I dont know what it would look like on a pre 02+ so you need to try it out.
everytime I am at a junkyard I find a few different sizes and take them home I found that a 1993 Honda Accord spoiler brake light is the longest
and looks the best with the 02+ rear lower.
I have tried many different ones but the accord one looks the best.
now what did I use on this build was a smaller one but I dont remember what car it came from i want to say a lexus but I forget.
the only 93 accord light I had is my only one and Im not giving that up till i find another one. I mean you can buy a new replacement spoiler lamp for like 40 bucks on e-bay. the accord light is very bright. I will have one on mine for NSXPO
as for the rear glass mod I may finish that for NSXPO but I am thinking that may be to many red lights and may look stupid.
will report back.