How bout them Lakers?

It is funny. When the othe team plays physical, then "Lakers is a weak, finess team that can't match up physically". And when Lakers plays tough and matching the physical play of the other team, then "Lakers are a dirty team".

Why don't we just remove Lakers from the NBA? Whatever they do is wrong anyway. Why don't we just award Houston the 2nd round?

If you want to complain, then, go through the game from start to the end. Tell me there are no bad calls to the Lakers and there are no aggresive plays from the Rockets. Again, be objective!:mad:

Doraemon again it is you who is in fact not being objective. The words "physical" and "dirty" respresent two different things. Nobobdy says the Lakers should not be playing physical basketball.. But all the plays IN QUESTION were DIRTY!! Nobody on the Rockets is kneeing and elbowing people, so theres no "matching the other teams physical play".
How can you even begin to argue that Kobe does not see preferential treatment when he throws an elbow to Artest' throat and doesn't even get a foul called (in fact Ron was whistled), meanwhile Dwight Howard is tossed out and receives a suspension.
Derek Fisher's play was clearly "dirty" and not physical. Why is Kobe not getting technicals every time he clearly continues to trashtalk all the way down the court after every made jumpshot??
Its actually an easy answer - It would hurt the NBA's revenues.
Majority of Laker fans wouldn't even argue otherwise.. its just those who can't be "objective".
"On the Bryant-Artest play, the two were battling for rebounding position when Bryant struck Artest with his elbow. Artest immediately began gesturing and arguing that he had been elbowed in the neck, but replays appeared to show Bryant's elbow striking Artest on his upper chest, just above the "R" on Artest's Rockets jersey." -- Chris Sheridan, ESPN (who likes Houston and predicted Houston will win in 7)

Just like the play in game 1, you clearly are making the assumption that Kobe premeditated the fouls. Clearly, there should be a foul called. However, there is nothing "dirty" about it, but incidental contacts while playing "physically". How about all the jersey grabbing, the little bumps from Rocket players (especiially Artest) when Laker players going to the foul line to shoot free-throws and the concealed push on every pick-n-rolls and moving picks. If you want to call any play dirty, then, call everything you see.

"On the Fisher foul, the replays appeared to show clear premeditation -- which usually is enough for the league to tack on an accompanying one-game suspension. But replays also showed the actual foul against Scola happened when Fisher lowered his shoulder and knocked Scola over, with Fisher only swinging his elbow on the follow-through." -- Chris Sheridan, ESPN

"Fisher's play included a borderline flop, but the hit was pretty blatant, so I wouldn't be surprised if Jackson gives him the night off on Friday." -- Michael Lee, Washington Post

Yes, Fisher should get one game suspension, however, it is not a "dirty" foul. As you can see it clearly, Scola wins an Oscar for besting all the soccer players who plays the game.

Be objective is to see it from both angles, not just your own.
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As a Houstonian, it's hard to watch a game that resembles the was an entertaining game, but when Artest gets an elbow to the neck, is charged with a foul, AND is ejected while Kobe isn't even charged with a feel as if there is a conspiracy in the NBA. If Rafer Alston is suspended for the "slap" to House's head, but Fisher isn't ejected...then we know that the league is truly "biased".

I was there at the game. There was a lot of rough stuff going on between Kobe and Ron Artest. Ron was playing just as dirty and the two had a little thing going on trying to mess with each other while the refs weren't watching. The elbow was weak, this is what happens in competitive games. Kobe is competitive when it comes to everything including mind games. Him getting Artest ejected is exactly what he wanted so the big loser is Ron Artest. The ref calls seemed ridiculously in favor of the Rockets. It was a rough night for the refs. Nothing special going on in the officiating overall, this is NBA basketball. It was a fun game to watch...

Here's a shot I took of Kobe 1st quarter onslaught. :)

Game 3 tonight!!!


Lakers better steal this one from Houston. I have a feeling the Lakers are gonna start Shannon Brown tonight. We'll see...:biggrin:
Solid win tonight. A little soft on the boards but a 48 minute effort.

Farmar should start game 4 and Bynum and Brown both earned more minutes as well.
Man, the ref is so bad... The Artest foul was so clean that how can it be flagrant II? Artest can't be a dirty player. It is that Kobe Bryant dude that is dirty....:confused:
Man, the ref is so bad... The Artest foul was so clean that how can it be flagrant II? Artest can't be a dirty player. It is that Kobe Bryant dude that is dirty....:confused:

Oh ron...:redface:

what an utter diappointment...back to back that even real?
Hoo hoo...Lakes win game 3! Lots of bad calls on both sides. Artest shouldn't have received a flagrant 2/ejection...he was playing the ball. Wafer leans far left into Sasha AND doesn't even let go of the ball...gets a 3 shot foul! Lakes in 6 baby!
this just in....:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Yao Ming is out for the rest of the playoffs if none of you guys have heard already. Is this is a good or bad thing? My thoughts...well, it's good in a way and bad that the Rockets can play a more fast-paced game. However, Bynum and Gasol's gonna have an easier low post game the next two games if the Lakers can pull those two off and win it at home.
i don't think the Lakers are even on the playoff map this year playing like this. DAMN!:mad:
Was this a playoff game, because it seemed like they were brain dead.

Too much Zen from the Zen master :rolleyes:...On the good ads an extra game on the schedule for me to watch, win or lose.
Well, being that the games are all fixed, they can't make as much money on the games if the Lakers sweep every team. :tongue:

Will all the money the lakers have...i wouldn't be surprised. but c'mon least don't let the LA fans suffer a heartattack. but ya...down 29 at some point in the game ESP in the playoffs is something to look into even with the run they had through the last minute.
Will all the money the lakers have...i wouldn't be surprised. but c'mon least don't let the LA fans suffer a heartattack. but ya...down 29 at some point in the game ESP in the playoffs is something to look into even with the run they had through the last minute.

Phil Jackson has always been one to rest his players well. So why not let them rest during an entire game?