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How Fast is Fast for an NSX?

It may have been the tires. It has been my expierence, that any really high speed travel safely, requies the best of tires money can buy. You can have the best car, the strongest engine, world calss suspension, and ruin it all with a sub par set of tires. Goodyears are the worst.
Y aknow AMGNSX, I would be seriously pissed off at you, but your posts were funny, no really, and that is such a beautiful NSX you have there, I just have to give you a pass.
Indytech said:
You know Kyle, I red you're profile. I starting to learn this group is a pretty young croud. I use to be a better writer, but I actually have professonals that edit my stuff, these days. So my writing, spelling, gramer skills have suffered as a result. I'm actually judged more for techinical content.

Brilliant rebuttal sir. Defiantly the standard for excellence ingrained in you by the minds at MIT so many years ago. I call you out for writing at a 2nd grade level after announcing to god and country that you graduated from one of the most prestigious institutions in the world... and to that... you tell me that you looked at my profile and found that I'm 26 years old. Oh TOUCHÉ! On top of pictures of your phantom car, I'd also like to request a picture of your diploma from MIT.

<a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l141/sealiving/10f25cc1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
John McCain Racing said:
I would think a graduate of MIT could maybe spell better? Then again after reading all your posts I'm calling BS on all of it!

MIT Grad...lol, what is his full name and the year of graduation?

My buddies at MIT can look him up!!!
How Fast is Fast for an NSX?

I have no idea, 155 mph in my car feels like 80 mph in most cars.
So, I can say 155 mph isn't fast for an NA1 NSX.

(I am posting here for those other than the orig poster.....):biggrin:
this thread reminds me of one a while ago on Supra forums, where some guy (new to the board) starts asking some relatively innocuous questions, gets immediately flamed by a bunch of guys who have literally nothing better or more productive to do with their day. So the flame war goes on and on, and some super sleuth finds some cross posts on lambo chat or ferarri chat or something, and calls the guy on all the high end cars he supposedly owns... so the guy posts a pic of his 40 car garage with every awesome car you could ever dream of, complete with what looks like a castle or somehting in the background. Turns out a couple other guys on the board know the dude, and attest that yes, the $10,000,000 car garage is indeed his. All the flamers feel like morons and shut up thank god.

OK Professor IndyTech, where's the part where you prove me right? or do i have to eat my words here?

and on topic, my NSX pulls quite hard to 165ish but feels floaty above that. or at least it did before the bilsteins. i've not been above 155 since the install so can't comment. but that hard pull is with about 380rwhp.
peiserg said:
Turns out a couple other guys on the board know the dude, and attest that yes, the $10,000,000 car garage is indeed his. All the flamers feel like morons and shut up thank god.

I think we'd all love to see Indy's pics and shut up. Unfortunately he doesn't have any.
PhiAlpha44 said:
Well maybe having a serial # would give you access to post but anybody could still read.
Sorry if i offend anyone because i post but i am trying to purchase a car in the $45k to $53k price range and for that much money i have to ask questions.
Ya know I'm actually going to drive my 348 over to my hanger today or tomorrow. I might have my Merc there too. I might take a pic or two, I might not.

Kyle, man you need to lighten up, I barely new how to tie my shoes when I was 26, I actually went back to college when I was 26.

I suspect about this time in your life, your learning the perfect english skills don't really buy you much in line of income. I figure that's where all the anger is comming from.

I got "A" in english. I'm just not going to take the time and effort, to write a professonal quality document for an $$$hole like you. SOme people are angry, some are just $$$holes to the bone. How about you? Which one are you? What do you have to prove by bashing me? At what point did me being here, have any impact on you what so ever? Pretty hostile response. I elect the later, I think your just an angry person.

I really don't care if you believe me or not. Take your pick.
There's no reason to call people names. Don't let them get you that upset. Just take the 348 out and enjoy yourself.:smile:
As George W Bush said to the Yale graduating class, "To all the C students, I am here to tell you that yes, you too can be President."

Einstein's wife wrote most of his papers because he wasn't the best of writers.

You can graduate from Stanford and not be able to spell - especially if you play football!

Does it matter if he is a poser or not? He asked a question... a dumb one, about stuffing a LS7 into a NSX and everyone jumped on him.

BTW: Do you guys think we can stuff a Honda F1 V10 into the NSX, should improve the performance. (rhetorical question for all you tight asses) :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
Indytech said:
Ya know I'm actually going to drive my 348 over to my hanger today or tomorrow. I might have my Merc there too. I might take a pic or two, I might not.

Kyle, man you need to lighten up, I barely new how to tie my shoes when I was 26, I actually went back to college when I was 26.

I suspect about this time in your life, your learning the perfect english skills don't really buy you much in line of income. I figure that's where all the anger is comming from.

I got "A" in english. I'm just not going to take the time and effort, to write a professonal quality document for an $$$hole like you. SOme people are angry, some are just $$$holes to the bone. How about you? Which one are you? What do you have to prove by bashing me? At what point did me being here, have any impact on you what so ever? Pretty hostile response. I elect the later, I think your just an angry person.

I really don't care if you believe me or not. Take your pick.

