In Shape, Out of Shape....

Jin1976 said:
I don't know if this helps to bring down the weight fast but I've watch UFC 2 last week where this guy have to reduce I think 20lbs before the fight by getting in the sauna.

obviously the weight loss there is caused by sweating which just reduces the water your body is retaining. it's not a particularly useful method when your goal is to lose fat.
I would take anything a "pro bodybuilder" 2 says with a pinch of salt. They are " FI" whilst we are NA if you know what I mean. No taking anything away from their effort, but what works for them will more than likely not work for a normal guy.

I have Yo-Yo as well, but rather more an in season and off season depending on my work schedule.

Sadly I broke my foot last year and sprained it two days ago just when I was getting ready for my winter running sessions.

Jin 1976 deadlifts is one of the best exercises, along with overhead press and squats, keep it simple, rest plenty and you will grow.

ECA can harm you, for real, it works but is a nasty combo.



Thanks AR99NSX. I've grown plenty already for my height. I'm trying to reduce weight and am trying to gain lean muscle at the moment. I'm starting to do leg exercise like squats and also a lot of cardio exercise. I've found that this helps a lot with the strengthining of my lower back. I'm suffering from Ankylosing Spondylitis (thining of tissue of the vertebrae) so exercise done have to be careful. I'm coming from family with naturally big limbs so gaining muscle in those area is not really a problem but also not easy for me to lose fat in the stomach area. I hope this Ramadhan fasting would help me achieve my goal. :smile:
AR99NSX said:
I would take anything a "pro bodybuilder" 2 says with a pinch of salt. They are " FI" whilst we are NA if you know what I mean. No taking anything away from their effort, but what works for them will more than likely not work for a normal guy.

I have Yo-Yo as well, but rather more an in season and off season depending on my work schedule.

Sadly I broke my foot last year and sprained it two days ago just when I was getting ready for my winter running sessions.

Jin 1976 deadlifts is one of the best exercises, along with overhead press and squats, keep it simple, rest plenty and you will grow.

ECA can harm you, for real, it works but is a nasty combo.



Hello, I just found myself single, and in a new city, so I guess I am joining the fray. Once I finish reading the rest of the posts I will try to contribute something useful. Good luck fellas.

Welcome! At 40 minutes of stairmaster every M-F morning since 9/19 (760 minutes total per my spreadsheet) along with my friend the ECA stack up to twice a day, I'm down 8 lbs so far with a long way to go :).
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Just to support what I previously said:

nsxtasy said:
I think you really need to figure out what works for you to lose weight. You need to understand what you eat, when you eat, why you eat. The reasons and so forth are going to be very different from one person to another.
The ways of losing weight are going to be very different, too.
As you can see above, I lost almost forty pounds, entirely by changing what I eat, without changing my activity levels. Another prominent member of NSXprime was at NSXPO 2006, and he too lost about the same amount of weight; however, he did it entirely by changing his activity levels, without changing what he eats. Yet more evidence that there is no single strategy that applies to everyone, and you have to figure out what works for you.
And 40 lbs does make a significant visual impact on your size frame,both of you look great,and walk faster!
After reading and re-reading this thread, I feel motivated to get my lazy butt off the couch and get back in shape.

I'm like you Johnny. In shape, then out of shape. It goes in cycles for me. Right now I'm in the out of shape portion.

robr, it's good to see you document your progress. When I was working overseas a couple of years ago, my coworkers and I documented our progress by taking self portraits on a weekly basis. It was amazing to see the transformation and that only motivated us to work out harder. We even divided ourselves into 2 teams and competed to see which team got the better results. Needless to say, after coming back to America, I let all of that go to waste. I guess it's time to start it up again.
docjohn said:
And 40 lbs does make a significant visual impact on your size frame,both of you look great,and walk faster!
And we drive faster, too! That's 40 pounds of weight reduction, which reduces 0-60 and 1/4 mile times by about 0.06 second, according to Bob Butler.

The six inches off the waistline helps fit in the NSX seat better, too.
My "update"

Gym membership is pending approval from my companies HR dept- probably start in November

I am walking 2 miles per day to get to and from the train for my commute. I usually try to hustle, and have noticed increased heart rate.

I am down to a morning weight of 192 which is well below my usual fluctuation (used to be 200-205 now it is 190-195). I am aiming for a toned 180- 185, so I am thinking of a moderate weight/high rep/ cardio training cycle. I intend to consult with a personal trainer to design a program best suited for my goals.

