How do people treat you on the road?

When the big earthquake hits ur nax will depreciate severly if its in the garage.

lol i know... its not up to me, given the choices... i'd rather have a garage right now. the owners want to store stuff there and that is the only way i can have garage parking.
I usually get a whole ton more respect driving the NSX over my daily (red miata with a rollbar) I get lots of thumbs up and smiles. Though I will get the occasional "ricky racer" in his integra/civic/WRX/Cobalt/etc. that is out looking to prove something. Sadly the times I get the most static from people is when I am getting fuel...most times I'll grab a few people's attention just driving into the station and then when I get out everyone will dismiss me as some rich kid (or so I feel as their smiles turn to sulking faces of disappointment). Oh well, I bought the car because I love to drive it on the street and on the track.

On track I get nothing but praises for having/tracking the NSX at 24! :biggrin:
This is luck (or bad luck) of the draw. Its a dramatic stretch to assume the average person knows what an NSX is, or if they did would really be all that impressed, now that it has been 6 years since it was even available in the US and going on 20 since it sold in any kind of volume.

The folks who *do* recognize it will be the ones who wave, take a picture, give a thumbs up, etc. And even they may not know what it is, but they know its *something*.

Jackoffs who barrel through 4 way stops arent disrespecting you personally in all likelihood. They're just jackoffs.

Most "regular" folks think the NSX is some kind of Camaro or Corvette to be honest.

All of that said, one thing to be aware of is that some folks just have a kind of blanket disgust for sports cars in general. Then in CA you add in the eco nazis who have a blanket hatred for anything they assume guzzles gas, and your odds of running into someone annoying on the road get pretty high! :D
well Living In LA with a NSX that's is showroom condition(IMHO) I get the driver that pulls up along side me and eye balls me to death thinking I'm a actor or athlete, the " ricky racer" always, always passes me then slows to look at the front of the car, I think it's becuase they expect to see pop up lights not fixed xenon's. More times than not I am treated like royalty !
Im in Los Angeles DT and SGV area. When I commute with my NSX. Other drivers are nice and yeilding, People tends to Let me in there lane if I signal. I do get some looky loos when Im on an open road. They would drive up a little close to look at the car. But then again when I drive the NSX, I leave plenty of room around me.

I find people cut me off more often when I drive my wife's Mercedes.
Honestly, I think you are giving yourself and the car too much credit (no disrespect intended); people/drivers are so much into their own worlds (driving/talking/texting) they give you (and me) no consideration at all. Not only that, but the reality is in the sea of metal that out on the road, the NSX is actually difficult to spot since it's so low, so it's actually possible they don't even SEE you . . . It's good to change your mindset with you get in the car to full-on defensive driving, that's true in any car, but even more so in the NSX. JMO, KH
Car people around here always give my X respect and praise. And frankly their's are the only opinions I care about at all. People who think it's a vette or an F-car...I could care less about what they think.

On the road I'm just super-defensive in the X. Lots of crazy's out there...lots of road rage and way too many cell phone users and texters.
I don't care about ricers revving, aggressive roided guys -with small penises- in huge trucks, trying to run on top of me, lol, etc etc , I just get annoyed when everybody is driving like a grandma, then I am coming and passing, then EVERYBODY turns into a BAD TERRIBLE race car driver ... that f****g bothers me, argh LOL
Being disrespected; may it be someone cutting you off, driving too close or etc, in my opinion, doesnt have much to do with the type of cars you drive. It is just a matter of luck or chance that you ran into a rude driver that day. I drive all types of cars, including the Zanardi, and I get "disrespected" ALL the time.

With that said, I will conclude that I dont think they are disrespecting you or your car.. These days, people are just always behind schedule and they will risk arms and legs just to save that 15 seconds from their day!!

Ignore them and Enjoy the ride!!

I second that! I was driving my wife to the train station in her MDX. It was on a weekday morning and we were on the CA110 (Pasadena Freeway for us Angelinos) in the fast lane when a Nissan Pathfinder got on my tail. Although it was heavy traffic, everyone was traveling around 60. I guess that this guy just could not stand it any longer, passed me on the right, and dived bombed in front of me almost hitting me and the car in the number 2 lane. All of this just to gain one space in the line of cars.

As for disrespect when in my NSX, I have had mixed experiences. Often when I come to a stop sign, other drivers let me go first. I get an occasional ricer (but lately also new Camaro's) that cuts me off. You do have to watch for tall vehicles, mostly because they don't see you. So, I try to stay out of everyone's blind spots. The only real complaint I have is when those pesky Toyota Prius's tail gate me, flash their lights, then pass me. Who do they think they are!
lol, yeah well the OC is what it is...

i do pass for 20, eventhough i am 30, so i guess that is one possible cause.

and my NSX is a stock red NSX... not prelude or accord or whatever. lol.


Be careful of the imminent Avalanche off your port bow...!
I noticed today while driving my NSX that people totally disrespect me... i was at a 3 way stop, i stopped to let the guy go with right of way, then start to go as it is my turn... instead i have to slam on the brakes as the next two cars just floor it to cut me off. :eek:

I kind of dismissed it as another random a-hole encounter, but then it happened AGAIN! :mad:

Last time people were so rude to me on the road was a few years after i had my Subaru. (when all the kids were starting to buy used ones and wreaking havok) Prior to that, my Integra. No one ever was so rude to me when I drive my 300ZX TT or even my GTI.

Is this just people hating because I have a nice car or do NSX drivers drive like pricks and deserve such negativity?

Could be jealousy or it's just plain ol Cali driver.

People are here are super impatient, like someone mentioned above dive bombing just to get 1 car ahead when it's a traffic jam.

Regarding annoying driving behavior, I hate the one where someone (opposite traffic) makes a left turn in front of you when there's no one behind you????:confused:

Why couldn't the idiot just wait until I go by and then make the left turn?