Just Dropped My 91 Off At Larry B's


Wow, I never realized I was a short, gay, bald Leprecon in a cowboy outfit, with a broken back.

I think it will be interesting to see how many NSX's need to be towed home from NSXPO2011, no lift required;).

Throughout all of it though, I still have my smile:D:D.

Wow, I never realized I was a short, gay, bald Leprecon in a cowboy outfit, with a broken back.

Okay, so I can believe the part about not knowing you had a broken back if you didn't give our favorite film critic DocJohn a chance to review your films.

But to deny knowing the rest of the description?!?!?!?

I may have been born at night - - - but it wasn't last night.

How dare you come on here, piss on our collective backs and tell us it's raining. :mad:
What a classic thread this has become, lucky Larry has such a good sense of humor. :wink:
Larry realllly feels the love of Heath ledger....wowwwww:eek:
You guys are really, really terrible!
Man this has kept me laughing for days - thank you all! You're a good sport Larry! Love those shorts with the black socks- dynamite color combo!
I think I ran out of tushy gufaws.....Thanks Larry for allowing us to have some fun with your image/likeness/mug
The simple fact is, nobody is as well loved in our community as Larry.

And nobody's as good a sport when kidded as Larry.

I'm proud to consider him my friend.