mistaken identity, Vol. #99

9 January 2002
That's what I love about these cars: Guy at the gym: "is that your Z4?" No, it's an S2000. "Don't you also have the red Ferrari?" No, its an NSX, another Honda.
His reply "Damn!" (I never get tired of this).
I parked my NSX directly outside an auto supply store one time and overheard the following exchange between the two cashiers:

Woman: Is that a Vette?
Guy: It sure looks like it, but I think it's an Acura or something like that.

Woman: Oh, so it's no big deal then.
Guy: Yeah Vettes are much better.
Woman: That's what I thought... so that car is just a Vette-wannabe.
Guy: Yes - Acura tried to imitate the Vette's looks.

No wonder they are stuck working as cashiers at an auto supply store.
(Both of these scenes happened to me in the last two weeks).

SCENE 1: Two woman are walking past the car from the front.

Woman 1: That's a really nice car. Look at those curves. I think it's one of those Ferrari's.

(As they walk past and see the centerpiece)

Woman 2: Damn!! It's only an Acura -- one of those cheap as$ cars!! Keep walking girl.

SCENE 2: NSXaholic has stopped outside a building when the doorman comes out.

Doorman: Holy cow, that's a nice car.
NSXaholic: Thank you very much.
Doorman: Is that a Corvette. I had a Corvette once.
NSXaholic: No, its actually a...
Doorman: Wait, wait, my bad. It's actually a Ferrari, right. A Ferrari M5.
NSXaholic (laughing): No, it's an NSX.
Doorman: I didn't ask what you used it for, boy. I asked you what it was.


[This message has been edited by NSXaholic (edited 09 December 2002).]
Girl to Me: Is that a 'Vette?

Me to Girl: No - Its an NSX by Acura

Girl to Me: It's a really nice car. It looks like a 'Vette.


'91 Black/Black
When the C5 Vette first came out, all the car mags agreed that its styling was derivative with apparent cues from the RX7, firebird, and the NSX.

It's ironic that nowadays the originator is being accused of copying the imitator...

Yeah.. even my father-in-law who owns Porsche C4 said my car is just like corvette "at a fraction of the cost". Hmm... perhaps, I should tell him how much I paid??

[This message has been edited by Tiger740 (edited 09 December 2002).]
The NSX sells 8000 cars worldwide in a 10 year period. The Corvette probably sells 8000 cars a month! Most people have never seen an NSX so they just assume that it copied the 'Vette. (That, and the fact that almost all the NSXs I've seen look like they are NEW cars - even if they are 10 years old!. So much for the "dated" design).

'91 Black/Black
i told this story a while back...

guy comes out to fix our new dryer. this was at the old house when we had the washer/dryer in the garage. i wasn't home (out flying a trip) but my wife was. she shows him where the dryer is. he looks at my car and says, "that's a great car... what is it? a camaro?"

my wife says she could barely keep a straight face...

Kaye & Trish
1998 NSX-T #176
No mods...
NSXCA #108
-My other car is a 767-
I was at the Acura dealer today getting my TLS serviced, and I took my parents with me to show them the NSX up-close. They agree, that even though both look similar in some ways, the NSX looks much better than the Vette


2001 QuickSilver Corvette Coupe - Not Stock [503 RWHP, 545 RWTQ]

2002 Black Acura 3.2 TL/S

Originally posted by O-Ace:
I was at the Acura dealer today getting my TLS serviced, and I took my parents with me to show them the NSX up-close. They agree, that even though both look similar in some ways, the NSX looks much better than the Vette


Strong praise coming from a vette owner.

Originally posted by 8000RPM:
When the C5 Vette first came out, all the car mags agreed that its styling was derivative with apparent cues from the RX7, firebird, and the NSX.

It's ironic that nowadays the originator is being accused of copying the imitator...


...because no one outside of car enthusiast circle knew its existence prior to the C5 intro. Oh well....

