how do u guys buy your cars?

29 June 2003
fall river ma
ok i have 2 questions

1) how do u guys buy 91 and 92's all the banks i know of wont finance a car if its over 10 years old...and i sure as hell cant get a 30k personal loan being 20 years old

2) how bad am i gonna get stuck for insurance being 20 and considered a "high risk driver" step 15 i think...i know my corrado had me at like 2800 a year cus they considered it a 2 door v6 sports car...sounds like the same title as a nsx but the nsx being worth 3X more isnt gonna help:rolleyes:
I doing a home equity loan....
I'm sure you don't want to hear this, but I'm sure others will probably say the same thing. If you have cash, buy something first that will be an investment. I got a house first, got some equity in it, and now I'm able to leverage that to get an nsx without the hassle of a bank loan, but my interest in deductable on taxes... another bonus.
At your age, you've got plenty of time left to get an X, get your insurance rates down so it won't kill you so much in the pocket book and build some personal equity, and then pull the trigger!
I'm glad I waited, I could never imagine getting raked across the coals by not only a bank but insurance also just so that i could get an X.
But it's your call as well, you know your financial situation better than i. I'm just speaking by what i'm going through right now in my search.
what do u think a x would cost a month? i mean i dont wanna be puttin more than 1/2 my pay to a car every month...i want like 700 total including payments and ins.
boostCreep said:
ok i have 2 questions

1) how do u guys buy 91 and 92's all the banks i know of wont finance a car if its over 10 years old...and i sure as hell cant get a 30k personal loan being 20 years old
It's not that they won't make a loan on a car that is 10 yrs old. Rather, it has more to do with you being 20. Be thankful! A few of us who would have no problem getting a loan on a 91/92 NSX sure can't get what you have........a minors drivers license. ;)
When I was 20, I was working my way through school and could not have dreamed of buying something frivolous as the NSX (let alone any car), even if I had the funds. I rode my bike until my Junior year in college, then my parents let me drive their Geo Prizm - and I was extremely grateful to them for it too. So sorry if I don't feel particularly sympathetic toward 20yr old somethings who can't buy NSXs.

Unless you are one of the fortunate few to have hit the jackpot by way of family money or business smarts, invest in yourself first. For most of us, the NSX is a reflection of our success--not in spite of it. As cute as the stories about "getting an NSX while you're young" are (for example here and here), it just plain isn't smart to saddle yourself with indulgence types of debts when you're so young.

Here's an inspirational story about the virtues of patience:
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Ditto to what everyone else said.

I also think that buying an NSX entirely on credit - which is what you're talking about doing - is a very bad idea. Not only because of what it does to your finance rating (bad) and what it means for your overall financial status (bad). But... let's say you buy that NSX for $30K that you borrowed, and suddenly it needs a new clutch, or needs to have the A/C fixed, or some other unexpected repair that might cost $2-5K. What are you going to do - sell the car the first time it needs a repair?

Get the car when you can afford it. An NSX is a luxury, especially in a climate where you can't count on it as a daily driver twelve months a year. If you are spending half your paycheck on a car - ANY car - then you are making a big, big mistake. If you already have a car for transportation, put away that half of your paycheck for something else. Save it. Invest it. If you can stick to your plan, you will probably find that five years from now, (a) you have quite a bit of money saved up, and (b) you will find other priorities for that money, such as perhaps a down payment on a home. And if you keep saving instead of spending, you will eventually establish enough financial security where you CAN afford an NSX or some other car without going broke doing so.
I have to say, I really respect what PHOEN$X and nsxtasy have to say. I also think getting a car like the X should be a reward to yourself for hard work or a great accomplishment you have achieved. It is a pinnacle car, and its ownership should reflect that success one way or another. I look at my NSX every day and think how lucky I am to be financially able to afford it, and the most important part is knowing it wont put me in a bad spot with any other obligations I have or ones that pop up.
Many might not agree with the way I purchased mine, but I thought it was right for me. Originally I was saving up money over the years to pay for one in cash. What I ended up doing was taking out a secure personal loan on the money I had saved up through my credit union. This way, I have no lean holder on my title as I paid for it in cash to the owner and I got a low interests rate from my bank because it is a secure loan with my money in my savings covering the full amount just in case I don't make payments. The money in my account is still earning the savings interests as well. After I pay off my car, I still have 100% plus intererst earned on my orignal amount ($30K+) in my savings.
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yea but im not some lil punk having it given to me or workin at mc donalds...i work like 55 hours a week and i feel i need to reward myself for working like this...i make decent $...about 700 a i mean the car wouldnt leave me eating scraps every cars have been my only hobby since b4 i got my i dont have anythin else to support...u guys might be right tho...maybe its not the right car for me...:(
What you do with your money is your own business. While it may be smarter, as others suggested, to put it elsewhere, I can't fault you on wanting an NSX as a reward to hard work. It is an excellent goal and the ultimate present to yourself. If you can't get a loan, go to, who is changing their name I believe soon. They finance 91 NSX's with no problems, unless your credit sucks. Sorry, but I didn't have time to read every post, so forgive me if that was already covered.
I don't think there's anything wrong with you putting your money into an NSX. You're young and you should enjoy yourself. You will probably have more fun with the car at your age than most of the older guys here. At least you are getting something for your money and not wasting it like most kids do.