Once I have the program I will apply what I am seeing here and bounce it off of you folks for input.

My creatinine levels are up, I don't think that's related to ephedrine but I'm still googling (and the doctor is aware I'm taking ECA).

My levels in 2005 were 1.3. I had to go to the ER a couple weeks back for something unrelated and they did blood tests and my levels were 1.7 so they retested me last week and it was down to 1.5. They want me to come back yet again for another test in about 10 days. They haven't mentioned doing a clearance test but I suspect that will be next if my levels are high again.

In the meantime, I'm down 11lbs. My spreadsheet tells me I've done 1012 minutes of stairmaster since 9/19 and burned 10835 calories (based on the loose estimate the stairmaster displays). I haven't been good about tracking floors climbed or miles, but we're over 3000 floors and 65 miles.
The simplest answer to your elevated Cr may be that you are chronically dehydrated ;as I said before you need to drink alot of water as you work your muscles more.You should be taking in at least 2 liters/day.Try increasing your fluids.This advice assumes you don't have underlying kidney disease,and it in no way should persuade you from not following your doctors advice as to testing to see if you do have mild renal insuficiency.
docjohn said:
The simplest answer to your elevated Cr may be that you are chronically dehydrated ;as I said before you need to drink alot of water as you work your muscles more.You should be taking in at least 2 liters/day.Try increasing your fluids.This advice assumes you don't have underlying kidney disease,and it in no way should persuade you from not following your doctors advice as to testing to see if you do have mild renal insuficiency.

Thanks Doc :). Before the 2nd test, my doc did mention dehydration as a possibility. I drink a good amount of water during the day (probably 4-5 16 oz bottles).

The 2nd test was done at 7am and I hadn't had water during the 12 hours prior, but the doctor who called me with the results yesterday (filling in for mine) said he didn't think that would be an issue when I pointed that out. I scheduled my next test for late afternoon such that I'd have been drinking water all day long prior to the test.
Started on 9/19

As of 10/24
down 11lbs. My spreadsheet tells me I've done 1012 minutes of stairmaster since 9/19 and burned 10835 calories (based on the loose estimate the stairmaster displays). I haven't been good about tracking floors climbed or miles, but we're over 3000 floors and 65 miles.

As of 11/22
down 16 lbs. 30 hours 58 minutes spent on the stairmaster. 21094 calories burned. 6320 floors, 143.13 miles.

My diet still sucks.

As of 12/28
down 19.5 lbs. 49 hours 18 minutes spent on the stairmaster. 35112 calories burned. 10583 floors. 231.82 miles. I may really need to start adjusting my diet soon. I was actually the same weight I am today on Thanksgiving day, but then went up and have spent the last month getting back to where I was.
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How's everyone else doing? Last couple of months haven't been so great between being sick, minor surgery and my road trip to AZ. I lost a lot of stairmaster time and my diet is still junk of course. However today was my hardest stairmaster workout to date as far as calories burned and miles covered in 40 minutes (562cal, 173 flights, 3.6 miles). Thinking about adding a treadmill to my office after tax returns, though I'm not sure how much that would be appreciated by the company located beneath my office :).

Started on 9/19

As of 10/24
down 11lbs. My spreadsheet tells me I've done 1012 minutes of stairmaster since 9/19 and burned 10835 calories (based on the loose estimate the stairmaster displays). I haven't been good about tracking floors climbed or miles, but we're over 3000 floors and 65 miles.

As of 11/22
down 16 lbs. 30 hours 58 minutes spent on the stairmaster. 21094 calories burned. 6320 floors, 143.13 miles.

My diet still sucks.

As of 12/28
down 19.5 lbs. 49 hours 18 minutes spent on the stairmaster. 35112 calories burned. 10583 floors. 231.82 miles. I may really need to start adjusting my diet soon. I was actually the same weight I am today on Thanksgiving day, but then went up and have spent the last month getting back to where I was.

