Just Dropped My 91 Off At Larry B's

I know I know.....:smile:
I can't believe that video that was awesome RSO - you have really outdone yourself. Larry B you should be really happy that so many care about you enough to roast you so thoroughly! I can't believe it - I've been laughing for 2 days on this thing. I can't imagine meeting all you guys. I'm gonna have to come on up to NSXPO just to meet up with all you fellows.

Docjohn - you coming to NSXPO this year - aren't over here on the east coast? Can't remember - too lazy to check your profile at the moment. It would be fun to listen to you guys - Joe too - he's a character - I read all you guys all the time and you make this site a lot of fun. Thanks to all of you!

Oh by the way - the martini - I love Martinis - would love to sit and drink with you boys.
so......roger he would be a proctologist and a fine one...no scopes for him..just an old pair of sneekers and a flashlight........now back on point.....If Larry had to order paper,how much would he buy?
Larry spotted on Fifth Avenue just now..............

I've been laughing for two days now.....out loud........in my office! Good one Bob! :biggrin::biggrin:

Too funny.
a fill in the blank............................................................................................. We all know Larry is a world traveler,one of his favorite places to visit is the Pacific ( )
a fill in the blank............................................................................................. We all know Larry is a world traveler,one of his favorite places to visit is the Pacific ( )

Does it have to do with employment and a rim?
Back to our game........Larry enjoys a drink every now and again,what some folks don't know is he likes to use a flask,what does he use to close or seal that flask?
This is starting to read like a twisted warm and oddly funny older childrens book with wonderful illustrations by the very talented Bob and Ken.We may need to find a publisher.
So who is the go to guy for the NSX in California? I would like to know who I can tame my NSX to when I pick one up.

Ramon at Niguel Motors

27140 Cabot Rd # B
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
(949) 348-2476

Larry and Ramon have 2 things in common. Both are great NSX mechanics and can do any repair without the use of a lift:biggrin:
This will be the only joke about Ramon height I will make as I don't want him to stop giving me great prices on the services he does on my car.
Careful, he has a short temper.

Boy, does he ever.

When his daughter Sunshine was younger, she was a girl scout and one season had a difficult time convincing neighbors to buy cookies during the scouts' annual fundraising drive.

When Larry heard about his neighbors dissing his daughter, he took matters into his own hands to make a point..........
