In Shape, Out of Shape....

johnny010 said:
any chance we'll end up dead like Elvis? Seems like some really strong uppers here.
The Bonkaid is oly $9.99, not $19.98.

The number in front of each line item is QTY. I bought two.

BTW, I didn't just make this up, these products came via searching newsgroups and appear to be in wide use by bodybuilders looking to save money or still looking for a 25mg stack.
johnny010 said:
When it comes to protein bars, I only eat U-Turn or Detour bars. They taste the best by far.

Thanks Johnny. Where did you see this, as I couldn't find them in the stores.

I am trying to understand saturated fat and how much I need to regulate it.
johnny010 said:
I talked to a bodybuilder tonight and he gave me a tip I've never heard before.

He explained, like most of us know (and some just found out), that working the legs can dramatically affect the rest of the body; however, he said he does a quick/light two sets of squats before each workout, and this has increased his gains drastically (for his entire body, rest of his routine is the same).

Big Foot, the Loch Ness monster, and the infamous "work the legs to make the rest bigger" story. All of these have one thing in common, they are false. Ask an md. or a true professional about this and watch them snicker. No need to post links, do a little research other than the wives tales told on message boards and you will soon find that it is merely a fable along with the Chupacabra. True it is good to work the legs so you don't look like a chicken, but by doing so it does not give you 20" guns. Some good info on this thread, just trying to keep it respectable.
isellpower said:
Big Foot, the Loch Ness monster, and the infamous "work the legs to make the rest bigger" story. All of these have one thing in common, they are false. Ask an md. or a true professional about this and watch them snicker. No need to post links, do a little research other than the wives tales told on message boards and you will soon find that it is merely a fable along with the Chupacabra. True it is good to work the legs so you don't look like a chicken, but by doing so it does not give you 20" guns. Some good info on this thread, just trying to keep it respectable.
Hmm.... please "isellpower" enlighten us. Can you provide me with some links to these professional journals that are read by "medical professionals" indicating that training your legs has zero effect on any muscle not directly involved with the exercise. I would love to read them. The fact of the matter is, they don't exist.
The truth is, if you understood physiology and the chemical changes that occur in the body as a result of specific types of stimulus (training) - you'd understand why training your legs can help increase muscle growth all over the body. Talk to any true "sports medicine" or physiology researcher and they will not only confirm this, but will be able to print out numerous published papers detailing scientific studies that support this.
Is it true that you should mulitply 15X your body weight to find out your necessary caloric needs per day?

If so, I need 1950 calories a day. I counted/wrote down calories all day

Protein shake 210
Chicken/veggies 170
Protein Bar-270
3 egg whites-51

So my intake today was 1226 cal all day.

What am I missing? I am trying to lose weight/put some lean muscle on.

At 134lbs right now. Only 5:33pm on the west coast, still have time to save the day.
lafun2 said:
Is it true that you should mulitply 15X your body weight to find out your necessary caloric needs per day?

If so, I need 1950 calories a day. I counted/wrote down calories all day

Protein shake 210
Chicken/veggies 170
Protein Bar-270
3 egg whites-51

So my intake today was 1226 cal all day.

What am I missing? I am trying to lose weight/put some lean muscle on.

At 134lbs right now. Only 5:33pm on the west coast, still have time to save the day.

Your caloric intake is going to be hard to determine. The amout of calories you need is going to depend on what you are tyring to do (bulk, slim, lean muscle mass?). Slightly off topic, I try to consume 1 gram of protein per pound of weight.
lafun2 said:

I am trying to lose weight, build some muscle
For most of the human race, those two goals are counter productive to one another. Many people have been able to pull off both (mostly beginners), but MOST of the success stories I see are from people who work toward only one of those goals at a time.

The quick and dirty explanation is that in order to gain muscle, you need to aim for a slight caloric surplus (i.e. you need to eat enough food to cover your basic caloric needs + enough food to be converted into muscle). In order to loose weight, you need to aim for a caloric deficit (i.e. you need to burn more fuel than you consume). Aerobic activity, which you tend to do when you're trying to loose weight, also puts your body in a catabolic state (breaking down muscle)... the opposite of what you want when you're trying to "bulk up."