Comtech, you're right. I was just half jokingly jumping to support a quick fix to get stupid threads off the forum. People need to be able to ask questions before they make a purchase, and there is truly no better wealth of knowledge than this site. My bad. :redface:

Indy, say what you want... I'm not the only person here that thinks you're full of crap. If you want to pull the "angry young man" card I guess that's fine. But what card do you pull on 20 other people asking you to just prove half of what you claim? I'm sorry you didn't know how to tie your shoes when you were 26. I'm also sorry you can't form a complete sentence at 40 or 50 or whatever you are.

"I suspect about this time in your life, your learning the perfect English skills don't really buy you much in line of income."

How do you explain this line of thinking? The last time I checked it's actually pretty hard to make it in a professional career these days without the ability to communicate properly. And if it makes you feel any better I'm applying to law school as we speak. Do you think they'll accept me if I let you take the written portion of my LSAT?

DeEr Admishinz bored,

I grajuatid from MIT. Pleez let me cum study law at yur SkOol.


A guy WiT Ferary's and a helocoppoler. :rolleyes:

P.S. Did you find any pictures yet?
Comtech, you're right. I was just half jokingly jumping to support a quick fix to get stupid threads off the forum. People need to be able to ask questions before they make a purchase, and there is truly no better wealth of knowledge than this site. My bad.
No worries, I love the site.
Indytech said:
I'm actully loving this. I hope you don't treat your boss like this, Kyle.

Indy, being the educated person like you claim to be, you sure sound very childish at this point. I'm sure that you are smart enough to know when to stop engaging, but you are as you say "loving this" tells me that MIT has not taught you much.

Also please do not use profanity as it is prohibited on this forum.

You have recieved the answers you are looking for if not, goto the FI (Forced Induction) section of this forum and just read the posts. You will find the answers your looking for without causing a quite a stir.

Please try to maintain whatever dignity you have left, for your sake.

"Don't let your mouth write a cheque your butt can't cash" - School of Hard Knoxx
ok for some visual entertainment on what happens if u drive 190mph on public streets....

*this is YOU going at 190mph


*this is YOU in jail with frnds




*in the end,

lesson here. DONT SPEED or go 190mph on public streets.

Disclaimer: These are just fictional smileys and they are not acutal events unless u do it!

no offence to anyone in particular, just havin a lil fun
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Ski_Banker said:
Regardless of troll or not...

If you want Z06 speed, you might as well get a Z06. It will be cheaper than trying to modify an NSX to get there, and will be new to boot.

RX7s are now routinely swapping LS engines. This year's USCC RX7 had a 521 rwhp/ 427 ci LS7 clone motor. Mark Crissman (Mark911) is currently working on a LS swap for his NSX- if anyone can do it, it'll be Mark. His previous setup with a Gruppe M SC just wasn't enough.


While I still think Indy is completely full of shit, I will give him credit for writing some fairly balanced (and NSX-positive) things in F Chat. So, he may be jerking around for entertainment here, but I do believe he genuinely appreciates the NSX.

Also, I could care less if he "proves it" -- a couple of the pissed off F chat guys called BS on me owning an 05 NSX and wanted to see pictures of me standing in front of Alicia with a sign saying "Ski_Banker" Guess what...I have better things to do than take pictures of myself holding a stupid sign to prove my self with a couple of random dudes on the 'net.:rolleyes: Indy -- if ya got pics, we'd like to see 'em. If not, I wouldn't expect you to go out of your way...I sure wouldn't.
Now we are on the right track, If Indy is really here to pick fights than why are you guys giving him what he wants?....It's just basic human social behaviour, if someone wants to bother you and you let them see that you are botherd, they will just take it to the next level because you have given them what they wanted.

It would seem to me that if we just responded to strange questions with kindness and factual information. it would go a long way to keep Prime civil.

If these people are really here to cause trouble and pick fights they would become bored with Prime and go away.
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I'd say 120 is pretty fast though 140 is also fast too. Are both too fast? Depends on ur skill level. For most people, 65 is too fast. Your vision, reaction, anticipation skill level and the car's capabilities = how fast is too fast.

Danny RED SR 71
REPEAL V.C. 22351
:smile: :biggrin: :wink: :tongue:
You know Ski, I might be trying to prove a point, then again I might really be trying to do a bit of a study to build a car. At this point, I would just like to say, your writing skills are out standing, so are some of the others, Mine aren't, as everyone has obviously noticed. Thanks for the support, you too are comming off my ignore list. Press on flamers, hit me with your best shot. I like the, "your a fake kind of stuff", I would suspect that if even the flamers were to happen upon the chance to meet me in person some day, even they would be adressing me as, "Sir", in agood way.

I'm moving on to some of the links I have been advised to read. Because I choose to do so, not because a bunch of nuckleheads drove me away, be assured of that, and I know there are, "in fact" really good people here.

This kind of thing lets me evaluate who I would really like to corrospond with. Best Regards Kent

P.S. By the way Acuras are truly great cars, Everyone here should be secure in this fact. The owners seem to me to be just as Passionate. So is my Diginity intact, or brused in the least. I'll let the honorble people here be the judge of that.