As of 2/21
down 22.5lbs (about the same as on 1/21), 66 hours 32 minutes on the stairmaster, 47548 calories burned. 14410 floors. 311.48 miles.
Okay I was a porker 5'11 @ 394 was my highest. I was so overweight I had to get a special scale. I started doing the weight watchers on 04/06 and no about 10 months later I have lost 95 pounds and have about 100 more to go. I started going to the Gym in November and doing cardio only using this, I am going to get one of these in the next 2 weeks so that I can work out 2x a day for 35ish min. This will burn around 800 cals a day for me at 305 pounds being 31 years old.
Okay I was a porker 5'11 @ 394 was my highest. I was so overweight I had to get a special scale. I started doing the weight watchers on 04/06 and no about 10 months later I have lost 95 pounds and have about 100 more to go. I started going to the Gym in November and doing cardio only using this, I am going to get one of these in the next 2 weeks so that I can work out 2x a day for 35ish min. This will burn around 800 cals a day for me at 305 pounds being 31 years old.

congratulations:smile: Sounds like you are heading in the right direction, personally I prefer the lifestyle ellipticals , crank up the resistance and work away but whatever works for you. I am sure you will find now that since you are working out you are also more conscious of what you eat. Keep us updated on your progress. If you haven't you should take a before and after picture, sure it will amaze you. When you start feeling more comfortable you should think about some weight training, more muscle = more calories burned in a day.
congratulations:smile: Sounds like you are heading in the right direction, personally I prefer the lifestyle ellipticals , crank up the resistance and work away but whatever works for you. I am sure you will find now that since you are working out you are also more conscious of what you eat. Keep us updated on your progress. If you haven't you should take a before and after picture, sure it will amaze you. When you start feeling more comfortable you should think about some weight training, more muscle = more calories burned in a day.

Thanks, I watch everything I eat now and I do have some pic's it's funny when I went out to dinner with my parents they did not even know it was me lol. I want to knock this last 90 pound out in 4-5 months, I know what to do and it's not hard anymore. It's nice being able to move and not be out of breath. Also I am going to get a trainer I am just not sure when because I want to get some more weight off so that I can see the results. Also I have used the lifestyle stuff but I like the Precore better and I don't like the rowing motion at all.
Also I am going to get a trainer I am just not sure when because I want to get some more weight off so that I can see the results. Also I have used the lifestyle stuff but I like the Precore better and I don't like the rowing motion at all.

I hardly use the handles, but just prefer the motion. As for weight training, I would do both when you are comforatble. you don't have to think about them sepeaately, by lifting weights you will also lose weight. To my friends that just start and want lose weight and tone, I tell them to lift for 30 minutes and do cardio for 30 minutes.

I do understand that the gym can be intimidating especially with some of the meatheads around, so as you get comfortable around the gym think about training. There are some very knowledgeable people on this board too when it comes to trainig but ultimately do what makes you happy, otherwise you won't be working out long. I see too many people "force" themselves to go to the gym (not because they want to but because they feel they have to) and they are the ones that drop out the soonest.

Good luck
Congrats Ryan, I maxed out at 274 back in 2001, I'm a yoyo. I was down to 172 and 6% BF in 2003 and put back on 80 lbs by 2006. Sigh. I could NEVER commit to getting to the gym several times a week, I simply don't have the time. Lots of people use that excuse but it's true. Turning my office into a gym is the only way I can commit to exercising every day. I'm at the office and done with the stairmaster before anyone arrives.
That is why I am buying the machine I use at the gym, I waited for 15min last night to use a maching and said screw it and left without doing anything. At home I will have control of my workouts.
That is why I am buying the machine I use at the gym, I waited for 15min last night to use a maching and said screw it and left without doing anything. At home I will have control of my workouts.

Congratulations on your progress. You are definitely headed in the right direction. But remember it doesn't stop when the weight is shed. If you want to STAY fit, it must be a LIFESTYLE change... otherwise your body will eventually revert back when going back to your old habits. Best of luck
Anyone have an opinion on having liposuciton AFTER losing the weight? I've noticed each time I've gain more than the last time, prior to getting back into shape. Part of it is a carb issue, but the rest, I believe, is contributed to having more and more fat cells. Since the cells never go away, just 'flatten' out, I wonder if I should have lipo after I've lost all the weight.

I know it is mostly done prior to losing the weight, but 1) you normally need more than one surgery becuase it is only safe to remove more than about 6lbs at once (more surgery equalls 2 or 3x's the cost), 2) it would be a much easier surgery to endure because the Dr. wouldn't have to fight for hours with the fat, just reach in and suck out the cells.

Plus, having the surgery after the fact wouldn't feel like a cop out.