How Fast is Fast for an NSX?

It strikes me somewhat odd a helicopter pilot doesn't intimately know his machine, car or otherwise, inside and out. Being on myself, and having therefore spent a LOT of time with OTHERS, I think a certain personality develops there. All the ones I knew were pretty vehicle savvy, especially if they were into performance vehicles... Not diming ya out, just sayin..... If ya get a little bird, you should let me fly it.... Smallest I ever flew was a jet ranger.
Bad Advice said:
my NSX max's out at 187 everynight coming back home from daily grind.
i wish i can go faster and cut down my commute time.
my commute is about 18 minutes from long beach to newport back and forth.

motor is stock, no modifications.

as far as the Z06 motor.
i think you should do it. someone has to be the front-runner to do it.
you can think and talk about it all you want until your blue in the face and everyone hating you for being a big talker and never getting it done.
do it, and get it done.

your username says it all... :rolleyes:
Indytech said:
I try to take a few pic's the next time I'm over at my hanger. It's really not much to look at, outwardly it looks like your typical puke green 914, with slightly fatter wheels and tires. There is a bunch of these cars out there, renigade sells the conversion kit for about 12K. They also sell totally trick engines for them for about 3500. I use to think my car wasn't a renigade conversion, but as before have also recently discovered it does have one of there engines, and was built with there parts.
Back in the mid-'70's I owned a 914. I always wanted the 916 version of it... until I saw a car magazine article of a 914 with a chevy small block conversion. If my memory serves me, it was in the mid to late70's. I recall that the conversion was not that expensive. I never investigated it any further after I lost the 914. I am now on my 2nd NSX and would never consider going back to a 914, but I was young then and it was the best I could do at the time. I'll never forget how the injector hoses were prone to leak... it always smelled of gasoline.
scorp965 said:
If someone would buy my Zee's exhaust I could swing the cost of a new flux capacitor.


il probably be the only one who gets this:rolleyes:
A 288 GTO huh :eek:
Thats a rare one. If you dont mind i would like to see a pic. Im not doubting you in any way. That is a very rare car. Not too many of those to go around nowadays.
Hello again Indy.

Im not sure why youre focused upon the 190mph speed. If you wanted to play with gearing that may even be attainable with a stock NSX, but you would obviously sacrifice much performance everywhere else.

Otherwise, if you're looking for "supercar performance", I think you can get it pretty easily by strapping on a supercharger. Easy bolt on for an NSX to get about 425 crank HP. In an NSX, that is a lot. I puts it *about* inline with a F360CS until aerodynamics take over at very high speeds (where in my experience the 360 starts to step away). It also puts you basically bumper to bumper with an F430, but only to about 120mph at which point the Fcar runs away.

But the question you ask is a good one. What can you get for not a ton of money today, that you can modify to run with "supercars" for not a lot of money, but still be as reliable as an accord and still have it be a true exotic.

I cant think of anything other than an NSX fitting that. Maybe if you play with an Exiges engine you could do something similar. Nobel is another good choice.
Ok. conserning the helicopter thing. Theres lots & lots of wanabee helicopter pilots outthere. There are not so many owners, but there out there. This is a car group not a Helo group. But if you must know I have about 1500hours in a Jet Rainger, flying traffic with a guy named "Chuck Street", in jet rainger 1, for KIIS FM. You guys can feel free to check that out if you like. There's a lot involved in owning a Helicopter, and yes I Know it intimatly, I can say I know exactactly down to the finest detail what it was made of. If you are a copter pilot, I'm sure you have heard of maintenance logs. Now I'm looking for my own turbine powered helo. So knock yourselfs out with this one.

OK the 288GTO thing, I never once ever said I owned a 288GTO. I said when I think of a Ferrari, this is the one that comes to my mind. I actually own a 348TS, I have not and probably will never own a 288, $.75M. Little up there for me.

On the 914 thing, yea I've never been able to really get rid of that damn gas smell. That probably the main reason I selling the car. I've cleared it up for a while, but it just keeps comming back.

Now on the intimate knowlage of details thing about cars. I'm an MIT grad, in Electrical Engineering. I almost became a Machanical Engineer, and changed my mind beginning my 4th Year. I have an intimate knowlage of many many techinical things. I don't have time to sit around and read car magazines. I prefer to spend an hour or so in my forums, with friends I've made, talking helicopters & cars. I enjoy the personal conversations.

Now any of you helicopter gus out there want to B.S., I spend a little time over on the Rotorway Usersgroup, in the Jet Exec Forum. I'm seriously considering building one of those. If I choose to do that I wont have time for my project car though, for a while.
Bio, it is just a bench mark speed for me. I like th idea of the supercharger, it's a simple upgrade, and would cost you the bank, like the norwood turbo job on a 348, 50K+.

I know this wont be well recieved by purests, but that Z06 Engine is pretty impressive. I was thinking about putting one in my 914, but I'm so sick of the car! I'm honestly thinking about trying is with the NSX. Thinking is a long way from doing though.

I'm interested in the supercharger.

