Don't take it as sexist but one look(female judging by your name) you were easily identified as someone who is not aggressive and won't retaliate or kick up your driving level up a few notches. If it were a rough tough type with prison corn rows in an NSX I probably think the lane change would be carefully reconsidered. Then again if the loud music were going that would be an attention getter. Be in the way..... bottom line. If you let the traffic run you, it'll run you right out of town....... out of Carolina to Florida as I see in your Avatar description. Sorry to be blunt and truthful. That's why I own an NSX.
Danny RED SR 71
REPEAL V.C. 22351:smile: :biggrin: :wink:
Danny RED SR 71
REPEAL V.C. 22351:smile: :biggrin: :wink: