mistaken identity, Vol. #99

Saw a "pimped out" civic fly by me on this 2 lane road in Atlanta... as I was sitting at stop sign...

Ran thru 1st and 2nd gear caught up to him in no time and blasted by him in the passing lane at around 120mph... nothing major...

but at the next light all 5 kids that were stuffed into that loud civic were nearly exploding with excitement... the driver said "WOAH!! IS THAT A FERRARI??!"

I just smiled and went on...

How funny.

It's funny i'm from San Diego and most of the young kids around town surprisingly know that I drive an Acura NSX. One time I was getting out of a parking lot and this 10 year old kid said damm nice NSX and he asked me to peel out, i looked at him smile and proceed slowly. I had a football player ask about the NSX he said he wanted to get one but he wanted the one that looked a little shorter, i told him that they have the same design from 1991-2001, he said that the nsx that looks shorter has different rims. So I think he thinks the 7 spoke rims cars are a little shorter than the 5 spoke rims cars.. lol
Originally posted by ron_nsx:
So I think he thinks the 7 spoke rims cars are a little shorter than the 5 spoke rims cars.. lol

hmm following this logic, would it mean that the 5spoke altho "longer" would be lighter since it has less spokes???


would the 7spoke be lighter since its "shorter"

Trying to put myself into that idiot mindset....

[This message has been edited by KODIAC (edited 08 January 2003).]
Just went down to Florida for a few days. While fueling at a small stop in EBF Alabama some guy comes up to me and says "That's a beautiful Nissan, is that a 2002? My son has a 300Z car." I'm like "No sir, its an Acura and this design has been practically unchanged since 91'"
What humors me is that his son has a Z car and he thinks the NSX even resembles the Z. I don't think so...
I leave saying "have a good one buddy" he replies "enjoy driving your new ACK-UURAY."
Not a case of mistaken identity but pure admiration. I was at a Subway once with me and my friend being the only customers in the store (slow day). My NSX was parked in front but several spaces away from the store front.

I see one of the two sandwich makers go outside and then a minute later, he calls the other to come outside. I go and take a peek out the window and they were standing there looking down on my car in awe. Customers started walking in the store but they were focused on the NSX. I walked up to them saying it was my car and would be happy to tell them all about it but there are customers waiting. Even when I drove away, they were paying more attention to the car than their sandwich artistry.
Well, I had parked my car in front of a video game store while dining at a restaurant next door. When I came out, the video game store clerks were standing outside gawking at the car. As I approached they asked, "is that your NSX?" I answered affirmatively, and they were wow'ed. One of them made a comment like "it's just like the one I drove in the video game!" I was all smiles as I pulled out of the parking lot, with them staring the whole time.
I guess no one has it as bad as I have. I was outside a shopping center, ran in to get a soda, and as i was coming out, a young couple was looking at the car. The woman asked the man what kind of car it was. He replied thats an "MR2" WTF! Then the woman says "nissan MR2"? Then the guy prcoeeded to ramble off bullcrap tech specs which were not even correct for an MR2. Retards.

[This message has been edited by donwon (edited 13 January 2003).]