However, insurance is another story. If your insurance is so high that you will be sinking a large percentage of your money into that, then maybe you should get a different car. Unlike putting money towards a car payment (where you are getting equity in the car), insurance IS a waste of money since you get nothing in return.

See if you can insure the car under your parents policy. That should lower your rate significantly.
I'm not about to lecture you on virtues of money management.
With that said, I will say this:

If you can afford it, get it.
If you can't afford it, don't get it.
If you can't afford it and get it anyway, you are the one to blame.

I'm a firm believer of "to each his own."
It's your money, do whatever you want with it--RESPONSIBLY.
Cars are a waste of money. Invest your money in income property first. After just a few short years you will be able to buy your car and let the extra cash flow from your investments make your payments. Be smart not impulsive !! If you are really sharp you will buy a duplex for a first house and let someone else make half your mortgage payment. Trust me on this one. If you make smart investments you will be able to buy whatever car you want, when you want and the price won't be an issue. Best of all you won't be working to pay the bankers.
i thank every one for their feedback...i do appriciate the people that make me think twice b4 i jump into this....but the other cars ive looked were..
1)fd rx7...great car but one miss step and your in for a 3k rebuild...and i dont wanna be paying for a car thats sitting in my yard with a blown engine

2)a s2000...the best thing about this is a existing warenty...even if i do have something happen i will have a lil insurance...but im not too fond of convertables

3)MB clk 430...ended up being too expensive...kindad "yuppyish" for me anyway

4)nsx...what can i say...ive always liked them and seeing a few inperson this weekend just made it even worst for me.....

anyway if i see the right car ill look into it...another bonus i have is i have a friend that wowns a dealership so i could get one from the auction at cost if one ever came thru there
boostCreep, I think I'm in a somewhat similar situation as you (even from MA). I'm a little older at 23. I've been working full time for about a year now. I've been looking into buying a new car for the past 6 months or so. I've looked at rx7s, supras, evo, sti, s2000 and the nsx. I came to the same conclusion with the rx7... awesome car but the suspect reliability scared me away. Supras are nice, but expensive and a little "played out" now. Evo and STI are great cars, but pretty ugly imo. So I eventually decided on the NSX based on reliability, performance and price.

It was a tough decision for me due to the large amount of money. I realize it's not the best decision financially for someone our age, but I figure as long as you're not over exerting your finances you should live a little while you're young. I thought long and hard about saving money for a down payment on a house instead of the NSX but a couple things made me decide against the investment in housing. For one, houses around Boston are so ridiculously expensive now. It worries me how much they've gone up in value recently. Mortgage rates are great right now, but I wonder if houses will hold their current values. I know property has rarely ever gone down in value, even after factoring in inflation, but has housing ever increased in value as quickly as it has the past couple years? Memories of the stock market's extreme rise and fall of 2000 scare me. The economy is pretty crap right now, jobless rates are the highest they've been in a while.... everyone is buying houses now to take advantage of the low mortgage rates... what if a lot of these people buying houses are over exerting themselves in order to take advantage of these rates?... what if these people start losing their jobs? There could be a lot of foreclosures on houses. This could hurt property prices. This is just my opinion, I'm no where close to an expert on property investment. Also, I'm young, I want to move around. I don't plan on settling in one place for a while so I don't really want to be tied down with owning a house.