I have had the best results using bulking and cutting phases - nothing too extreme like bodybuilders might do. I will work hard at building muscle by eating a high calorie diet and lifting intensely for about 4-5 months. When my body hits about 17-20% bodyfat, I switch to a "cutting" phase where I eat slightly under my daily caloric needs and incorporate interval aerobic activity into my workouts. I continue this until I hit about 10% bodyfat, then I just go back into maintenance mode - I still tend to loose fat in this mode for a little while - I probably take in a conservatively low amount of calories. This is what I do, results will differ for you. :)

Disclaimer: I am not an expert, but I do have a good amount of personal fitness experience. Please do not take what I say as gospel... if I'm wrong about something, feel free to shoot me down. :smile:

Thank you for that. I am doing cardio everyday and doing weights as well..

I hope I get some results:confused:

10 weeks is my goal..then I am on vacation for 5 weeks.

But this is a total life change for me.

Appreciate your help. :)
Just keep in mind team that muscle weighs more than fat and muscle contains more water than fat.The average person need only take in a gram of protein/kg of body weight.Brown fat has very little to do with adult metabilism,but is more important to babies and children.There are no magical circulating substances produced by squating that promote uninvolved muscle growth,,but squating does work many muscles other than the legs that are recruited to stabalize the trunk, thus squating does do more than just work the legs.A ripped or very muscular person is not nesesarily aerobicly fit,I have seen plenty of average to overweight people run 24 mile marathons.Another consideration is water intake.If you lift heavy or lots of sets/reps especialy to failure you need lots of fluid intake to protect your kidneys.If you think of your muscle as energy factories that also do work,the more you ask of them the more crap/waste they spew into the blood.The kidneys are marvelous at clearing these substances and do so more eficiently in a well hydrated person.
Last edited: is fast! my ECA just showed up at 930am right after I finished my cardio and I'm already starting to get jittery from this stuff. It's actually not a lot of fun but I understand it will pass after the first week or so.
robr said: is fast! my ECA just showed up at 930am right after I finished my cardio and I'm already starting to get jittery from this stuff. It's actually not a lot of fun but I understand it will pass after the first week or so.

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: It won't get A LOT better but definitely somehow better... :wink:

Do you still feel hungry? I remember the first times I took it I really forgot about food... :eek:
gheba_nsx said:
:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: It won't get A LOT better but definitely somehow better... :wink:

Do you still feel hungry? I remember the first times I took it I really forgot about food... :eek:

I'm bad about eating in the AM, I'm never hungry until 10:30 or 11am and before then I typically only drink water and have a pretzel stick or two. Bad, bad, bad to get your body going in the AM I know, but like I've said previously, I have a huge issue with my diet. In an hour I should be starving normally, we'll see how it goes, I'm not hungry at all yet :).
lafun2 said:
Thanks for the help! Much appreciated. I do think you might have misread my posts. I was initially skipping legs (which I won't do), but I ALWAYS wrote Triceps in my routine. :)

Interestingly you say do the weights before cardio, and I hear others say do the cardio first.:confused:

If you do cardio first you will have depleted your energy stores in your blood prior to lifting, thus you will not be a your peak strength/lifting ability. By lifting first you have depleted the excess stores in your blood in which case by doing cardio last you will be tapping into your bodies reserve, i.e fat stores. For your goals I think this will work better for you. Hope that makes sense.
clr1024 said:
If you do cardio first you will have depleted your energy stores in your blood prior to lifting, thus you will not be a your peak strength/lifting ability. By lifting first you have depleted the excess stores in your blood in which case by doing cardio last you will be tapping into your bodies reserve, i.e fat stores. For your goals I think this will work better for you. Hope that makes sense.

Thanks CLR. Seems like weights before Cardio. Will try that from today. :)
lafun2 said:
Thanks CLR. Seems like weights before Cardio. Will try that from today. :)

I'm not sure of his interpretation of 'cardio', but what worked for me was about 15 minutes of interval running on the treadmill to get my heart pumping (almost felt like I was pissed off when I finished), and then head straight to the weights where I typically had a great workout.

