed all the carpets, bolted down the seats, screwed down all the leather panels, I put in some work last night I can tell you that.
I will be at the shop all day today tring to get everything done.
I will have to be very selective of the pics I post as to not give away its beauty to the owner so he can see it first.
its very very bad ass. now. I put the front 2 rims on to see what it looks like and WOW is all I can say.
stay tuned guys stay tuned.