To sum it up, I ended up purchasing a NSX about a week ago. I don't have the car yet, but I’ll let you know how I feel about the purchase in a week or 2 after I’ve had the car for a bit =) Right now I'm pretty happy with the decision. I'm about a step 14-15 in MA and I was quoted about $2000 a year for insurance. I tried to get financing through but I was turned down. This wasn't due to bad credit. It was due to lack of credit history. I have perfect credit for what little credit history I have. I'm guessing you might face the same problem. I ended up financing through a local credit union. They wouldn't offer me money for the full price of the car, but I had money save up that I was able to pay the difference with. Monthly payment plus insurance takes up about 1/5 of my monthly post tax income so I don't really feel like I’m stretching my money to thin. My (very long winded) advice to you is if the nsx car payment + insurance + housing + food is taking up 100% of your income then purchasing the car probably isn't a good idea. U'll sleep better at night knowing you're not on the verge of financial destruction. Divide up your monthly income... of what's left over after housing, food and necessities put a little into a 401k, save some so that u'll be able to make a down payment on a house in a couple years (down payments for first time buyers are often pretty low) and if you have money left over after that, get the car. Make sure to have some money left over to take all the cute girls u meet out on dates ;) Pretty lame is u own a NSX and have to go to Wendy's on every date. Good luck.
I agree with the majority saying that purchasing a NSX is a milestone, something you should purchase after you are somewhat financially secure and have made more important (IMO) purchases like a home. I always told myself that after graduating from college I would buy a NSX. However, this would have meant that I lived at home. Well, at the end of my senior year I met my future wife (getting married this October) and we both decided to buy a house together. My NSX dreams were again put on hold. I am now 26 and after 5 long years I finally purchased a 1995 NSX-T.

Although it was hard waiting that long, and I thank my fiance for putting up with my constant nagging about purchasing my dream car, I feel that the 5 years enabled me to grow up a little and appreciate what I had. Now I look in my garage and realize the rewards of all the hard work and patience. I feel that the home was the most important purchase we made, with the NSX coming in a close second of course!
I bought it cash.

And the NSX has been the best investment I did. Back in March 2000 I was REALLY into hi-tech/hi-risk stocks.

If I did not take money out of it to buy the car... that money would now be worth 10% of the peak value.
With the NSX I still have about 75% of it! :D

Good news: I jumped out the ship at the right time to buy the NSX (peak of the hi-tech bubble). :D
Bad news: I should have bought a Modena :eek: since what remained in stocks since March 2000... now... oh well... :mad:
gheba_nsx said:
I bought it cash.

And the NSX has been the best investment I did. Back in March 2000 I was REALLY into hi-tech/hi-risk stocks.

If I did not take money out of it to buy the car... that money would now be worth 10% of the peak value.
With the NSX I still have about 75% of it! :D

Good news: I jumped out the ship at the right time to buy the NSX (peak of the hi-tech bubble). :D
Bad news: I should have bought a Modena :eek: since what remained in stocks since March 2000... now... oh well... :mad:

At least u got a NSX. I only took out enough to put an expensive stereo in my car :mad:

This reminds me of something funny i read a while back. You would have been better off taking your money out of stocks at the peak and investing it all into BEER than keeping the money in certain tech stocks (cmrc, jdsu, cmgi are a few that come to mind). Why? Because in a lot of states you get $.05 back for the return of an empty beer bottle.
gheba_nsx said:
I bought it cash.

And the NSX has been the best investment I did. Back in March 2000 I was REALLY into hi-tech/hi-risk stocks.

If I did not take money out of it to buy the car... that money would now be worth 10% of the peak value.
With the NSX I still have about 75% of it! :D

Good news: I jumped out the ship at the right time to buy the NSX (peak of the hi-tech bubble). :D
Bad news: I should have bought a Modena :eek: since what remained in stocks since March 2000... now... oh well... :mad:

That's what I did - bought my '97 outright in October '00 with 5,300 miles, Acura certified. Only a year before I bought my truck outright (most I ever spent on cars in a year's timespan). Had that money been invested in the market, would've gone to pot! :)
I should have bought a '97 too... I was too greedy and I thought that I would have been able to duplicate the money in one year... :eek: :p :rolleyes:

All frieeds (also into stocks) tought I was really crazy in buying something at that time. Money was only good to buy ...garbage... ehm... stocks... ;)

Result? One of them lost 300k$... that is a MURCIELAGO, a Mercedes S-class and money... or a small apartment!!! ;)