The reason people brought up the 288 GTO was in your profile on Fchat, you list that as one of your previous cars owned.
I got mine up to 260km/h, and thats what my friend told me (actually he said 256 but i rounded up). I had to let off, thats really fast...really, really fast...

Putting a Z06 in an NSX is ABSOLUTELY, 100% possible....just pull out your wallet:biggrin: Thats a big dollar swap. If anything, get SOS to build your current NSX motor and boost the shit out of it. That will solve your problem.....


Indytech said:
Ok. conserning the helicopter thing. Theres lots & lots of wanabee helicopter pilots outthere. There are not so many owners, but there out there. This is a car group not a Helo group. But if you must know I have about 1500hours in a Jet Rainger, flying traffic with a guy named "Chuck Street", in jet rainger 1, for KIIS FM. You guys can feel free to check that out if you like. There's a lot involved in owning a Helicopter, and yes I Know it intimatly, I can say I know exactactly down to the finest detail what it was made of. If you are a copter pilot, I'm sure you have heard of maintenance logs. Now I'm looking for my own turbine powered helo. So knock yourselfs out with this one.

OK the 288GTO thing, I never once ever said I owned a 288GTO. I said when I think of a Ferrari, this is the one that comes to my mind. I actually own a 348TS, I have not and probably will never own a 288, $.75M. Little up there for me.

On the 914 thing, yea I've never been able to really get rid of that damn gas smell. That probably the main reason I selling the car. I've cleared it up for a while, but it just keeps comming back.

Now on the intimate knowlage of details thing about cars. I'm an MIT grad, in Electrical Engineering. I almost became a Machanical Engineer, and changed my mind beginning my 4th Year. I have an intimate knowlage of many many techinical things. I don't have time to sit around and read car magazines. I prefer to spend an hour or so in my forums, with friends I've made, talking helicopters & cars. I enjoy the personal conversations.

Now any of you helicopter gus out there want to B.S., I spend a little time over on the Rotorway Usersgroup, in the Jet Exec Forum. I'm seriously considering building one of those. If I choose to do that I wont have time for my project car though, for a while.

I find it odd as well that someone with "special cars" and helicopters doesn't know what kind of motor he has in his Porsche. Someone that flies helicopters should be a fairly responsible person, yet all I see is, "how can I go MPH?" Does Not Compute!

P.S. It's "concerning" "ranger" "intimately" "exactly" "ignore" "knowledge" "coming"
"mechanical" and "technical"

As everyone knows... I HATE FORUM NAZIS!!! But I guess when someone claims to have graduated from MIT, I expect that person may have written a term paper or two along the way and might know how to spell the word ranger, especially since you own or fly them. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go wax my INESSEX.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
Well Mr. Philli, I actually have met an awful lot of people in my life that aren’t very good a doing just about anything, except correcting peoples spelling. Now I’m not saying you fall into this category, but have achieved the first qualifier. Einstein couldn’t write worth a chit, but the guy could really crunch numbers. I have no intention of responding to any more condescending posts. If you don’t like me, you’re entitled to believe the way you want.
Sorry about that, the 288 I actually did own was a total. I had hope to restore it, never did, and ended up selling it for about 8K in a pinch. Happened when I was about 26. Long time ago. So go on baby light my fire.
Indytech said:
Now on the intimate knowlage of details thing about cars. I'm an MIT grad, in Electrical Engineering. I almost became a Machanical Engineer, and changed my mind beginning my 4th Year. I have an intimate knowlage of many many techinical things. I don't have time to sit around and read car magazines. I prefer to spend an hour or so in my forums, with friends I've made, talking helicopters & cars. I enjoy the personal conversations.

I would think a graduate of MIT could maybe spell better? Then again after reading all your posts I'm calling BS on all of it!
You know Kyle, I red you're profile. I starting to learn this group is a pretty young croud. I use to be a better writer, but I actually have professonals that edit my stuff, these days. So my writing, spelling, gramer skills have suffered as a result. I'm actually judged more for techinical content.
You know John McCain, you just cost yourself a vote. I do not and have never had very good writing skills. But you don't seem to know your MIT Grads very well. Do you think it bothers me you think I'm B.S.. I have much bigger fish to fry than worry about one silly poster in a chat forum.
Indytech said:
You know John McCain, you just cost yourself a vote. I do not and have never had very good writing skills. But you don't seem to know your MIT Grads very well. Do you think it bothers me you think I'm B.S.. I have much bigger fish to fry than worry about one silly poster in a chat forum.

When it's all said and done I'll be the president and you still can't spell. :biggrin:

What is your budget? If you want a true 190+mph NSX you will need clutch and suspention upgrades for sure. As far as power, I don't think anyone here can say that a vette motor is a good fit for the NSX. Part of the NSX IS the motor. Mine is completely stock and I love it just the way it is.

From what I have read during last year it seems the Science of Speed 3.8 motor is just what you need in addition to a weight reduction program. The 3.8 should put down 360 hp at the crank which is right up there with the hp that the vette puts out.

That would be a good starting place for you. If you put a few miles on the car and find it's just not fast enough someone out there will build you a supercharger/nos/turbo kit to get you over 500hp. Take your build in steps; that is if you are for real.