I would agree though, doing 45 minutes or so of cardio wouldn't leave much left for the weights...

As for the legs building other muscles issues....this was passed on to me by a bodybuilder. Maybe he is wrong in believing this is where his gains came from, but they did come from'd just have to look at him.
gheba_nsx said:
Sounds good! :smile:

I was not hungry at all today, I had to actually make myself eat. I could have gone all day without food. This is good because if I'm not hungry, I don't have cravings and it allows me to make smarter choices. I was on and off phentermine for years and it had a similar effect. However it's almost 10pm and I'm still wide awake and full of energy. I'm usually a couch potato when I get home from work and this is from taking ECA at 9:30 this morning (I realize it's only supposed to last 4-6 hours, and my jitters are long gone, but I have far more energy now than I typically do at any time during the day). I feel like driving back to work and doing 40 more minutes on the stairmaster, but... I have to take my 20 month old to swim lessons bright and early so I will TRY to hit the sack shortly.
robr said:
I was not hungry at all today, I had to actually make myself eat. I could have gone all day without food. This is good because if I'm not hungry, I don't have cravings and it allows me to make smarter choices. I was on and off phentermine for years and it had a similar effect. However it's almost 10pm and I'm still wide awake and full of energy. I'm usually a couch potato when I get home from work and this is from taking ECA at 9:30 this morning (I realize it's only supposed to last 4-6 hours, and my jitters are long gone, but I have far more energy now than I typically do at any time during the day). I feel like driving back to work and doing 40 more minutes on the stairmaster, but... I have to take my 20 month old to swim lessons bright and early so I will TRY to hit the sack shortly.

Wow, you have exactly the same syntoms I had the first time. :smile:
Many gym friends did not reacts as strong as you did... I couldn't care about food too and sleeping was almost optional... but do not worry, these should get better in a few days. After my body adjusted I was able to have two-three doses a day and still get 6-7h sleep in the night.

Remember to force you to eat anyway, at least something since starving will remove some of your lean mass (ok not that bad as it would be without ECA since a stressed body/stressed nervous system tries to keep the muscle since it feels to be in possbile "danger"). What a great machine we have eh? :D
johnny010 said:
WTF? You rearing an olympian?

Believe it or not they actually start this stuff at 6 months. They don't really learn to "swim" per se, they learn to be comfortable with the water, kicking their legs and splashing their arms, holding their breath and dunking their head under. I don't think kids are capable of real swimming on their own before they are 4 or 5.
Just an update... the ECA doesn't feel nearly as potent as it did on that first day. It's definitely helping my appetite but I'm quite hungry by lunch and dinner now. I've upped it to twice a day during the week (I don't take it on weekends, it still makes me a little impatient and short and I don't want to be like that around my wife and kids). I still have much more energy when I get home from work.

I'm down about 5lbs so far since 9/19 (40 minutes stairmaster M-F), but of course it's probably mostly water weight and the heavier you are, the easier it is to start losing. My diet still isn't great (never will be), but if I eat out, I've been ordering the turkey club or wrap with fries rather than that burger, pasta or chicken parm and not cleaning my plate - I've also been going home for lunch much more often and having a PB&J rather than going out every day with the rest of the guys here.
I don't know if this helps to bring down the weight fast but I've watch UFC 2 last week where this guy have to reduce I think 20lbs before the fight by getting in the sauna.
robr said:
Just an update... the ECA doesn't feel nearly as potent as it did on that first day. It's definitely helping my appetite but I'm quite hungry by lunch and dinner now. I've upped it to twice a day during the week (I don't take it on weekends, it still makes me a little impatient and short and I don't want to be like that around my wife and kids). I still have much more energy when I get home from work.

I'm down about 5lbs so far since 9/19 (40 minutes stairmaster M-F), but of course it's probably mostly water weight and the heavier you are, the easier it is to start losing. My diet still isn't great (never will be), but if I eat out, I've been ordering the turkey club or wrap with fries rather than that burger, pasta or chicken parm and not cleaning my plate - I've also been going home for lunch much more often and having a PB&J rather than going out every day with the rest of the guys here.