When I was at our last Socal gathering bzck in June and stopped at this little town (Santa Rosa was it?), two locals approached me and my Z50. The conversation went like this:

Little Boy: "WOW !!! That's a really cool Ferrari! What model is it?"

My reply: "Oh, you like it? It's a Ferrari NSX! "

Boy "Ferrari NSX...KOOL name! Well I gotta go now. Bye!"
---and the kid rode off in his bike with his friend happy.

[This message has been edited by Zanardi 50 (edited 10 December 2002).]

[This message has been edited by Zanardi 50 (edited 10 December 2002).]

Store Lady:" Wow! What's going on here? A Corvette members gathering of some sort?"

Me: " LMAO!!!
No ma'am, we're having an Acura NSX owner's get-together! LOL! "

Lady:"An Acura? Not a Corvette? "

Me: "Yup, that's what I've just said. Actually our NSX was first introduced and sold back in '91, while the current generation Corvette bowed in 6 years later. Chevy copied the NSX's styling for their new Corvette. "

Lady: "Oh really? I didn't know that. Never seen this car before in my life. Well it certainly is more beautiful than a Corvette.
How do you like it?"

Me: "Oh, I LOVE it! Nothing's better! "

Lady: " I see.....You guys must have lots of fun driving it! Well I gotta go. Be careful out there!

Me: "We do, and we will! Thanks for your concern !!

[This message has been edited by Zanardi 50 (edited 10 December 2002).]
....just remembered something funny;
so often when my dad sees a corvette, he says with excitement "is that an NSX???"

hehehe... opposite to the stories mentioned above.
I'm in Alabama where an NSX is extremely rare, so as expected, the majority can't correctly identify it. So far, I've had compliments with people calling it a Ferrari and a Lambo or a 2002 NSX. Oh yeah, I also overheard a group of teenage girls calling it a new Mustang...that's the worst thing it has been called! Anyways, it is very amusing to hear their guesses.
Originally posted by Michigan NSX:
The NSX sells 8000 cars worldwide in a 10 year period. The Corvette probably sells 8000 cars a month!

I believe Corvette sales are between one fourth and one third of that number.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 10 December 2002).]
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
I believe Corvette sales are between one fourth and one third of that number.

Sorry...Just a generalization to make the point. I guess I can say they sell 8000 Corvettes per quarter.

'91 Black/Black
Originally posted by Michigan NSX:
Sorry...Just a generalization to make the point. I guess I can say they sell 8000 Corvettes per quarter.

That figure was wrong?? Uh oh.. I just told that to my colleague. He did not believe it, so we made a bet..
I am losing my lunch money.. I am too gullible..
Hey why don't you guys take the emblems off your car and when anyone says "Hey what kind of car is that". Just say "Its an NSX." See what crazy guesses people will make about the company that makes them. Most will probably be "So its a ferrari."
Hey I have a problem here. I will show this to you first. What do most people(the public) think that a nsx looks like. They think it looks like a ferrari. Probably the f355 to be specifically. And if you look at the dates that these cars came out the F355 came out about 2 or 4 years after the nsx. So why do people consider the nsx as the copy its more like the f355 copied the nsx.

When I didn't know much about cars I always that that the nsx looked like the F355 but when I checked it, it seems like the styling of the F355 came off the nsx. But then again the NSX probably got its styling from the Testerossa which is a ferrari. So yes it does look like a ferrari.

AW great I just got myself confused again.
Corvette production numbers for 2002: http://www.idavette.net/facts/2002/2002%20Final%20Pro.htm

Thats 35,767 made for 2002. Since 1998, there have been at least 30,000 'Vettes built each year in the C5 body style.

That averages to nearly 100 'Vettes a day, every day of the year since 1997.

Is it any wonder why I've found my way here to learn all I can about my next purchase?


[This message has been edited by JaguarXJ6 (edited 10 December 2002).]