Just Dropped My 91 Off At Larry B's

Larry claims to be "ignoring" this thread.........

Bob you guys are nuts....I've been laughing at this for 2 days now. This is caarrraaaazzzy man. I can't wait to meet up with you guys - I sure hope i can come this year to XPO....
cmon guys what is larry going to put in his flask?
This one is really difficult, "what part of the NSX is Larry's favorite part to work on"?:eek:
With this latest post I suppose that might beg the question:

If Larry was to take a starring role in the remake of a movie - what would it be???? This oughta get things rolling this morning!
Best thread ever. I just passed a Krispy Kreme through my nose from laughing.

Was that before or after you watched the new movie trailer??? LOL... hint hint - Bob -do us up a trailer!

Bob, you really are missing your calling as a comedian or marketing/ad man. This latest just put, as they say here in the south, "the lid on the jar" - well it's an old saying - like me, cept way older.
You guys are really terrible.
You guys are really terrible.

I am shocked. Considering that you are a longtime Primate and an OG in the NSXCA, I would have expected that you would know the rules about ad hominem attacks on other members.

Calling us "terrible" is just plain rude.

And now back to your regular programming.........
You guys are really terrible.

...and the oe 5 speed is way faster at all the west coast tracks than the short gears .......just sayin...now back to Larry..
With this latest post I suppose that might beg the question:

If Larry was to take a starring role in the remake of a movie - what would it be???? This oughta get things rolling this morning!

Larry is in talks for two movies(that I know of) Larry Wanker and the choclatey good factory.....and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Bang.......
...and the oe 5 speed is way faster at all the west coast tracks than the short gears .......just sayin...now back to Larry..

Ohhhhh boy.....now Harry you gotta laugh at this little tiny "roast"....:wink:

Very funny Doc....a little sub plot....
Hey Bob, how bout some "short" animated films....? How bout, and only you can do this justice, "Bedtime for Bastanzo"...one of Ronnie's biggies...