Just Dropped My 91 Off At Larry B's

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And now back to your regular programming, The Roast of Larry B (we were out of chicken).................
Ok, now that I've joined the NSXCA, RSO told me I could take a shot at Larry cause I've earned the right - now if I can just stop laughing at all the posts on the previous page and this one - I was dying over here. All I have to say is that Larry has to be a real champ to take all this funny roasting.

You know Larry has always taken the time to answer any one of my pm's to him - he's always been there for me and I'm glad I can be behind him when the chips are down. I'm just not sure which one Larry was in the band of Lephracans on the Unicorn thread until RSO refreshed my memory with that picture of him on the last page. I had no idea he could sing that well either.

Now what's the next question Doc....
What do you call Larry's beer drinking cousins?

the beerstanzas........back to our original quiz....what is Larrys favorite confection?
If Larry were a pirate what would his favorite thing be?
If Larry were a pirate what would his favorite thing be?
A peg leg that makes him taller?

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You guys are terrible.
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Bob that is priceless! I can't believe how much beer a small animal can consume ,your dog can also put it away....:tongue: You had to have had trouble cropping Joes sputnik cranium into that bit....:biggrin:
If Larry was a MD, what would his specialty be?:biggrin: