How do people treat you on the road?

29 January 2011
I noticed today while driving my NSX that people totally disrespect me... i was at a 3 way stop, i stopped to let the guy go with right of way, then start to go as it is my turn... instead i have to slam on the brakes as the next two cars just floor it to cut me off. :eek:

I kind of dismissed it as another random a-hole encounter, but then it happened AGAIN! :mad:

Last time people were so rude to me on the road was a few years after i had my Subaru. (when all the kids were starting to buy used ones and wreaking havok) Prior to that, my Integra. No one ever was so rude to me when I drive my 300ZX TT or even my GTI.

Is this just people hating because I have a nice car or do NSX drivers drive like pricks and deserve such negativity?
First of all, I think people on the road today are all crazy. Everyone is in such a frantic rush to get where they need to be -ten minutes ago, they have no common courtesy.

For me, when I'm in my NSX I tend to notice more, all the people taking wrong turns, tailgating, running lights/stop signs etc. This is because I am more protective of my NSX than say, my Toyota Taco. When I drive my truck I could care less how others are driving. But in my NSX, PLEASE keep your distance!!! I am weary of larger vehicles that may not see me.

Also, I definitely agree with you, people are haters. A couple weeks ago I had just crossed a stoplight going forward and some lady in an old beater almost rammed me from behind. Fast! It's a 25mph zone and she was doing 50+. I pulled into the median to let her pass, and she did so while showing me her middle finger. She got stuck at the next red:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: A-hole's are EVERYWHERE, good luck!:frown::smile:

Idk about stop sign etiquette in reference to the NSX, but when I was in either the NSX or my S30Z, the general IQ of the area within a 500ft radius of my car decreased, especially on the interstate where everyone was going in one direction and the speed was higher.

I was nearly run off the road WEEKLY in the NSX, primarily by drivers of lifted trucks trying to prove something.

Both the NSX and Z attracted fairly seedy types of people. People who have stuff to prove, like cars, dislike others, but don't know how to find the proper outlet to enjoy them. Attitude issues.
I have noticed in a couple of occasions where people tailgate the hell out of me and then do a fly by, but in general it feels the same as I have always had experience here in Massachusetts (Although everyone here tends to drive like an a***ole in a rush :D).

At red lights I haven't yet experience anything out of the ordinary no body has purposely cut me off yet. Although I don't really drive on the highway much when I do drive the NSX. It's usually a twisty back road from my house to work that has very little traffic :) so I'm not usually surround by crazy people when driving it.
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Its just something you have to deal with as we all share the roads. Some days you will find good and some days bad. I do find that its best to be the bigger person and let things slide to a point and just be calm and watch out for myself as its not worth it to get into it just to prove a point.
Its just something you have to deal with as we all share the roads. Some days you will find good and some days bad. I do find that its best to be the bigger person and let things slide to a point and just be calm and watch out for myself as its not worth it to get into it just to prove a point.

Great advice, Bailey. I do the same. I drive a NSX for me, not to prove anything to anyone else.
I noticed today while driving my NSX that people totally disrespect me... i was at a 3 way stop, i stopped to let the guy go with right of way, then start to go as it is my turn... instead i have to slam on the brakes as the next two cars just floor it to cut me off. :eek:

I kind of dismissed it as another random a-hole encounter, but then it happened AGAIN! :mad:

Last time people were so rude to me on the road was a few years after i had my Subaru. (when all the kids were starting to buy used ones and wreaking havok) Prior to that, my Integra. No one ever was so rude to me when I drive my 300ZX TT or even my GTI.

Is this just people hating because I have a nice car or do NSX drivers drive like pricks and deserve such negativity?

First off let us see a photo of the NSX that was being disrespected.

If it doesn't look "menacing" like my cars or looks "ricer" then ur in for a treat.

I get uber respect all da time. An example would when I took my time to do a 7-point turn (yes I'm one of those guys that don't want to take a chance on snagging the NSX on a curb, for example).

