New 1996 NSX Build

What Shawn is doing before paint is called a "mock up". Absolutely must be done to ensure all assemblies fit perfectly and function correct. Then it can be disassembled and painted. Thanks for the great posts Shawn. I, dont respond much like PHOEN$X said, dont want to clog up your thread. But I am subscribed to every one, and dont miss a thing. After 25 years of backyard auto body and paint myself I can appreciate every single nut and bolt you turn. Busted knuckles and band aids. These are my favorite threads. So keep up the great work, and keep us informed if you have time. joe
thanks Slow-Joe

picked the car up yesterday


I never really liked Red as you get more speeding tickets but

this car looks amazing. I took tons of pics, but.. the owner doesnt want
me to post them cuz he wants to see it himself first.

should be shipping out in a few days.

I picked the car up about 9am eastern standard time, I got home from my shop about midnight. bloody hands, my lower back feels like I was born a midget.
the thing that was really scaring me was they could not do an alignment on the car cuz we all thought the upper control arm was bent. and it was
I ordered a new one and I removed it yesterday
and put the new one on top of the old one and it was bent almost 4 inches. so I jumped for joy lol as now the car can get aligned.
I will post pics of the control arm later today.
then put the front bumper back on. it sucks you can touch anything LOL
you have greesy hands on new paint is not good. so taking your time not to touch the car but still put it back together is an adventure in itself.

installed all the carpets, bolted down the seats, screwed down all the leather panels, I put in some work last night I can tell you that.
I will be at the shop all day today tring to get everything done.

I will have to be very selective of the pics I post as to not give away its beauty to the owner so he can see it first.

its very very bad ass. now. I put the front 2 rims on to see what it looks like and WOW is all I can say.

stay tuned guys stay tuned.
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Well can't wait to see it Shawn. I know the owner can't wait.
Jeez Shawn, I think you should offer a refresh service for U.S. owners. I would send mine to you!

Can't wait to see the pics. :D
ok going to the shop today, to do interior cleaning and wash all the greasy hand prints all over the car.

I think I am going to re-adjust the driver window cuz the new door didnt have tinted glass, so I had to remove the old glass from the original door
and let me tell you if you have never removed a window from an NSX door
its a freaking nightmare.

once you figure out how honda put it together its easy.
I should have brought the service manual with me LOL
but dumb is dumb I guess.

so after installing the new window there are window stops that stop the window from going up to high is all i need to adjust to get that perfect fit.

I also need to re-adjust the trunk lid. the gap on one side it to big.

and clean interior.

monday morning will get the car an alignment

the cleaning of the interior is going to be my desert.

oh yeah one last thing to do is to tire shine the new rubber LOL

and then wait on the closed truck trailer :eek: they seem not to return your calls.

dont worry guys I have been taking tons of pics so when I post them your gonna love it.

stay tuned for the end of a great quest!

A quest to save an NSX one NSX at a time.
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Can't wait to see pics!! Glad to hear everything pulled together!

Really looking forward to the next build. ;)
Ok guys I can put a couple up everyone is texting me to send them a pic

here is the upper control arm, the bottom is the new one and the top is the old one, look how bad it was bent. yikes.


here is one of the day I picked it up from the paint shop


thats all I can post till the owner gets it back. its so sexy

Ok guys the owner said I can post pics now as he has seen all of them now I think it turned out awesome and cant wait for him to get the car back in his garage. enjoy

I will be doing an End of build post soon to complete this build thread so stay tuned for my heart filled goodbye to this RED beauty

here are some pics the day I picked it up from the painters






here is all the parts installed and looking nice, now some of the gaps are a little off but not by much
I am not the best panel liner yet but with practice makes perfect. the trunk is the hardest part to line up on the NSX
Ugghh some other prime members know exactly what I am talking about








oh yeah I added a 4th brake light at the bottom I think this mod is going to catch on as I use to have this on my other cars but never have time to add it to my Daily Driver NSX



I thought it needed something so I added some DC Sport tips yeah they are just bolt on but it makes the car look so much meaner.


here are the tips I think they look great

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Very nice! Good work Shawn!
Awesome thread and awesome work. It always amazes me to go back to the first page and compare it with the finished product. I hope you don't mind, but I took a few minutes in photoshop to put the photos side by side. Pretty impressive I think!



thanks Blue_myriddn never thought of that side by side action.

very cool. I am sure the owner would like that to.

very cool
Master at work...
Shawn, I thought I told you to make sure it didn't come out look'n nicer than mine :mad:

I kid... Great Job.... It looks very nice.

Red Rules :biggrin:

PS. There is a Black NSX in the background on a picture... that one doesn't look too shabby either :o)
(even without being all loaded up).
Looks great! Very nicely done, Shawn!

Thanks for the before/after side-by-side pics, blue!

I hope the owner enjoys the car for many years to come. :)
yeah finding a closed trailer is like finding a freaking NH603P NSX
but we have one probably thursday or friday

then on it way back to....... another state LOL
It looks gorgeous, Shawn. Loved all the upgrades too; inspiring ideas. Thanks for taking us along for the ride as you worked your magic. Looks like good timing sooner than this story comes to its happy end and now another begins.
thanks guys I hope he/she likes it.

its all clean I just wanna go tear into that new rubber

nothing is a better feel than new rubber LOL

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