Just Dropped My 91 Off At Larry B's

I've never seen a picture of Larry's shop or his NSX or the master at work but would like to. Anyone? :wink:
I've never seen a picture of Larry's shop or his NSX or the master at work but would like to. Anyone? :wink:

Here is a photo of Larry with a very satisfied customer after Larry installed fine Corinthian leather seats in his NSX.

You must know each other very good. :)

I'd still like to see a picture of the master at work. :wink:
this is a tough one and may need the help of halucinagenics........If larry were a monster like Godzilla/mothra ect what would his name be?
Well, duh, that would be Godzilla, assuming the hallucinagens were for making him appear to grow.

Hey Larry,
notice the nice comment I made.

Just trying to keep the price on my upcoming work from getting out of control.
I guess it's up to me to come to our beloved President and master mechanic's defense, since it seems that all of you are attacking him when he's got his "back turned". Larry is a giant among us!!! He's "reared" two wonderful kids, has a wife that always has got his back, and here you all are, kicking him in the proverbial buttocks. He might be small in stature, butt he's a giant among small men!!!!:eek:
or could be
Gamera. Friend to man, protector of the planet, he's been called Guardian of the Universe .

I'd post pics, but I got to go read how to do it.
good guesses pooh but you have to get your mind in the sespool.....anyway his name would be.........rectuma:eek:
not many people know Larry is Pan Am limbo champion 6 years running.