Instead of getting the horn I was getting a look or awe, someone busted out their phone camera and was snapping away. even got a smile and thumbs up.

I also consult for free of charge if u want to have the "respected look". I have up the respect factor with many other lessor cars than the NSX.

The red NSX doesn't get as much respect and fear as the black one.



man i wish nsx clear would make the matching reflector marker.:smile:

nice nsx btw
well its stock and red...

i haven't been cut off again, but i still get a different reaction to the car... its like they like the car, but hate on me for owning it. ah well.
Odd, I don't have any issues really. The only things that I seem to notice is people impatient if I have to crawl over a speedbump/hump or occasionally getting boxed in on the highway and unable to change lanes because someone is next to me "looking" or trying to take a pic with a damn camera phone.

I honestly think how your car LOOKS and your AGE are the two biggest factors. If it's heavily modded and you're in your 20's, I can see more disrespect than if it's lightly modded or OEM and you're 30+.

Just my thoughts.
It's because you live in the OC and dont drive a BMW. seriously, what are you thinking?! Trade in your NSX to lease 330i and all the hating will go away. Who cares if you will never truly "own" a car; you will have "free" scheduled maintenance.
lol, yeah well the OC is what it is...

i do pass for 20, eventhough i am 30, so i guess that is one possible cause.

and my NSX is a stock red NSX... not prelude or accord or whatever. lol.

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Dude, what happen to your center cap?? Anyway, dont worry about dump ppl on the road. Just enjoy your nsx. They just jealous of your car. :-)

Drive far away from people, dont make eyes contact, keep the windows up and tinted. You are good to go.
first off let us see a photo of the nsx that was being disrespected.

If it doesn't look "menacing" like my cars or looks "ricer" then ur in for a treat.

I get uber respect all da time. An example would when i took my time to do a 7-point turn (yes i'm one of those guys that don't want to take a chance on snagging the nsx on a curb, for example).

Instead of getting the horn i was getting a look or awe, someone busted out their phone camera and was snapping away. Even got a smile and thumbs up.

I also consult for free of charge if u want to have the "respected look". I have up the respect factor with many other lessor cars than the nsx.

The red nsx doesn't get as much respect and fear as the black one.




that murdered out x looks pure sexyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Dude, what happen to your center cap?? Anyway, dont worry about dump ppl on the road. Just enjoy your nsx. They just jealous of your car. :-)

Drive far away from people, dont make eyes contact, keep the windows up and tinted. You are good to go.

weight reduction. :wink:

yeah the car is a blast to drive, i don't really care what others think... it just got a little dangerous when people are cutting me off and trying to run me off the road. it hasn't happened again, so maybe that was just a rare occurance.

i'll get rimz and drop it like its hot some day... but for now i'm just enjoying the drive. :smile:
Speaking of weight reduction, your garage needs some major reduction. Lol :biggrin:

Every time i drive the x it reminds me y i got it in the first place. Nothing compare to it..
Its just something you have to deal with as we all share the roads. Some days you will find good and some days bad. I do find that its best to be the bigger person and let things slide to a point and just be calm and watch out for myself as its not worth it to get into it just to prove a point.

Well put.
I don't try to flatter myself anymore and think people do mean or nice things in traffic based solely on the type of vehicle I'm driving.
Being disrespected; may it be someone cutting you off, driving too close or etc, in my opinion, doesnt have much to do with the type of cars you drive. It is just a matter of luck or chance that you ran into a rude driver that day. I drive all types of cars, including the Zanardi, and I get "disrespected" ALL the time.

With that said, I will conclude that I dont think they are disrespecting you or your car.. These days, people are just always behind schedule and they will risk arms and legs just to save that 15 seconds from their day!!

Ignore them and Enjoy the ride!!
the open road is indeed a huge rorschach test for everyone.People drive with emotion and on the road we are all equal,be you a ceo or a stockboy, and people will make judgements about you based on the car you drive.......the key is to always remeber the exotic drivers codes of conduct....